环境工程专业英语 第二版 钟理 课后答案

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1、 Exercises 0 Write an article about yourself, including personal background, family, education, interests, ambitions and others. Write as much as you would like to. About Myself My name is Qin Zheng. I am from Xiangshan, which is a small town in Ningbo District. It is very beautiful and nowadays a l

2、ot of films and TV programmes are shot there. More and more people went there for a holiday. The people there are laborious, virtuous and warm hearted. Im much felicitated that I was born and raised up there. It is my hometown and I will love it forever. My family has been engaged in farming for gen

3、erations. My relatives are all farmers. My ancestors and my parents have plotted all their life on thin ground. In my family, my father, my mother and I, thats all. Now Im in grade three, a third year student in Jiaxing University. Since I have made a lot of friends, I find life in this university b

4、oth happy and rewarding. I live happily here. I like climbing mountains. I like singing, listening classical music. I like essay, also novel, but my favorite is essay. Unfortunately, although I have read so much, my writing is still not very good. I hope that I can be an useful person for our societ

5、y. But at the moment, my knowledge is still not rich enough. In order to realize my objectives in life, I will study hard and gain more and more skills and knowledge, such as speaking English and using computer. If I have enough money after graduation from school, I will study driving. It is good to

6、 have a good job when someone can drive a car or a bus. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Unit 1 (P.4) 1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese. life expectancy : 耐用期限,平均寿命 poverty-stricken : 贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的 smog-laden air : 烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气 global conditions : 全球状况 haves and have-nots : 富人和穷人

7、 underprivileged : 社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的 savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原 predator :食肉动物,捕食者 environmental disruptions : 环境破坏,环境失调 2 Put the following into English. 农药pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide) 化肥chemical fertilizer 有机废物organic wastes 微生物microorganism / mi

8、crobe 衰减attenuation 阻滞的retardant / blocking 稀释dilution 添加剂additive 合成塑料synthetic plastic 再生-regeneration ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Unit 3 (P.19) 1 Put the following into Chinese. (1) Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on the shelf too long become waste. 原材料放置过久会失去它们本身性能而变成废弃物。 (2)

9、Poor cleaning of parts or inadequate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the process chemicals, increase the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement. 不良的零件清洗或者不充分的接触时间将减少工艺过程中化学品的有用性, 增加处理废弃物的费用以及替换化学药品的费用。 (3) Lockheed successfully switched from an alkaline cyanide cadmi

10、um bath to an acidic noncyanide cadmium bath. 洛克希德(公司)成功地将碱性氰化镉溶液槽改变为酸性不含氰化镉的溶液槽。 (4) Do not try to reinvent the wheel. Develop networking partners to share ideas. 不要进行重复研究。发展网络伙伴以分享思想。 3 Put the following into Chinese. Waste reduction/waste/minimization: 减少废物/废弃物/最小化 In-process: 工程内,进程内 Housekeepin

11、g: 维持管理 Equipment modification landfills: 设备改造,填埋 Biodegradable solvents: 可生物降解溶剂 Volatile chemicals: 挥发性化学品 Management commitment: 管理层的承诺 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Unit 5 (P.34) 1 Put the following words or phrase into Chinese. primary pollutant 一次大气污染物 secondary pollutant 二次大气污染物 air stagnation 空气流动停滞,

12、大气停滞 nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮(N2O) nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO) nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2) soot 煤烟 dust 灰尘 smog 烟雾 ozone 臭氧 herbicide 除草剂 pesticide 杀虫剂 / 农药 2 Put the following into English. 正常浓度 normal concentration 严重污染的 serious polluted / heavily polluted 决定因素 determining factor 光化学氧化物 photochemical oxidant

13、液体微滴 liquid droplet 放射性物质 radioactive substance 不完全氧化 incomplete oxidization / incomplete combustion 含硫的 sulfur-containing 风化 wind erosion / weathering 汽车尾气 automobile exhaust ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Unit 6 (P.40) 1 Put the following into Chinese (1) The most severe sequence of CO2 induced global warni

14、ng would be melting of the polar ice-caps and the subsequent rise of ocean levels and inundation of coastal plains. 由 CO2所引起的全球变暖的最严重后果是极地冰帽的熔化,以及随之而来的海平面上升所引发的沿海平原的洪水。 (2) Although global warming from the already elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 has been predicted by most climatic models, such a

15、warming has not been empirically observed. 虽然大多数气候模型已经预测大气中 CO2浓度的增加将引起全球变暖,但对于这样的气候变暖还没有实证观察过。 (3) Although they indicate trends in average surface temperatures and climate, they unfortunately coincide with increased industrialization and pollution. 尽管这些资料表明了平均地面温度和气候的趋势, 但不幸的是, 恰恰遇上了这段时期内日益增强的工业化和污染。 2 Put the following into English. 温室效应 effect of greenhouse 由二氧化碳引起的 caused by CO2 世界碳预算 world carbon budget 天气的自然波动 natural fluctuations in climate 全球变暖 global warming 厌氧的



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