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1、2010 年年北美北美托福口语托福口语精准版机经精准版机经 B 版版 毛毛 亮亮 B 版收录版收录 2010 年年 32 套北美机经中的套北美机经中的 14 套套 更新时间更新时间 2011-09-08 . 2010.10.9NA=2009.6.27 NA =2009.6.27CN . 2010.2.13NA . 2010.10.22NA . 2010.9.24NA . 2010.6.19NA . 2010.8.21NA . 2010.9.25NA . 2010.8.13NA . 2010.1.30NA . 2010.1.16NA . 2010.3.12NA . 2010.3.6NA . 20

2、10.3.20NA . 2010.5.8NA=2010.5.8CN 2010.10.9NA=2009.6.27 NA =2009.6.27CN 1. Describe a big change that happened in your country recently. It might be social economical or political changes. Explain how this change has influenced the way people live in your country. Use specific reasons and details to

3、 support your answer. 2. Some students would like to live with local families in home stay when they are studying abroad. Others prefer to stay alone or stay with their friends. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. 3. 【学校通知】学校决定下学期把自动售货机 vending ma

4、chine 从 corridor 搬走。 1、It always sells the food few of nutrition, and it is harmful for students health condition. 搬走 can help to encourage students to eat healthy. 2、Students can purchase whatever they like from the grocery store nearby. 【学生态度】女生反对 1、她认为学校应该用 healthier food such as nuts, orange jui

5、ce 在售货机上卖。And it will encourage student to have a healthy diet. 2、对于学生,在 vending machine 买东西更方便。课间时间太短,同学们没有时间出校门买小吃。Besides, the grocery stores often close early at night. 同学在图书馆 stay up late for the review work. 复习结束后就买不到吃的了。 4. 【阅读材料】夸大 (magnification) People focus too much on negative side of th

6、ings will become self-accusation and suspicious, which greatly barriers their chances to seize success thereafter. 【教授讲座】 教授举了自己儿子的一个例子。 儿子想当演员, 大一第一次在大学演出而且 was cast a big role. 父母都去学校剧场看演出了。 表演的很好 awesome, convincing, impressive。after the performance, 父母给儿子祝贺,但儿子却很 depressed。因为他犯了一个小错误,忘记说一句台词。父母说

7、别人根本意识不到, 但 He concerns too much about his forgotten lines in the performance 实际上 the audience didnt know at all。第二年,学校又有个表演的机会,他放弃了,从此绝了做演员的梦。 5. 【学生困难】女生遇到一个 time conflict. 女生明天有个重要的生物考试,但是她忙碌的 医生老爸今天来看望她,说要一起吃饭然后 go to the theatre to watch a play. 这样她没时间复习了。 【解决措施】 1、取消跟老爸的约会,但是很可能会让爸爸失望。 2、只吃饭不看

8、戏,但这样女生还是会没有 enough time to review so she would have to stay up late. 6. 【讲课要点】 教授说鱼浮在水里需要有东西帮助他们 to do so, since all fish have the tendency to sink. 一般鱼类有 two features to help them float in water: Feature 1. 鱼鳍 fin。鲨鱼的例子。鲨鱼长着两个 fins,它们的原理和飞机的 wings 一样。所 以他要不停地游才能 push the water below its fins and k

9、eep itself from sinking Feature 2. 鱼漂 swim bladder。 梭子鱼的例子。 梭子鱼 pike 有种特殊的 bladder, 就像 inflatable balloon一样, 它从水里呼吸的时候一部分氧气就存在swim bladder里面, 所以是个suspension equipment,增加了 buoyancy, 就算它不游也沉不了。 2010.2.13NA 1. Describe an activity do you like to attend in school, explain why you enjoy this kind of acti

10、vity. Please include specific reasons and example to support your answer. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists should have talents. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. 3. 【个人倡议】学生建议学生组织成 volunteer group 来 pick up the rubbish in the campus. 1、校园地上的

11、垃圾很多,posters 也很多,校园看上去不整洁。 2、 【学生态度】女生反对 1、学校很大,人也很多。刚扫干净,又会有垃圾,posters 撕了还会有人再贴,效果不好。 2、学生到学校是学习的,不是做志愿者的。如果校园变干净,学校要花钱雇人叫专人来清 理校园。 4. 空缺 5. 【学生困难】男生遇到了一个打印材料的麻烦。由于早上匆忙,将资料文字打印出问题了(可能文字重叠) 【解决措施】男女各给出一条建议 1、再重新打印一遍材料。男生担心换一台新的电脑再去打印,但是马上要上课了,来不及。 2、和教授解释。 6. 信息不全 【讲课要点】鸟窝的两种搭建方式: 1、把巢建的高高的,藏起来。 2、让

12、母的在家看小鸟,公的去找食物什么没太清楚。 2010.10.22NA 1. Which of the following three activities do you like to join in for volunteer work, doing activities with children, planning in garden, or community cleaning ups? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 2. Some people think students should study

13、in classroom and others believe they should go to field trip like visiting museums and zoos to obtain knowledge. Which do you think is better for students and why? Include specific reasons and details in your response. 3. 【个人倡议】学生写信:建议学校改造 student writing center, because it is crowded. 方案 1、hire mor

14、e tutors。 方案 2、open on weekends。 【学生态度】女生同意 理由 1、 There are so many people there, and student would not need to wait for a long time with more tutors, since there are only two tutors right now and it will be easily crowded. 尤其当学生 去改 paper 的时候, 要排很长的队。 Hiring more tutors to help students would be a b

15、etter choice. 2. Student usually have free schedule in weekends because they have no class on weekends unless they have to work, then there will be less people in weekdays so students can be benefited. 4. 【阅读材料】Generation effect 生成效应 Customers would remember the name of products if they generate the

16、mselves. 【教授讲座】 A research demonstrates this theory from two commercials of soft drink called splash. 1. 第一组实验中,给参加试验的人看第一个广告。Repeat the name and characteristics of the drink several times(how fresh and fruity), but in later interview most people forgot the name. 2. 第二组实验中,给参加实验的人看第二个广告。It is the same at the beginning as the first one, but this time it ended up with a question: What is the name of the soft drink? Then nearly all


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