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1、硕士学位论文论文题目基于语料库的英语专业硕士研究生毕业论文抄袭行为研究研 究 生 姓 名王锦霞指导教师姓名贾冠杰专 业 名 称外国语言学及应用语言学研 究 方 向二语习得论文提交日期2014年6月A Corpus-based Study of Plagiarism in ChineseEnglish Majors MA ThesesbyWang JinxiaUnder the Supervision ofProfessor Jia GuanjieSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Maste

2、r of ArtsSchool of Foreign StudiesSoochow UniversityJune2014iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to extend my gratitude to all the teachers and friends who have offeredtheir help with my completion of this thesis.I would firstly thank my supervisor Professor Jia Guanjie, for his guidance andsupport for th

3、e completion of this thesis. Professor Jia suggested me focusing onplagiarism and showed true professionalism in methods of data collection and statisticalanalysis. His encouragement and regular supervisions have played a great role in mycompleting this thesis.I would also like to extend my apprecia

4、tion to Li Huiyun who helped me a lot duringpast two years. Her kind assistance has made it possible for me to finish data collection insuch a short time.My thanks go to Li Lanqin, Zhan Qianqian, Cheng Wenqiang and my other tenfriends for their time and efforts in helping me transform formats of hun

5、dreds of thesescollected. I want to thank my fellow student Deng Yilian. My Thanks also go to Shao Linand Cheng Yali for their help with proofreading.In addition, thanks go to those who participated in my study. Their honest andthoughtful responses created a rich database, for which I am always grat

6、eful.Wang JinxiaiiiABSTRACTPlagiarism has been a growing concern in both scientific researches and education.Graduate students with a good command of knowledge are always expected to knowproper citations and ways to avoid plagiarism. However, many previous studies haveindicated some problems in grad

7、uate students MA theses. Thus it is of great necessity tocarry out this study. Most of the previous studies put emphasis on students knowledge andattitudes toward plagiarism instead of analyzing and discussing it empirically. Therefore,this study aims to explore plagiarism in English majors MA thesi

8、s in mainland Chinaquantitatively. In this way, we can have a deep understanding of plagiarism in Englishmajors theses, their knowledge of plagiarism and its causes. After that some suggestionsare put forward.This study employed the instruments of two corpora and two questionnaires. Onecorpus consis

9、ted of 733 theses from the year of 2000 to 2002 which were groupedaccording to different years, specialties and school types. All these theses were matchedagainst data in the other corpus called “Turnitin” to get similarity index (percentage of theportions plagiarized from others). Then 32 graduates

10、 who have got MA degree were askedto finish two questionnaires about their understanding of plagiarism to exam howplagiarism was understood and implemented at graduate level. The following researchesquestions are addressed in this study:1). To what extent do the students plagiarize others in their M

11、A theses of English andwhat are the differences and similarities?2). What is the students knowledge of plagiarism?3). What are the possible causes for plagiarism?The major findings of the study are summarized as follows:Firstly, 45.6% of the students had a correct citation of others writings, while

12、morethan half (54.5%) of the students plagiarized more than 20% of others writings and neededfurther modifications before oral defense for their MA theses. In terms of differentgraduation years, the plagiarism became more and more serious both in degree ofsimilarity index and number of students. For

13、 three different types of universities, theses in“211” universities were detected to have the lowest similarity index. More students in“985” committed severe plagiarism than other two types of universities. With respect to thefour specialties, the students of theoretical linguistics performed best,

14、followed by theivtranslation students. Theses of applied linguistics were detected to have the highestsimilarity index. As for the distribution of the sources of the plagiarism, “internet” camefirst, “students papers” and “publications” ranked after in the writings of “appliedlinguistics”, “translat

15、ion studies” and “literature”; sources from “publications”ranked thesecond in the writings of “theoretical linguistics”.Secondly, graduate students only had a quite general understanding of plagiarism andknew little about specific terms. Some students were even not clear about definitions ofplagiari

16、sm.Thirdly, among various causes attributing to plagiarism, easy access to the internetand bad time management ranked the first, followed by a lack of academic writingconventions which corresponded to the second finding mentioned above.Key words: graduate; academic writing; plagiarism; corpusv摘摘要要在科研和教育中,抄袭问题愈加受到公众关注。研究生作为文化层次较高的群体被人们广泛认为已具备本专业基础知识, 应该懂得如何开展研究和合理使用参考文献避免抄袭。但是前人的相关研究显示研究生毕业论文存在着诸多问题,因此,开展本研究就显得十分必要。从目前的相关研究来看,前期的相关研究主要关注学生对抄袭知识的掌握和对抄袭的态度,很少进行大规模的实证研究。本研究采用实证研究的方法,对我国英语专



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