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1、51能源动力系统及自动化专业本科培养计划能源动力系统及自动化专业本科培养计划能源动力系统及自动化专业本科培养计划能源动力系统及自动化专业本科培养计划 UndergraduateUndergraduateUndergraduateUndergraduate ProgramProgramProgramProgram forforforfor SpecialtySpecialtySpecialtySpecialty inininin EnergyEnergyEnergyEnergy & PowerPowerPowerPower SystemSystemSystemSystem andandandan

2、dAutomationAutomationAutomationAutomation一、业务培养目标一、业务培养目标 1 1、EducationalEducationalEducationalEducational ObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectives 本专业培养具备能源动力系统与自动化方面基础知识,适应社会发展和行业需求,能在国民经济相关部 门从事动力机械与动力工程的设计、制造、使用、安装、维修、管理、试验研究、开发、营销等方面工作的, 具有创新精神与实践能力的高级工程技术人才。Tocultivate advanced technical talen

3、ts who have all round development in morality, intelligence and physique, posess the creative spirit and practical ability, adapt the need of socialist market economy, have the basic knowledge of Energy & Power System and Automation Engineering, can be engaged in the work including design of power m

4、achine and power engineering, research, manufacture, use, assemble, maintain, manage, test and so onin varies national economic department.二、业务培养要求二、业务培养要求 2 2、EducationalEducationalEducationalEducational RequirementRequirementRequirementRequirement 本专业学生主要学习动力工程及工程热物理的基础理论知识, 学习各种能量转换及有效利用的理论和技 术,受

5、到现代动力工程师的基本训练;具有进行动力机械与热工设备设计、运行、实验研究的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.具有较扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文、艺术和社会科学基础; 2.较系统地掌握本专业的技术理论知识,主要包括工程力学、机械设计基础、流体力学、工程热力学、 传热学、电工与电子技术、控制理论及企业管理等基础知识; 3.获得本专业相关的工程实践训练,具有较强的计算机和外语应用能力; 4.具有能源动力系统与自动化所必要的专业知识,了解该学科的前沿知识及其发展趋势; 5.具有较强的自学能力,创新意识和较高的综合素质。 The students mainly study the

6、 foundation theories and basic knowledge of power engineering and engineering thermal physics, accept the basic training of power engineer. The undergraduate students would grasp the knowledge and ability illustrated as follows: 1. Grasp necessary basic knowledge and skills on natural science and en

7、gineering and have certain humanity, social science knowledge . 2. Systematically grasp necessary basic knowledge and skills on the specialty, mainly including engineering dynamics, the foundation of the machinery design, engineering thermal physics, hydromechanics, electrics and electronics, contro

8、l theory and management. 3. Get practical training of the specialty and having good application ability of computer and foreign language. 4. Have specialty knowledge of the thermal and power engineering, and grasp the development of the specialty. 5. Have good self-study ability, creative consciousn

9、ess and good synthesis nature.三、主干学科与主要课程三、主干学科与主要课程 3 3、 MajorMajorMajorMajor DisciplinesDisciplinesDisciplinesDisciplines & MajorMajorMajorMajor CoursesCoursesCoursesCourses 主干学科:动力工程与工程热物理,机械工程 Major Disciplines: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal Physics, Machine Engineering 主要课程:工程力学、机械设

10、计基础、电工与电子技术基础、工程热力学 A、传热学、流体力学 B、自 控原理与应用 B、热能与动力机械测试技术、内燃机学、动力装置原理与设计、动力机械制造与维修、制冷52压缩机、制冷原理与设备等 Major Courses:Engineering Mechanics, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering & Electronic Technology, Engineering Thermal Mechanics & Heat Transfer, Hydromechanics, The

11、 Principle and Application of Auto-control, Thermal and Dynamical MachineTestingTechnique,Internal Combustion Engine Theory, Technology of Thermal Energy and Motor Power Machinery Design,Automobile Engine Design , MotorcycleTheoremandDesign,MotorcycleEngineDesign,Principle&DesignofMarinePower Plant,

12、Manufacture & Maintenance of Power Machinery etc.四、特色课程四、特色课程 4 4、CharacteristicCharacteristicCharacteristicCharacteristic CoursesCoursesCoursesCourses 内燃机学、动力装置原理与设计、动力机械制造与维修 Internal-combustion Engine Theory, Principle & Design of Marine Power Plant,Manufacture & Maintenance of Power Machinery.五、

13、学制与学位五、学制与学位 5 5、 LengthLengthLengthLength ofofofof SchoolSchoolSchoolSchool andandandand DegreeDegreeDegreeDegree 修业年限:四年 Duration: 4 years 授予学位:工学学士 Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineer六、最低毕业学分规定六、最低毕业学分规定 6 6、 G G G Graduationraduationraduationraduation C C C Creditreditreditredit C C C Criter

14、iariteriariteriariteriaCredit Criteria of Different Kinds of CoursesTotal 总学分Required Courses 必修课学分Selective Courses 选修课学分Practice Courses 集中性实践课学分Study Credit after Class 课外学分200120.52942.58七、各学期课内教学环节学时分配表七、各学期课内教学环节学时分配表 7 7 7 7、HoursHoursHoursHours inininin a a a a SemesterSemesterSemesterSemest

15、er DistributionDistributionDistributionDistribution TableTableTableTable学期 Semester第一学期 1st第二学 期 2nd第三学 期 3rd第四学 期 4th第五学 期 5th第六学 期 6th第七学 期 7th第八学 期 8th合计 Total总教学周数 Total Weeks2119202020212021课内教学周数 Curricular Weeks141815181617130课内学时Curricular Hours专业选修模块 12623764204222253292130专业选修模块 2262376420

16、4222252952460专业选修模块 32623764204222253232190周学时Week Hours专业选修模块 1192128231419240专业选修模块 2192128231417190专业选修模块 319212823141917053八、理论教学进程表八、理论教学进程表 8 8、T Theoryheory C Courseourse ScheduleSchedule课程 类别 Courses Classifi -ed课程 性质 Courses Nature课 程 名 称 Course Name学时/ 学分 Hrs/Crs其中(学时) Including各学期学时分配 Hours Distribution in a Semester实验 Exp.上机 Oper- ation实践 Prac- tice课外 Extra- cur.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th公共基础课PublicBasicCourses必修课RequiredCourses思想道德修养与法律



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