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1、T T T Thematichematichematichematic ProgressionProgressionProgressionProgression PatternPatternPatternPattern inininin MAMAMAMAThesesThesesThesesTheses bybybyby EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish NativesNativesNativesNatives andandandand ChineseChineseChineseChinese EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish MajorMajor

2、MajorMajor PostgraduatesPostgraduatesPostgraduatesPostgraduates A A A AContrastiveContrastiveContrastiveContrastive StudyStudyStudyStudy inininin PerspectivePerspectivePerspectivePerspective ofofofof SFLSFLSFLSFLByByByByShen LuU U U Undernderndernderthethethethe SupervisionSupervisionSupervisionSupe

3、rvision ofofofofZengZengZengZeng XianmoXianmoXianmoXianmoCollegeCollegeCollegeCollege ofofofof InternationalInternationalInternationalInternational StudiesStudiesStudiesStudiesGuizhouGuizhouGuizhouGuizhou UniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityMay,May,May,May, 2020202009090909iAcknowledgementsAckno

4、wledgementsAcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsThe completion of this thesis would not be possible without the help of manypeople. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and profound respectto Professor Zeng Xianmo, my supervisor, for his insightful academic guidance andhis careful r

5、eading through my thesis drafts.I am also indebted to all the professors who have taught me over the past threeyears in the English Department, Guizhou University. I benefited a lot from theirlectures on linguistics.Finally I owe profound and greatest gratitude to my family and this thesis isdedicat

6、ed to them - to my family members, whose love and care help me through theprocess of thesis writing.iiT T T Thematichematichematichematic ProgressionProgressionProgressionProgression PatternPatternPatternPattern inininin MAMAMAMAThesesThesesThesesTheses bybybyby EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishNativesNa

7、tivesNativesNatives andandandand ChineseChineseChineseChinese EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish MajorMajorMajorMajorPostgraduatesPostgraduatesPostgraduatesPostgraduatesA A A AContrastiveContrastiveContrastiveContrastive StudyStudyStudyStudy inininin PerspectivePerspectivePerspectivePerspective ofofofof S

8、FLSFLSFLSFLSpeciality: Foreign linguistics and applied linguisticsOrientation: Systemic Functional LinguistSupervisor: Prof. Zeng XianmoM.A. Candidate:Shen LuAbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract Since 1960s, as the famous advocator of the Systemic FunctionalGrammar (SFG), Halliday matured the theory gra

9、dually in his long-term study. SFGhas increasingly been regarded as not only laying a solid foundation but alsoproviding a forceful framework for text analysis, among which thematic structure,information structure and cohesion are three major approaches to realize the textmeta-function.For more than

10、 five decades, Contrastive analysis has been used by many scholarsand it greatly facilitates language teaching. Nowadays it is a tendency to do researchon contrastive analysis of the textual level rather than the sentential level. Particularlyresearches on the contrastive analysis of Chinese and Eng

11、lish nativestexts havearoused many Chinese scholarsinterest. For instance, Ma Guanghui (2002) conductsa study, which contrasts linguistic features between EFL (English as ForeignLanguage) essays written by Chinese college students and ENL (English as NativeLanguage) essays written by Western college

12、 students. Fang Li (2004) make a studywhich contrasts English texts and the texts written by Chinese English majors.This thesis aims to do a contrastive analysis of fourteen MA theses of ChineseEnglish major postgraduates and English natives based on the framework of thematicprogression. The total w

13、ords of these theses are about 230,000. Through the dataanalysis, it is found that there are some significant differences between the EnglishMA theses of English natives and Chinese English major postgraduates. First, in theiiiMA theses of English natives, the percentage of textual themes is more th

14、an ChineseEnglish major postgraduates. Secondly, English natives arrange themes and rhemes ina proper way leading to the coherence in the textual meaning. Thirdly, ChineseEnglish major postgraduates use more interpersonal themes than English natives (thetype of interpersonal themes they used is main

15、ly confined to “certainly” or “on thewhole” and the like). Fourthly, Chinese English major postgraduates tend to deal withtopics in a roundabout way, which results from their twisting-line thinking mode. Thestudy indicates that the English MA theses of English natives and the English MAtheses of Chi

16、nese English major postgraduates have some differences in terms ofthematic progression; the theses analyzed are mainly developed by “constant themepattern” and “endocentric development pattern”. Therefore it can be concluded thatMA English theses by Chinese English major postgraduates are developed by “TTpattern” and “R T pattern” and that English MA theses of English natives aredeveloped by “RT pattern” and “T+RT pattern”. At last some suggestions are putforward for future studies on



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