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1、 1 1.Basic building materials include: timber, mud, stone, marble, brick, tile, steel, and cement concrete. Masonry walls are built with stones or bricks, cohered through the use of mortar, first composed of lime and sand. The profusion of aluminum and its anodized coatings provided cladding materia

2、l that was lightweight and virtually maintenance free. Glass was known in prehistory and is celebrated for its contributions to Gothic architecture. o timber n. 木材 o marble n. 大理石 o tile n. 饰面砖,瓷砖 o cement concrete n. 水泥混凝土 o masonry wall n. 砖墙,砖瓦墙 o cohere v. 粘合 o mortar n. 砂浆,灰浆 o lime n. 石灰 o pro

3、fusion n. 大量(a profusion of: 大量的) o aluminum n. 铝 o anodized coating n. 电镀层,电镀膜(anodize v.阳极氧化: 用 电解方式给(金属面)镀上一层保护性或装饰性的氧化物) o cladding n. 覆层:在高温高压下结合到另一金属上的金属外层 o celebrated adj. 著名的 o Gothic adj. 哥特式的 o architecture n. 建筑, 建筑学 Two basic approaches of spanning over masonry walls are post- and- lint

4、el construction and arch, vault, and dome construction. o span v. (桥,拱等)横跨 o post- and- lintel n. 抬梁式(在立柱上架梁,梁上又抬梁, 在宫 殿、庙宇、寺院等大型建筑中普遍采用),框架(结构) o arch n. 拱(连柱的) o vault n. 拱(不连柱的) o dome n. 穹隆(结构):类似于穹隆或圆屋顶的结构 The Chicago architect Louis Sullivans career converges with the so- called Chicago School

5、 of architects, whose challenge was to invent the skyscraper or high- rise building, facilitated by the introduction of the electric elevator and the abundance of steel. The buildings skeleton could be erected quickly and the remaining components hung on it to complete it, an immense advantage for h

6、igh- rise buildings on busy city streets. o architect n. 建筑师 o converge v. 聚合于,集中于一点 o school n. 学派 o skyscraper n. 摩天大楼 o facilitate v. 提供便利 o electric elevator n. 电梯 o abundance n. 充裕 o skeleton n. 框架结构,整体框架 o erect v. 树立,建立 o component n. 零件,构件 o immense adj. 极大的 Interior design of apartments and

7、 houses, that is, dwellings, usually involves both practical and aesthetic decisions. Choices have to be made for almost every elements, ceilings and lamps, curtains and blinds, corridor and doorway, niches and ledges, grate and ventilations, terraces and staircases, even sewers or drainers. Sometim

8、es such designs are extended to the faadeof the building, and even to a fountain, or a gardening yard. 2 o interior design n. 室内设计 o dwelling n. 住处,居住空间 o involve v. 包括 o aesthetic adj. 美学的 o ceiling n. 天花板 o curtain n. 窗帘 o blind n. 窗帘(尤指固定在卷轴上能够拉下来的布质窗帘) o corridor n. 走廊 o doorway n. 门口 o niche n.

9、 壁橱 o ledge n. 壁架 o grate n. 壁炉 o ventilation n. 通风设备 o terrace n. 阳台 o staircase n. 楼梯 o sewer n. 排水沟 o drainer n. 下水道装置, 滤水器 o faade n. (建筑物的)外立面,尤指正面 o fountain n. 喷泉 o yard n. 庭院 The lease is a contract of rent under which one party, called landlord or lessor, grants possession and use of the pr

10、operty for a limited term to the other party, who is called tenant or lessee. o lease n. 租约 o rent n. 租金 o landlord n. 房东 o lessor n. 出租人 o grant v. 授与(权利); 让与(财产) o possession n. 占有,拥有 o property n. 财产,所有物 o tenant n. 房客 o lessee n. 承租人 A big city, or metropolis, is often accompanied by suburbs.Suc

11、h cities are usually associated with metropolitan areas and urban sprawl, creating large amounts of business commuters. Once a city sprawls far enough to reach another city, this region can be deemed a conurbation or megalopolis. o metropolis n. 大城市 o suburb n. 城郊(缩写:sub) o be associated with v. 与相关

12、 o metropolitan adj. 大城市的 o urban adj. 城市的 o sprawl n. (城市的)无计划扩展 o commuter n. 通勤者(定期从一地到另一地旅行的人,如从郊区到城市 并回来) o deem v. 视为 o conurbation n. (连带卫星城镇和市郊的)大都市 o megalopolis n. 特大城市 Sanitation is the hygienic means of preventing human contact from the hazards of wastes, either physical, microbiological

13、, biological or chemical agents of disease, which includes human and animal feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater (sewage, sullage, greywater), etc. Hygienic means of prevention can be practiced by using simple technologies (e. g. latrines, septic tanks), or by personal hygiene practices. 3 o sanitation n. 公共卫生 o hygienic adj. 卫生学的(hygiene 卫生学) o microbiological adj. 微生物学的 o agent n. 媒介 o feces n. 粪便 o domestic adj


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