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1、高考英语中that从句巧解 课件巧辨巧辨thatthat引导的从句类型引导的从句类型 怎样区分区分thatthat引导的定语从句、同位引导的定语从句、同位 语从句、主语从句和强调结构语从句、主语从句和强调结构呢? 可采用“ “成分法成分法” ”、“ “试加法试加法” ”、“ “试减试减 法法” ”、“ “还原法还原法” ”。 现分述如下: 成分法成分法 1.1.定语从句定语从句可采用“ “成分法成分法” ”,分析that引 导的从句的句子成分, 如如thatthat在从句中充当主语或宾语,则此在从句中充当主语或宾语,则此 从句为定语从句。从句为定语从句。 例如:1)You must do ev

2、erything that that I do.2)A plane is a machine thatthat can fly. 根据“成分法”句1)中充当宾语,句2)中充 当主语。故句1)、2)中that引导的从句为 定语从句。试加法试加法 2.2.同位语从句同位语从句可用“ “试加法试加法” ”,即在名词,即在名词 和从句之间加系动词,和从句之间加系动词,使该名词和从 句构成一个新的句子构成一个新的句子。 如果句子通顺、合乎逻辑,那么从句就 是同位语从句。同位语从句。 例如: 1)We heard the news that our team had won. 2)The fact tha

3、t he had not said anything surprised everybody. 根据“试加法”,句1)、句2)可改写成: 3)The news was that our team had won. 4)The fact was that he had not said anything. 句子3)、4)通顺,合乎逻辑,故that引导的从 句为同位语从句。 还原法还原法 3.3.主语从句可用主语从句可用“ “还原法还原法” ”,即把thatthat引导引导 的从句调到句首,去掉句首的的从句调到句首,去掉句首的It It,再加再加 句子剩余部分。句子剩余部分。如新句子意思不变, 合

4、乎逻辑,则该从句为主语从句从句为主语从句,否 则为其他从句。例如:1)Its rule thatthat he gets up at six oclock every morning. 2)Its clear thatthat he has finished his homework. 按“还原法还原法” ”句1)、句2)可构成新的句子: 3)That he gets up at six oclock every morning is a rule. 4)That he has finished his homework is clear. 句子3)、4)意思不变,通顺、合乎逻辑,故 that

5、从句为主语从句。试减法试减法 4.4.强调结构强调结构采用采用“ “试减法试减法” ”, 即把句子中”It be.that”的这一框架去掉 ,如句子剩余部分(可给以位置上的调整 )意思通顺,合乎逻辑;that则是强调结构 的标志,否则为其他从句。例如:1)It was the goats eyes that he had seen in the darkness. 2)It is you that are wrong. 根据“ “试减法试减法” ”句1)、句2)该成新句子: 3)He had seen the goats eyes in the darkness. 4)You are wron

6、g. 句3)、句4)通顺,合乎逻辑,故句1)、句2 )为强调句。牛刀小试 试用上述方法来判断下列句子的类型:试用上述方法来判断下列句子的类型: A.宾语从句 B.主语从句 C.定语从句 D. 同位语从句 1. Im surprised (that) I didnt see all that before. 2.It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. 3. Where did you get the idea that I could not come?4.The foreigner wh

7、o visited our class yesterday is from Canada. 5.They arrived at a farm house in front of which sat a small boy. 6. I am curious as to what he will say. 7. That she will refuse the offer of help seems unlikely. 8.Ill see to it that your problem will be dealt with immediately. 9.It doesnt matter whether she will come or not. 10. Word came that Mr. President would come and inspect our school himself. Keys: 15ABDCC 610ABABD



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