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1、学林出版社 第一册普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材Beyond Oxford Practical college English Course 学林出版社 BackNext Types of Transport交通方式 Road Accidents交通事故Unit 1NineTable of ContentsGetting Around 出行交通学林出版社 Focus1 contentBackNext S: Various types of transport L: We can afford a Polo or something L: More cars or more buses S: P

2、lanning the travel to the Three Gorges R: Professional Help W: Making comments on some means of transportation Types of Transport 交通方式Focus语音:表示对比的词学林出版社 focus1starter1. Starter Various types of transport BackNextLook at the various types of transport below. Group the pictures in the right list, usi

3、ng the words in the box.car tramcar double-deck bus ship bike boat subway airplane学林出版社 1. Starter Various types of transport BackNextPrivatePublicShort distanceLong distancecarbikeboattramcardouble-deck busshipsubwayairplanecar tramcar double-deck bus bike boat subwaycarship airplane 学林出版社 2. We ca

4、n afford a Polo or something Jane is worrying about the traffic to her workplace. Listen to the tape or CD and choose the best answer to each question. 2. Im homesickBackNext1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Jane will start her new job tomorrow.B. Jane has got work in a company.C.

5、 Tom suggests that Jane be on time.D. Tom suggests that Jane get up at four tomorrow morning.D. Tom suggests that Jane get up at four tomorrow morning.学林出版社 2. We can afford a Polo or something 2. Im homesickBackNext2. How long did Jane spend on her way for the interview? A. About 1 hour. B. About 2

6、 hours.C. About 3 hours. D. About 4 hours.3. What does Jane suggest they buy? A. She suggests they buy a Beijing Jeep.B. She suggests they buy a Chery QQ.C. She suggests they buy a Buick or a Ford.D. She suggests they buy a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep. C. About 3 hours.D. She suggests the

7、y buy a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep. 学林出版社 2. We can afford a Polo or something Tom: Tomorrows your first day at work, Jane. You should be on time. The first impression is important. Jane: Yes, Tom, I know. Im afraid I have to get up at four tomorrow morning. Tom: Why so early? Jane: Im s

8、erious. I tell you, when I went to the company for the interview, it took me more than three hours to get there. Tom: So? Jane: So I suggest we buy a car. Tom: Thats just what I was thinking about. But what to buy? Of course we cant afford a Buick or a Ford. Jane: But a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Bei

9、jing Jeep is not beyond us. Tom: You have a point there.BackNext学林出版社 Notes 1. You should be on time. 你要准时。on time准时 e.g. This meeting is very important. Please be there on time. The teacher always comes to class on time. 英语中和on time容易混淆的短语in time的意思是“及时”。e.g. He returned home just in time to see hi

10、s cousin. 注意两者的区别:in time表示在规定的时间点前后都可;而on time表示在规定时间点之前或规定的时间点到(不能晚)。BackNext2. We can afford a Polo or something 学林出版社 2.Im afraid I have to get up at four tomorrow morning. 明天我恐怕四点就要起床了。在口语中,Im afraid 意为“恐怕”,主要用来委婉地提出异议或说出令人不快的事情等。e.g. Im afraid (that) he is ill. Its too expensive, Im afraid. 3.

11、I tell you, when I went to the company for the interview, it took me more than three hours to get there. 告诉你吧,我去公司面试的时候,在路上花费了三个多小时。I tell you或Ill tell you用在句首,引起对方对将要讲述内容的注意。BackNext2. We can afford a Polo or something 学林出版社 4.Thats just what I was thinking about. 我也正是这样想的。what I was thinking about

12、为表语从句,just为副词,表示“正好,恰恰是”,起强调作用。 e.g. This carpet would be just right for the dining room. The twins look just like each other. 5.But a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep is not beyond us. 但我们还是买得起大众波罗、奇瑞QQ或北京吉普的。beyond sb. 超出某人(支付等的)能力e.g. A color TV is beyond him. These problems are beyond Tom.

13、 BackNext2. We can afford a Polo or something 学林出版社 6.You have a point there. 你说的有道理。这个句型表示同意对方的观点。e.g. Its meaningless to spend so much money on clothes. You have a point there. BackNext2. We can afford a Polo or something 学林出版社 3. More cars or more buses A man is leading a group of people through

14、a busy street. Listen to the tape or CD and complete each question. BackNextFocus 1 31.What job does the man most probably do?He is most probably _.2.How does the woman usually get around in her hometown?She usually gets around _.3.Why doesnt the woman ride a bicycle?Because there are many hills in

15、her hometown, so it is rather difficult to _.a tour guide by bus ride a bicycle学林出版社 3. More cars or more buses BackNextFocus 1 34.Why doesnt the woman drive a car?It is too expensive for her to _.5.What is the bus system like now in the womans hometown?It has become better with _.buy a car more lines introduced 学林出版社 TapescriptM: Ladies and gentlemen, we are now on the busiest street in our city. Do you find anything different here from your cities? W: Yes, Mr. Wang. Im very much surprised by the large number of cars



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