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1、才思教育考研考博全心全意才思教育考研考博全心全意更多资料下载:更多资料下载: QQ: 12751814761398338755咨询电话:咨询电话: 4000719069华南理工大学 2011 年MTI 硕士入学考试华南理工大学 2011 年MTI 硕士入学考试第第 1 卷:基础英语卷:基础英语Part 1: Vocabulary and grammar.(30 POINTS)01Please explain your statement. I have no _ what you are talking about. A. contemplationB. normC. notionD. ima

2、gination 02On August 18th the president announced a general _ for political exiles. A. yogaB. adoC. quartetD. amnesty 03When two straight lines meet, _ an angle. A. formedB. it is formedC. they formD. to form 04 It is not _ much the language as the background that makes the novel difficult to unders

3、tand. A. thatB. thatC. soD. very 05The machine got somewhat eroded, but this oil will _ it well. A. extinctB. decorateC. illuminateD. lubricate 06The digestive enzyme pepsin breaks down proteins into components _ readily absorbed by the human body. A. that can beB. and areC. which theyD. are to be 0

4、7 _ the precise qualities of the hero in literary works may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant. A. WhateverB. Even thoughC. In spite ofD. Regardless 08The baby monkey _ to its mother all day. A. heldB. graspedC. clungD. stuck 09_ at in this way, the sit

5、uation does not seem so desperate. A. LookedB. LookingC. To lookD. Being looked 10Because caricature tends to emphasize the peculiarities of a subject, _ an effective vehicle for pictorial satire. A. which is oftenB. and often seen asC. it is oftenD. many of which are 11It is absolutely essential th

6、at Mary _ her study in spite of some leaning difficulties.才思教育考研考博全心全意才思教育考研考博全心全意更多资料下载:更多资料下载: QQ: 12751814761398338755咨询电话:咨询电话: 4000719069A. will continueB. continuedC. continueD. continues 12Please _ the staff that the inspectors will be here on Monday and let them make good preparations. A. mo

7、difyB. ratifyC. rectifyD. notify 13The meeting took on a different after _ his moving speech. A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma 14In the nineteenth century, Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Perkins School for the blind, _ for children in Boston, Massachusetts. A. that institutesB. while instit

8、uted C. was an institutionD. an institute 15People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into powder _. A. water to be addedB. for adding water then C. and water addedD. and then adding water 16While she had the fever, she _ for hours. A. ravedB. sniggered

9、C. perforatedD. tittered 17Seeing the General coming his way, the soldier stopped and gave him a smart _. A. toastB. saluteC. tributeD. solution 18Often very annoying weeds, _ and act as hosts to many insect pests. A. that crowd out less hardy plants than goldenrods B. crowding out less hardy plants

10、 by goldenrods C. the goldenrods crowding out of less hardy plants D. goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants 19If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will _ you. A. scaleB. scaldC. shunD. shunt 20Starting around 7000 B. C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere _ tem

11、peratures warmer than at present. A. with experience ofB. experienced C. experiencingD. experience 21Did you get any _ when you are dismissed from your job? A. fundB. loanC. bonusD. compensation 22 When you are suffering from _ you have red spots on your shin and you feel as if you have a cold. A. a

12、pathyB. schizophreniaC. impotenceD. measles 23He was _ on the telephone so I asked him to speak more clearly A. mutteringB. grumblingC. gropingD. shuddering 24Now, with the _ and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion. A. adventureB. advan

13、ceC. adventD. adult 25They _ evidence and threatened witnesses not to tell the truth to anyone else. A. producedB. fabricatedC. createdD. manipulated 26Is there any possible _ explanation for his bad health since he seems to have no obvious才思教育考研考博全心全意才思教育考研考博全心全意更多资料下载:更多资料下载: QQ: 12751814761398338

14、755咨询电话:咨询电话: 4000719069disease? A. psychiatricB. psychologicalC. surgicalD. physical 27Many animals display _ instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless. A. cerebralB. imperiousC. ruefulD. maternal 28_ the bad weather has delayed the flight, so it would be several hours before they

15、 could arrive. A. PresumablyB. RespectivelyC. ImaginablyD. Plausibly 29They send information every week, _ whether its useful or not. A. in consideration ofB. irrespective of C. with the exception ofD. with regard to 30 Children of poor health are very _ to colds in winter and should be taken care of particularly. A. willingB. readyC. reluctantD. pronePart 2: Reading Comprehension (50 POINTS)PassageAGiven the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adul



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