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1、Progress of Measures to Improve Environmental Hygiene in HK改善香港環境生的進度報告改善香港環境生的進度報告Team Clean 全城清潔策劃小組Aim: To establish and promote a sustainable, cross- sectoral approach to improve environmental hygiene in Hong Kong 目的 : 制訂和推廣一套可持續和跨界別的方 案,以改善香港的環境生Team Clean 全城清潔策劃小組Interim Report on Measures to

2、Improve Environmental Hygiene in Hong Kong completed in May 2003改善香港環境生措施中期 報告二零零三年五月完成Team Clean 全城清潔策劃小組Final Report on Measures to Improve Environmental Hygiene in Hong Kong completed in August 2003 改善香港環境生措施報告 二零零三年八月完成Team Clean Measures 全城清潔策劃小組措施 Personal Hygiene個人生 Home Hygiene家居生 Community

3、Hygiene社區生Team Clean Follow up 全城清潔策劃小組跟進工作A Steering Committee has been set up under HAB/HAD to monitor and review progress made on Team Clean measures.民政事務局及民政事務總署帶領督導小組 落實全城清潔策劃小組的措施Food and Environmental Hygiene Department 食物環境衞生署食物環境衞生署Progress of Measures Recommended by Team Clean 全城清潔策劃小組建議措施

4、的進展 Enforcement action against public cleanliness offences 嚴格執行公眾地方潔淨條例 Enhanced control of markets 加強管制街市 Enhanced control of food premises 加強管制食物業處所 Other enhancement measures 其他改善措施Stringent Enforcement Action Against Public Cleanliness Offences 嚴格執行公眾地方潔淨條例 Adopted “zero-tolerance approach”. 採取“

5、絕不容忍”的執法態度。 From 26 June 03 to 31 May 04, around 23 000 notices were issued (average 2 060 per month). 由二零零三年六月二十六日至二零零四年五月三十 一日,共發出約23 000張定額罰款通知書(平均每月 2060張)。Stringent Enforcement Action Against Public Cleanliness Offences 嚴格執行公眾地方潔淨條例 We are drawing up legislative amendments to stiffen penalty fo

6、r repeat public cleanliness offenders.我們正在著手草擬修訂法例,加重 對屢犯潔淨罪行人士的刑罰。Enhanced Control of Markets 加強管制街市 A monthly market cleansing day has been introduced since November 2003. “每月街市清潔日”已 於2003年11月開始實 施。Enhanced Control of Markets 加強管制街市 Measures have been introduced in the markets to reduce human cont

7、act with live poultry. 我們在街市實施措施以減低人類和活家禽的 接觸。 We have launched a public consultation on the long term direction to minimise the risk of human infection of avian influenza. 我們就減低人類感染禽流感風險的長遠方 針,現正進行公眾諮詢。Enhanced Control of Food Premises 加強管制食物業處所 Incentive scheme for food business operators to impro

8、ve the hygiene condition of their premises. 推出獎勵計劃,鼓勵食物業經營 者改善其處所的衞生情況。 Applications have commenced in April this year. 計劃已在本年四月開始接受申 請。Enhanced Control of Food Premises 加強管制食物業處所 Tightened up control of provisional license since May 2004. 在二零零四年五月開始加強對臨時牌照的管制。 We are collecting and analyzing data f

9、or the implementation of an Open Categorization Scheme next year. 我們現正收集及分析數據和資料,以在明年推行公開 分級制度。 We are working with BD to finalize guidelines of control of unauthorized building works.我們正與屋宇署聯手制訂監控食物業處 所違例建築物的指引。Enhanced Control of Food Premises 加強管制食物業處所Other Enhancement Measures 其他改善措施 Conversion

10、of around 100 aqua privies in the NT and outlying islands into flushing toilets. 把大約100個設於新界和離島的旱廁改 建為沖水式廁所。Other Enhancement Measures 其他改善措施FEHD and BD are working actively on a pilot scheme of a joint office to handle water seepage complaints in a district later this year. 食環署和屋宇署現正積極籌備一個試驗計 劃,將在本

11、年稍後在一個區內成立聯合辦事 處,處理滲水的投訴。Other Enhancement Measures 其他改善措施 During the past year, 95 cases of excessive household refuse have been cleaned up. We are working with the local community to encourage report of these cases. 在過去一年,已清除95宗堆積過量家居 垃 圾的個案。我們現正與社區合作,鼓 勵市民舉報這些個案。Intensified Anti-Mosquito Action 加

12、強滅蚊行動加強滅蚊行動 FEHD to employ 500 additional contract staff to conduct anti-mosquito operation. 食物環境衞生署額外聘請5 0 0 名合約員工以負 責滅蚊工作 To intensify enforcement action to high risk locations.加強高危地點的執法行動Intensified Anti-Mosquito Action 加強滅蚊行動加強滅蚊行動 Grass cutting and site clearance at 600 hygiene hot zones these

13、two months.在未來兩個月於6 0 0 個蚊患熱點進行除草 及清理工作Intensified Anti-Mosquito Action 加強滅蚊行動加強滅蚊行動Anti-mosquito operation will be enhanced especially at areas with high ovitrap index. Daily inspections will be conducted at all Housing Department estates, commercial properties and construction sites.加強滅蚊工作,特別是在誘蚊產

14、卵器指數 高的地方,並每天巡查房屋署所有屋邨、 商業樓宇及建築地盤Intensified Anti-Mosquito Action 加強滅蚊行動加強滅蚊行動防蚊患督導委員會防蚊患督導委員會房屋署政府產業署地政總署食環署牽頭及統籌的角色-與各部門聯繫以 加強滅蚊行動土木工程署康樂及文 化事務署地區防蚊專責小組地區防蚊專責小組統籌各部門清除蚊患熱 點的工作及推廣預防蚊 患的訊息2868 0000熱線九龍城黃大仙東區觀塘油尖旺沙田元朗大 埔屯 門荃灣葵青中西區灣仔深水埗南區離島北區西貢Anti-Mosquito Steering CommitteeHDGPALANDS DFEHDPlaying Le

15、ad first set of CCI would be announced in September. 我們將於八月份進行第二次調查,有關的 社區清潔指數可望於九月公佈。Public Education 社區教育Seminars 社區講座Conclusion 總結 With the concerted efforts of the government and the community, there is visible improvement in environmental hygiene 透過各個政府部門的努力及全港市民的支 持,香港的環境衞生有明顯的改善 。Conclusion 總結 A clean Hong Kong starts with individuals 清潔香港,人人有責 Sustained improvement in environmental hygiene needs continuous efforts from all sectors of the community 持續改善,全城參與



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