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1、4 國清華大學工程與系統科學系博士班資格考試辦法國清華大學工程與系統科學系博士班資格考試辦法 Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University PhD Qualification Exam Rules 100 12 月 28 日系務會議修正 101 2 月 22 日系務會議修正 101 11 月 28 日系務會議修正 101 12 月 26 日系務會議修正 103 3 月月 26 日系務會議修正日系務會議修正 Amended on March 26, 2014 1. 博士班資格考試選考科目如下

2、: The subjects covered in the PhD Qualification Exam include: Principles of Nuclear Engineering (核工原)、Nuclear Radiation Measurement (射)、Engineering Thermodynamics (工程熱學)、Heat Transfer (熱學)、Fluid Mechanics (體學)、Principles of Microsystem Engineering (微米系統工程原)、Advanced Nanotechnology (米科技進階)、Computatio

3、nal Materials Science (計算材科學)、Physical Metallurgy (物冶)、Thermodynamics of Materials (材熱學)、Introduction to Solid State Physics (固態物導)、Physical Chemistry (物化學)、Principles of Electrochemistry (電化學原)、Modern Physics (近代物)、Quantum Mechanics (子學)、Plasma Engineering (電漿工程)、Electromagnetics (電磁學)、Semiconducto

4、r Devices Physics (半導體元件物)、Electric Circuits (電學)、Electronic Devices (電子元件)、Electronic Systems (電子系統) 考用書及範圍,請考系網頁公佈之內容。 Refer to the Department website for reference books and scopes. 2. 學生應自上述科目選考其中二科,且繳交考試申請單。一旦向系辦公室登記加,可以要求退出,如未加考試,以分計。 All students are required to take 2 subjects listed above a

5、s their exam subjects and register the Qualification Exam by handing in the exam application form. Once completing the registration, students cannot cancel the exam. Students absent from the exam will get a score of 0. 3. 資格考試各科通過成績得低於七十分,學生對成績有疑議者,可於成績公告後一週內,書面提出複查申請送交系辦。系上收到申請後,調閱試卷送交命題師再次審閱並回覆結果,

6、最後將複查結果書面通知學生。 5 The minimum requirement of score for each subject in the Qualification Exam is 70 out of 100. If students have any doubt about their scores, they can apply for score review within one week after the exam results are announced. Once the department receives the application, the answer

7、 sheets of the applicant will be reviewed by examiners. After receiving the review results, the department announces the result of review to the applicant. 4. 擬加資格考試的學期,務必要註冊。休學中可以加資格考試。 Students who plan to attend the Qualification Exam must enroll themselves in the semester. Students cannot attend

8、 the Qualification Exam during suspended semester of school. 5. 學生可申請以修習特定課程 (請第 8 條規定) 抵免資格考試科目。程如下: 需於每學期開學加選截止日前提出申請,至多登記門當學期所修習課程為擬抵免科目,一旦登記之後就可以變動。學期末所登記課程的學期成績達 A以上(含),則該課程通過抵免申請。 Students can apply for exempting from the Qualification Exam by taking specific courses (see Rule 8). The procedur

9、e is as follows: (1) Apply for the exemption before the deadline of the course add-and-drop period of the semester. Register maximum two specific courses to be taken in the semester for the exemption. (2) Once registered, students cannot request to change the courses. (3) A registered course passes

10、the exemption application if the score is equal to or higher than A. 6. 入學前5內(特殊情況可提外申請)已修習過可抵免資格考試的科目(成績需達A以上(含),可於入學時提出直接抵免申請。提出此申請的時程比照學校入學學分抵免申請時程,逾期予辦。 The specific courses, taken within the past 5 years (exceptional allowed under special circumstances) before entering the Ph.D. program, with a

11、 minimum score A can be applied for the exemption. But the application must be done at the same moment for the credit transferring application. Late application is not accepted. 7. 入學後至多只能提出次資格考試申請。以修課抵免資格考試申請則無次限制。學生需於入學後二內(休學計入限) 合計完成通過門科目的要求,未符合此規定者,6 應予退學。 Students can register for Qualification

12、 Exam, at most two times, after entering to the Ph.D. program. There is no number limit for the registration of exemption application. Students have to totally pass two subjects (the exam subjects plus the courses of exemption) within 2 years after the enrollment of the program (not including suspen

13、ded year). Students who failed to achieve this requirement are dropped out. 8. 選考科目與以修課抵免資格考試之關係,請附表一。修課的課號及名稱需與表中資訊完全一致。 The correspondence between the exam subjects and the specific courses to exempt the exam is given in Table 1. Both the course title and the course ID must be strictly respected i

14、n an exemption application. 9. 本辦法經系務會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。 The rules come in force after approved in Departmental Affairs Meeting, likewise for revision of the rules. 7 附表一: 選考科目與以修課抵免資格考試關係表 Table 1: The corresponding table between the exam subjects and the specific courses to exempt the exam 編號編號 No. 選考科

15、目選考科目 exam subjects 以修課抵免資格考試 (修課課號、科目名修課課號、科目名) specific courses to exempt the exam (course ID and title) 1 核工原 Principles of Nuclear EngineeringESS5110 反應器物一 (ESS5110) Reactor Physics I 2 射 Nuclear Radiation Measurement ESS4050 光子與子原 (ESS4050) Principles in Photon & Particle Measurements 3 工程熱學 En

16、gineering Thermodynamics ESS5410 反應器工程 (ESS5410) Nuclear Reactor Engineering 4 熱學 Heat Transfer ESS5430 高等熱學 (ESS5430) Advanced Heat Transfer 5 體學 Fluid Mechanics ESS6430 雙相與沸騰熱傳 (ESS6430) Two-Phase Flow & Boiling Heat Transfer 6 微米系統工程原 Principles of Microsystem Engineering ESS5850 微系統設計 (ESS5850) Micro System Design 7 米科技進階 (原”米科技導”) Advanced Nanotechnology (former “Int


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