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1、The Study Abroad Foundation, Mainland China Office This agreement is hereby made by and between the SAF Mainland China Office, abbr. SAF (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and program applicant (hereby referred to as Party B). Responsibilities and obligations of both parties are defined in the fol

2、lowing terms. Please read this agreement carefully and sign by both parties for confirmation. Party A has responsibilities and obligations to: i. Plan and coordinate the whole program; ii. Answer questions from Party B and their parents about this program; iii. Guide Party B to prepare application d

3、ocuments, check documents and submit documents to host university; iv. Communicate with the host university-University College London for application problems; v. Receive offers and immigration documents; vi. Guide Party B to prepare and check immigration documents, arrange visa interview seminar; v

4、ii. Arrange pre-departure seminar for the program; viii. Arrange oversea accommodation and help Party B to communicate with host university for accommodation issue; ix. Arrange oversea airport pickup issues; x. Arrange air tickets reservation for Party B, offer reservation plan and quote after Party

5、 B finish application; xi. Arrange staff to manage the program, help to solve Party Bs program during program time; xii. Provide program report after finishing the program. Party B has responsibilities and obligations to: i. Application and Admission I understand that I am applying to the SAF Langua

6、ge and Culture Program at University College London and guarantee that I have reached 18 years of age. I certify that the statements I have made on this application are true and correct and all available information have been supplied herein. I understand that I am responsible for the outcome if I d

7、ont provide required documents. I understand that SAF Mainland China Office will assess the applicants qualification on the basis of application documents, and SAF Mainland China Office reserves the right to deny an applicant if information provided by this applicant is determined to be incorrect. I

8、 hereby authorize the SAF Mainland China Office (SAF) and its designated representatives to reproduce my completed application materials and any other references in support of this application and to release them to University College London, their personnel and to third parties for essential busine

9、ss (e.g. insurance provider, England immigration services, and airline) as well as SAF staff. I understand that the documents will not be returned after sending to the host university- University College London. Application materials will be destroyed six months from proposed program commencement da

10、te. I understand SAF will not leak applicants information or use applicant information for other purposes except for application unless it is agreed by the applicant. ii. Financial Responsibilities I have read the description of the programs and fee explanation (Agreement Appendix Fee Explanation) f

11、or which I am applying and accept the program arrangements as offered, including financial commitments. I understand that I am fully responsible for my educational and living expenses while on the 2015 Summer SAF Language and Culture Program at University College London. iii. Housing I understand an

12、d agree that I shall live in the accommodation arranged by SAF and will not live alone during my stay in England. I understand and agree that living in housing arranged by SAF is a requirement of the program to which I have been admitted. I further understand and agree that if I refuse or fail to li

13、ve in program housing, I will subject to dismissal from the program. 此协议目的为明确SAF与申请学生双方的责任与义务。其中甲方为SAF国际项目中国办公室(以下简称SAF) ,乙方为项目申请人,请认真阅读下面的项目协议,确认无误后请双方签字确认: 甲方责任与义务:甲方责任与义务: 1. 负责整个项目的策划、组织、协调; 2. 负责解答学生及家长与项目有关的问题; 3. 负责指导学生准备申请材料,检查申请材料并汇总材料递交海外大 学; 4. 负责与海外大学沟通申请相关问题; 5. 负责接收录取通知书及签证材料 6. 负责指导学生

14、准备签证材料,检查签证材料、进行签证指导; 7. 负责组织行前指导会,提前让学生做好出行准备; 8. 负责学生在海外的住宿安排,并协助学生与海外大学沟通住宿事宜; 9. 负责安排海外的接送机事宜; 10. 负责为参与项目的学生提供机票预订服务,SAF会在学生完成项目申 请后,提供具体的机票预订方案及报价; 11. 项目进行期间,SAF将派带队老师全程进行项目管理并协助学生解决 问题 12. 项目结束后,向学生提供项目总结报告。 乙方责任与义务乙方责任与义务 申请和录取 我知道我正在申请 2015 年暑期 SAF-伦敦大学学院语言文化项目。我 保证我已经年满 18 周岁。我声明申请材料中的信息是

15、真实、正确、完整 的。 我明白如果由于我未提供所要求的文件从而导致申请不成功, 后果将 由我个人负责。我知道 SAF 国际项目中国办公室也将根据申请材料对申 请者做出审核, 对于提供虚假信息的学生, SAF 有权拒绝学生的项目申请。 我授权海外学习基金会(简称 SAF)全权处理我的申请材料,并将申 请材料提供给伦敦大学学院及其工作人员、和主要服务供应单位(如:保 险公司、英国国家移民签证服务和航空) 。 我知道申请材料一旦递交给海外大学, 将不予退还。 申请材料将在所 申请项目开始六个月后被销毁。我知晓 SAF 承诺不会泄露学生资料,在 未得到学生允许的情况下, 不得将学生信息用于除和项目申请

16、相关外的任 何用途。 经济责任 我已经阅读了我现在所申请项目的介绍以及项目费用说明 (见同意书 补充说明) , 我明白我需要对我参加 2015 年暑期 SAF-伦敦大学学院语言文 化项目期间的费用负完全的责任。 住宿 我知道并且同意由 SAF 来安排我在英学习期间的住宿,并保证项目 期间都会住在 SAF 统一安排的住宿地点,不单独住宿。这是我被 SAF 项 目录取的前提条件。我明白并且同意如果我拒绝或没有住在 SAF 安排的 住宿,我将可能面临被撤销参加项目的资格 PROGRAM AGREEMENT The Study Abroad Foundation, Mainland China Office iv. Air Ticket I understand and agree that my round trip international flight with SAF team is a requirement of the program



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