牛津小学英语6AUnit6holidays课件(BC部分) (2)

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1、 3.8Womens Day5.12Nurses Day6.1Childrens Day9.10Teachers Day10.31HalloweenHolidays 假期Whens? Its in March/Childrens Day 儿童节National Day 国庆节New Years Day 元旦May Day 劳动节Say a chantSing and dance, laugh and play, eat Sing and dance, laugh and play, eat nice food on New Years Day.nice food on New Years Da

2、y. Go to the hill, go to the bay, go to the Go to the hill, go to the bay, go to the park on May Day.park on May Day. Lets play games. We have a good time Lets play games. We have a good time on Childrens Day. on Childrens Day. Dear mum, China. Happy birthday to Dear mum, China. Happy birthday to yo

3、u. Its National Day.you. Its National Day.Halloween 万圣节前夕Do you know?Halloween:是每年的十 月三十一日,即万圣节之夜 。万圣节期间,许多公共场所 乃至家居院落,都会布置许 多不同的装饰,诸如鬼怪、 南瓜灯、还有黑猫以及巫婆 的扫帚之类。词汇有:木乃 伊、吸血鬼、巫师、鬼、骷 髅、小丑、精灵等dress up(装扮) in costumesEaster 复活节EasterEaster : : 是仅次于是仅次于圣诞节圣诞节重大节日,重大节日, 按圣经上说,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑按圣经上说,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑 死后三天

4、复活,因而设立此节,节期大死后三天复活,因而设立此节,节期大 致在三月二十二至四月二十五日之间。致在三月二十二至四月二十五日之间。 做做复活蛋复活蛋是复活节期间最重要的,也是是复活节期间最重要的,也是 最有趣的习俗。此外,最有趣的习俗。此外,野兔野兔繁殖能力强繁殖能力强 ,也被欧洲人广泛应用于庆典。,也被欧洲人广泛应用于庆典。Do you know?Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节watch the moon赏月 delicious(美味的) eat delicious foodDragon Boat Festival 端午节端午节的由来农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日 端午节

5、,也叫龙舟节。每到这一天,家 家户户都挂艾叶,赛龙舟,饮雄黄酒 关 于端午节的由来,说法甚多,其中之一就是 纪念历史上伟大的民族诗人屈原。在这一天 人们会煮糯米饭投入江中,以祭祀屈原,因 而吃粽子的习俗才流传至今。粽子,rice dumpling。 端午节这天,赛龙舟是人们最爱 看的节目,龙舟,dragon boat, 端午节因此而 得名。 Christmas圣诞节Do you know?Christmas:十二月二十 五日是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞 生的日子。 类似于中国的春 节。圣诞树( Christmas tree)是 圣诞节的主要装饰品;圣诞老人(Santa Claus)是圣 诞节活动中最受

6、欢迎的人物 。Spring Festival 春节eat a lot of delicious foodRiddle 1 :Its on the 1st of January. People usually have parties. They sing and dance together. What holiday is it?New Years DayRiddle 2 :Its on the 1st of May. People usually have a long holiday. They meet relatives and friends. They go to parks a

7、nd beaches. What holiday is it?May DayGuess: What holiday is it? Its in January or February.People usually eat lots of nice food with their family or friends.delicious 美味的,可口的Spring FestivalGuess: What holiday is it? Its in September or October.People usually watch the moon,and eat moon cakes.Mid-Au

8、tumn Festival 中秋节Guess: What holiday is it? Its in May or June.People usually eat rice dumpings,and watch dragon boat races.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Guess: What holiday is it? Its on the first of June.Children usually have parties at school,they sing and dance happily.Childrens DayLets go to our dial

9、ogue.byeChristmasIts inIts on theNational DayWhensDecember. twenty-fifth of December.Octoberfirst of October (节日) (月份) (日期)?What do people usually do ?at Christmas ?They usuallybuy the Christmas trees and give presents to each other.on New Years Day ?go to parties.Can you say the holidays?Whens ? It

10、s in What do people(人,人们) usually do on ? TheyChildrens Day?Childrens Day?June.sing and dance.Did you sing and dance last Childrens Day? No, I didnt.Whens ? Its in What do people usually do at ? They Halloween? October. Halloween? dress up in costumes.Did you dress up in costumes last Halloween? Yes

11、, I did.Whens ? Its in What do people usually do at ? They Spring Festival ?Spring Festival ? January or February.eat a lot of delicious food.Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival? Yes, I did.Whens ? Its in What do people usually do at ? They Mid-Autumn Festival ?Mid-Autumn Festiv

12、al ? September or October.watch the moon.Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival ? Yes, I did.PracticeWhens ? Its in What do people usually do at /on? They Do a survey:NameActivity(活动)WhenA: Whens ? B: Its in A: What do you usually do at/on ? B: IHelen sing and dance on New Years DayHomework:1.Copy the new words three times. 2.Practise the dialogues with your partner .Goodbye!Goodbye!Use the sentences below to do your survey: Do you like Chinese festivals or western holidays? I like Which one do you like best? I likebest. Why? Because


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