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1、专项提能计划完形填空(四)夹夹叙夹议类夹议类At the end of my senior year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop.I thought the job would be _ and stressfree.I _ myself pouring the best coffee,making delicious doughnuts(甜甜圈),BAand becoming friends with regular customers.I wasnt expecting the people with

2、 enormous orders,the women who _ that the coffee was much too creamy(含乳脂的),Bor the men who wanted their iced coffee remade again and again until _ reached perfection.I couldnt seem to _ anyone.BBOne rainy day,one of my _ customers came in looking upset.He said he felt like getting in bed,pulling the

3、 sheets up over his head.I knew exactly how he _.CDBefore he left,I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee.He was _ ,since he hadnt ordered anything but coffee.I gave him his favorite type of doughnut.“Its on me,” I told him.“Have a nice day.”AHe smiled and _ me before heading back out into the

4、 rain.The next day,it was still _.I spent my afternoon hanging out the window handing people their orders.I was completely _ and freezing cold.Worse,BBCno one was _ that night.Every time I looked into our empty tip jar,I grew more _ .In the evening,the customer coming the day before drove up to the

5、window.He handed me a pink rose and a _.ADCHe said that not many people took time to _ others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a _ wave,he drove away.DAI ran to the back of the shop and read the note.It read:Christine,Thanks for being so sweet,kind and thoughtful yes

6、terday.It is so nice to _ someone whos genuinely nice.Please dont change our ways! Have a great day!BHank_ that,whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee,I _ Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile,hold my head up high, _ my throat and ask politely “How can I help you?”BAC1A.difficult Beasy Cunco

7、mfortable Dsuccessful2A.pictured Btaught Csaw Dfelt3A.provided Bcomplained Csuggested Dshowed4A.the women Bit Cthey Dthe men5A.control Bplease Cknow Dunderstand6A.favorite Bfamiliar Cregular Dstrange7A.got Bbecame Cgrew Dfelt8A.surprised Bhappy Csatisfied Dsad9A.helped Bthanked Casked Dfound10A.fine

8、 Braining Csnowing Dcloudy11A.tired Bworried Cwet Ddisappointed12A.tipping Bhelping Ccoming Dwaiting13A.amazed Bglad Canxious Ddepressed14A.paper Bbook Cnote Dpen15A.help with Btake care Clook out Dcare about16A.friendly Blonely Clively Dlovely17A.need Bmeet Clearn from Ddescribe18A.Before BAfter CB

9、eside DBehind19A.thought of Breminded of Capproved of Dinformed of20A.make Bcure Cclear Dtouch破题题思路这这是一篇夹夹叙夹议夹议 文。一个不经经意的善举举,一颗颗知道感恩的心,就会让让温馨和真情如火花般蔓延,温暖世界的每个角落。疑难难剖析1I pictured myself pouring the best coffee,making delicious doughnuts(甜甜圈),and becoming friends with regular customers.(Paragraph 1)该该

10、句是一个简单简单 句,使用了“picture(用作动词动词 )宾语宾语 补语补语 ”结结构,其中,补语补语 由三个并列的现现在分词词构成。句意:我想象着自己倒着最好的咖啡,做最美味的甜甜圈,还还有和老顾顾客们们成为为好朋友。2I wasnt expecting the people with enormous orders,the women who complained that the coffee was much too creamy (含乳脂的),or the men who wanted their iced coffee remade again and again until

11、it reached perfection.(Paragraph 2)这这是一个复合句,两个who引导导的定语语从句分别别修饰饰the women和the men。此外,that引导导的名词词性从句作complained的宾语宾语 ,until引导导的是一个时间时间 状语语从句。句意:我一直没有预预料到顾顾客会有这这么多的指示,女顾顾客抱怨咖啡里放的乳脂太多,男顾顾客要求冰镇镇咖啡一遍遍地重做,直到他们满们满 意为为止。名师师支招解答完形填空中的词汇词汇 辨析题题要完全依托于对语对语 篇的理解。因此,解题时题时一定注意语语篇的作用,务务必在通读读全文的基础础上,瞻前顾顾后,试选试选 答案。比如

12、本文的第10题题,四个备选项备选项 都可描述天气特征,从文章的第三段可看出这这是下雨天发发生的事,又从句中的still一词词可知应该应该 是还还在下雨。小贴贴士 夹夹叙夹议夹议 型完形填空中,作者先叙述一个事件,然后就此事件提出自己的见见解;纯议论纯议论 形式的完形填空一般直接提出论论点,通过论过论 据论论证证,最后作者提出自己的看法。1对对于夹夹叙夹议夹议 形式的完形填空要把叙和议结议结 合起来考虑虑,注意事件和论论点之间间的关系。2对对于纯议论纯议论 形式的完形填空,在掌握全文主旨的情况下,抓住每段的首句是非常重要的。3理清文章的论论点、论论据和结论结论 。一般来说说,能说说明论论点的主要内容的答案可以在论论据里得到印证证,论论点里某些答案也可以与论论据结结合起来,形成相辅辅相成的关系,前后一致。本部分内容讲解结束按ESC键键退出全屏播放


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