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1、 (高级管理人员工商管理硕士) 中国石油黑龙江销售公司员工退出机制与对策研究 THE RESEARCH ON PERSONNEL WITHDRAWAL MECHANISM AND SOLUTION OF PETROCHINA HEILONGJIANG SALE COMPANY 曹立红 2009 年 3 月 国内图书分类号: G648.7 学校代码: 10213 国际图书分类号: 371 密级: 公开 高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 中国石油黑龙江销售公司员工退出 机制与对策研究 硕 士 研究生:曹立红 导 师:朱 彬 教授 申 请 学 位:高级管理人员工商管理硕士 所 在 单 位:中国石油黑

2、龙江销售公司 答 辩 日 期:2009 年 3 月 授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index: G648.7 U.D.C.: 371 A Dissertation for the Degree of EMBA THE RESEARCH ON PERSONNEL WITHDRAWAL MECHANISM AND SOLUTION OF PETROCHINA HEILONGJIANG SALE COMPANY Candidate: Cao Lihong Supervisor: Prof. Zhubin Academic Degree Applied for: EMBA Aff

3、iliation: Petro China HeiLongJiang Sale Company Date of Defense: March, 2009 Degree-Offering-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 摘 要 随着经济全球化和市场竞争的加剧,中国石油黑龙江销售公司面临越来越大的竞争压力和市场压力。中国石油黑龙江销售公司要想实现公司战略目标,提高公司竞争力,必须从战略角度建立起企业员工退出机制。 企业员工退出机制是为了在企业中持续地实现人与岗、能力与绩效、绩效与薪酬的匹配,以定

4、期的绩效考核结果为依据,对那些达不到要求的人员,或由于企业战略调整、流程再造,对那些不再适合于企业战略和流程的人员,依据程度的不同采取降职、调岗、离职培训、提前退休、末位淘汰、解雇、退休等措施,让他们直接或间接地退出企业及其机构,实现企业人力资源的优化配置。 通过分析中国石油黑龙江销售公司人力资源现状, 揭示目前冗员情况严重,分析了公司当前存在的几种员工退出方式,进而从外部环境、企业管理、员工思想和企业文化三个方面来分析公司员工退出机制目前存在的问题。结合公司实际情况,构建公司员工退出机制及支持体系。企业员工退出机制系统由互相支撑、有机联系的人员退出政策、退出流程、退出方式及退出帮助四大基本模

5、块构成。而公司员工退出机制的支持系统建设则包括完善职位分析、员工流入机制的建设、绩效考核机制和激励约束机制的建设、员工培训机制和储备计划的建设及企业文化的建设。 关键词:中国石油;黑龙江销售公司;员工退出机制 - I - 哈尔滨工业大学高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 Abstract Along with economic globalization and market competition aggravating, petroChina Heilongjiang Sale Company faced with bigger and bigger pressure of competit

6、ion and market pressure. If the petroChina Heilongjiang Sale Company wants to achieve the company strategic target, enhances the company competition, It has to the establish enterprise personnel withdrawal mechanism based on the strategic angle establishment. The enterprise personnel withdrawal mech

7、anism is for realize the person and the post, ability and the performance, the performance and the salary match continually in the enterprise, based on the regular performance appraisal result,if the person cannot meet the post requirements or no longer suits to enterprise strategy.they has to lave

8、the post through these way: demotion, the accent post, off-the-job training, to retire early, last-elimination, the dismissal, the retirement. lets them directly or withdraws from the enterprise and the organization indirectly, realizes the enterprise human resources optimized disposition. Through a

9、nalyze the present situation of company human resources, the present personnel situation is serious, then analyze several kind of staffs that existed to withdraw, then from the external environment, the business management, the staff thought and the enterprise culture three aspects analyzed the comp

10、any staffs to withdraw from the mechanism present existence the question. The union company actual situation, the construction company staffs withdraw from the mechanism, namely human resources departments with various departments cooperation under a series of systems, the flow, the work, withdraws

11、including the staff appraises and confirmed that the staff withdraws from the way the choice, the public staff to withdraw from the flow, to withdraw from the staff to help the plan, the remaining in office staff to comfort the work. But the company staffs withdraw from the mechanism the support pro

12、gram construction to include the consummation position analysis, the staff to flow in the mechanism the construction, the achievements inspection mechanism and the drive restraint mechanism construction, the staff train the mechanism and the reserve plan construction and the enterprise culture const

13、ruction. Key words:China oil, Heilongjiang sale company, personnel withdrawal mechanism - II - 哈尔滨工业大学高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 目 录 摘 要. I Abstract.II 第 1 章 绪论 .1 1.1 研究的背景与意义 .1 1.1.1 研究的背景及问题的提出 .1 1.1.2 研究目的和意义.2 1.2 国内外相关文献综述.3 1.2.1 员工退出机制概念界定 .3 1.2.2 国外研究现状.4 1.2.3 国内研究现状.7 1.3 本文的研究思路、方法和研究框架.12 第 2 章 中石油黑龙江销售公司员工退出现状与问



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