潜油泵电缆 ESP

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《潜油泵电缆 ESP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《潜油泵电缆 ESP(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 H He eb be ei i H Hu ua at to on ng g WWi ir re es s &C Ca ab bl le es s G Gr ro ou up p C Co o. ., , L Lt td d. . 11. 企企 业业 简简 介介 Brief introduction to enterprise 河北华通线缆集团有限公司是由原唐山市华通线缆制造有限公司改制而成,创建于 1993 年。 建厂以来, 经全体员工长期不懈的努力, 企业取得了长足的发展,现已成为新兴的以科技为先导、以科学管理为基础的现代化民营企业,是全国线缆行业中综合性大中型企业之一。 Hebei Hu

2、atong Wires& Cables Group Co., Ltd. (the former Tangshan Huatong Wires & Cables Manufacture Co., Ltd.), founded in 1993. Through the long-term and constant efforts of the whole staff, it has made many progresses. Now it has become the modern, private-owned enterprise that is taking the science and t

3、echnology as the guide, basing on the scientific management, it is one of the comprehensive, large-scale enterprises in national wire and cable industry. 公司现有员工 800 多人, 其中管理人员 50 多人, 具有高中级职称的技术人员30 多人。占地面积 17 万平方米,建筑面积 10 万平方米,固定资产 2.65 万元,企业下设六个分厂,现有生产设备 350 多台(套) ,检测仪器 250 多台套。其中诺基亚(NOKIA)65+90+15

4、0 三层共挤交联电缆生产线、青岛兴乐电工机械有限公司三层共挤全干式交联生产线、罗依尔(ROYLE)65+115/90橡胶挤出连续硫化生产线、辐照交联生产线、罗依尔(ROYLE)90 氟塑料挤出生产线、奥地利 GRILLER 公司的 HGSL-E24P 型导体薄膜烧结生产线、加拿大 CEECO 公司的钢带联锁装铠机、 美国希波公司产 77.5kV/750 kVA 高压局部放电检测设备和国产连续退火 13 模铜拉丝机、3.15 米盘绞式成缆机以及500 型 54 盘绞线机等大型电线电缆制造设备,在国内同行业占领先地位,公司年生产能力 20 亿元。 H He eb be ei i H Hu ua a

5、t to on ng g WWi ir re es s &C Ca ab bl le es s G Gr ro ou up p C Co o. ., , L Lt td d. . 2So far, the company has more than 800 em1ployees, of whom more than 50 management personnel, over 30 technicians with the middle or senior professional titles. It has six sub-factories, covers 170, 000 square

6、meters, the building area is 70,000 square meters, and the fixed asset is RMB 265millin. There are more than 350 sets of manufacturing equipment, 250 sets of testing equipment and apparatus, which include the key imported equipment, such as the Nokia triple-layer coextruded cross-linked cable proces

7、s, the local discharging equipment manufactured by Hipotronics, USA, the Royle rubber continuous vulcanizing process, the Royle 90 fluoroplastic extruding process, the Type HGSL-E24P conductor film sintering process from GRILLER Austria, the steel-tape interlock armoring from CEECO, Canada. The annu

8、al product capacity is RMB 2,000 million. 公司主导产品有:35kV 及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆、矿用电缆、潜油泵电缆、通用橡套软电缆、聚氯乙烯绝缘电力电缆、预制分支电缆、架空电缆、控制电缆、特种电缆、船用电缆、电机绕组引接软线、铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线等 13 大系列 5000 多种规格。公司产品全部获得了国家主管部门、相关行业颁发的生产、安全、销售许可证。同时还可以根据用户的需要,设计、生产不同用途的电线电缆。 Its products cover 13 series and over 5000 specifications, including cro

9、ss-linked polyolefin insulated power cable with 35KV and below, mining cable, oil pump cable, rubber sheathed flexible cable, shipboard cable, aluminum stranded cable and steel-core aluminum stranded cable, control cable, PVC insulated wire, lift cable, railway signal cable, computer cable and cable

10、 for welding machine, etc. All of the products have been issued Production License, Safety License and Sale License by the governmental departments and related industries. At the same time, according to the customers needs, the special wire and cable can be designed and manufactured, such H He eb be

11、 ei i H Hu ua at to on ng g WWi ir re es s &C Ca ab bl le es s G Gr ro ou up p C Co o. ., , L Lt td d. . 3as flame-retardant, fire-resistant and cold-resistant, etc. The cables are widely used in different industries, for example, the power, energy, metallurgy, construction, aerospace, chemical, pet

12、roleum, communication, etc., and deeply favored by the customer. 企业全面贯彻 ISO9001 标准,获得 ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系认证证书、并通过 ISO14001:1996 环境管理体系认证和 GB/T28001-2001 职业健康安全管理体系认证” ,实现了与国际先进管理水平的接轨。 The company implements the international standard ISO9001 completely, obtains the certificate of ISO9001:2000, ISO1

13、4001:1996 and OHSMS18001:2001, thus it has achieved the advanced, international management level. 华通产品广泛应用于电力、能源、冶金、建筑、航天、石油化工、交通等行业及国家重点工程。 公司坚持走品牌发展道路, 已建立了全国性销售网络,深得顾客好评。 Our product is widely used in electrical, energy, metallurgical, shipping, architecture, aerospace and petrochemical industrie

14、s with a good evaluation. 公司董事长张文东先生携全体员工秉承 “质量重于生命, 责任重于泰山”的企业精神,以“质量优良、价格合理、交货及时、服务周到”的华通形象,热忱欢迎新老用户惠顾。 The whole staff stick in the spirits of the quality is more important than the life, the responsibility is higher than Taishan Mountain, we create the impression of good quality, reasonable pric

15、e, delivery in time and good service to welcome the new and old customers. H He eb be ei i H Hu ua at to on ng g WWi ir re es s &C Ca ab bl le es s G Gr ro ou up p C Co o. ., , L Lt td d. . 42. 潜油泵电缆潜油泵电缆 Cable for submersible oil pump 潜油泵电缆为固定敷设在陆地或海上平台油井中的潜油电泵机组用动力电缆。 Cable for submersible oil pum

16、p is used as the power cable of the submersible oil pump unit which is fixed-laid in oil well of the land or platform on the sea. 我公司生产的潜油泵电缆技术先进、质量可靠,生产潜油泵电缆的主要设备有:美国 ROYLE 公司的90 挤塑机,美国 ROYLE、芬兰 NOKIA 公司的三层一次共挤橡皮连续硫化生产线,加拿大 CEECO、KALMARK 公司的连锁铠装机,奥地利 GRILLER 公司的连续烧结生产线, 芬兰 NOKIA 公司的交联生产线, 国内先进的连续压铅机,国内先进的连续退火、镀锡生产线可生产直径达 7.35mm 铜导体。现可生产不同型号、规格的潜油电泵机组电缆及潜油电泵机组引接电缆。适用井温 50180,导体最高连续工作温度可达 232。可采用的绝缘材料有:聚丙烯、乙丙橡皮、聚酰亚胺-氟 46、氟塑料、交联聚乙烯等;内护层材料包括:丁腈橡皮、



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