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1、英语作文分享实力源于平积累!成绩源于良好的习惯平时多留心,多看多记,才会慢慢取得成绩!勤学如春起之苗, 不见其曾日有所长 ! 辍学如磨刀之石, 不见其减日有所亏 !读题目的注意事项o分清题目要求的题材 ,不同的题材其写作 的中带你不一样o分清人称每篇文章都 有自己的人称,只有 人称弄对了才有可能 拿到平均分以上的成 绩o时态的分析!这个应 该是最重要的,题目 一般会给定时态,只 有把时态把握好了, 才会写出像样的文章 !o大体规划一下自己开 头结尾要用的精美句 型(倒装,强调或是 with 的复合结构)文章开头的写法现在没有高中时候开头和结尾 都给出的作文,所以要把开 头写好给老师一个好的印象

2、 !开头的写法1a.首先不同的题材有不同的写法, 议论文,叙事文还有书信三者的 开头写法都各有不同 b.不同的文章结构也有不同的开头 写法(建议用总分结构)今昔对比 great changes have taken place things have began to improve since .今昔对比oE: Great changes have taken place in my hometomn in the last five yearsoE: Quit a few changes have taken places in my schoolsice you left china.o

3、E: Things have began to improve since chhools were called on to reduce learning load.正反观点对比oWe have a dicussion about whether an entrance flee should be charged for freeoWe have a survey on whether students should be allow to carry a computer to schools oOpinions are divided (two /several groups) on

4、 this questions图表类 oWe can see from the chart/table that .o60% percent of the students are for the idea ,while 40% percent of the student think otherwiseo A has doubled in the past five years 图表类 We can see from the chart/table that . 60% percent of the students are for the idea ,while 40% percent o

5、f the student think otherwiseA has doubled in the past five years 常用词组Compare to less/more than Used to but now .E :My parents used to listen to the radiofor the news but now they the suffer the InternetOn the one hand on the other hand In addition besides needless to say .各种表示关系的词组短语 A:转折关系.but whi

6、le however rather than not-but whereas B: 选择关系.either or otherwiseEither you did not speak clearly ,or I didt listen wellC原因,结果关系. So for such that thus It was a lovely day that we all spent swimming D并列关系. Not only but also both .and as well as .either or neither nor Not only was everything he had

7、taken away ,but also his german citizenshioE时间关系 hardly when . no sooner.than as soon as once the moment immediately till when while before (注意时态)He telephone the police the moment he found fire.F表示目的 for this purpose ,so that, in order to ,so as to ,due do Example:Please let me know as soon as poss

8、ible in order that I can make arrangents. G:让步关系 although ,even though/if,watever,no matter what,as ,if Example: I would go on working hard eveb if I failed one hunder times H:比较和方式 asas, not so /as.as,as if, the more the Example: The more you practice the better result you will get. 注意各种关系灵活运用名词性从句

9、的用应o主语从句 what you are studying is badly needed nowdays in China o表语从句 My suggestion is that we go to Qingchenshan to spend our holidayso宾语从句 Im sure youll have no trouble finding uso同位语从句 Were glad to hear the news that you have passed the entrance examination 常用句型: it is know that ./As is known 众所周

10、知 Not untile 5P.M did he come here yesterday It was not untile 5PM that he come here yester day ( 比较两个的不同)Its my suggestion that . How glad I was that I recived your letter(书信) What surprised me most was he didnt know me at all.(主语从句) I really dont know where it was that he had his mobile phone stlo

11、n.(宾语和强调结构)亮点词组o递进型 besides,whats more ,let alone ,worse still,furthermoreo解释型 that is to say ,in other words, on the one hand .on the other hand ,for example, take for exampleo总结型 in conlison , in a word ,to sum up, In shot ,on the whole ,above all in summery 见解型 in my opinion , personly speaking,

12、as for as my concerned,generally speaking Whats more /whats worse go from bad to worse/to make matters worse Example:It seemed impossible for him to find a hotel to stay at.To make matters worse ,he found his wallet gone. 注意with 的复合结构与灾难有关的单词雪灾 snowstorm, 停电 power cut ,保持冷静 stay clam 倒塌 break down ,

13、collapse 不知所措 be at loss 没有察觉 unsciousncess 失去知觉 loose consciousbcess 急救 fisd aid 救援人员 succor 遇到紧急情况 in case of emergency 经费 outlay 经历 come though live a hard life at the risk of show sympathy to . A state of emergency . During the emergency 表示事实、现状 1)We cannot ignore the fact that. 2)No one can den

14、y the fact that. 3)There is no denying the fact that. 4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 5)However,thats not the case. 表示看法 1)People have(take,adopt, assume)different attitudes towards sth. 2)People have different opinions on this problem. 3)People take different views of(on

15、)the question. 4)Some people believe that.Others argue that. 书信的格式:June 17th , 2006 Dear Xiao He, Thank you ever so much for having invited me for the tour of Yunnan, your home province. I had a fantastic time with you and your family. Your great hospitality will be unforgettable throughout my life. When I think of those gorgeous places of scenic beauty you showed me around, I couldnt be more delighted. And the pineapple pie Grandma prepared for me is out of thisworld. I had never had so delicious food! Indeed, I am still missing your snug l



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