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1、指导思想:指导思想:我国管乐发展曾经遭到许多困难和挫折,要改变目前的局面,要赶上世界先进水平,当务之急是“努力扩大普及面”,这是提高人民素质的需要,是社会进步的需要。本课旨在激发学生学习萨克斯管的兴趣,积极开拓学生的第二课堂,提高学生的综合素质,以促进素质教育的发展。 课时:课时:一课时教具:教具:萨克斯管(bE 调中音、bB 调高音、bB 调次中音)、光盘、多媒体课件(CD 机)教学目标:教学目标:1、通过讲解让学生了解萨克斯管的历史;2、让学生掌握萨克斯管的基本演奏方法;3、激发学生学习萨克斯管的兴趣。来源:学科网教学过程:教学过程: (一)导入新课(一)导入新课 师:同学们在上课之前请大

2、家欣赏一段乐曲来源:Zxxk.Com课件:放光盘回家伴奏,有教师演奏其中一段来源:学.科.网(欣赏完毕)师:同学们有谁知道这首乐曲的名称吗?它是由什么乐器演奏的?来源:Z_xx_k.Com生:回家,萨克斯管(二)(二)新新授授 师:对这首乐曲是由 bB 调高音萨克斯管演奏的。萨克斯管以它那独具魅力的甜美的声音和极其丰富的表现力,深受大家的喜爱,那么萨克斯管是谁发明的呢?生:阿道夫-萨克斯师:对。下面我为大家介绍一下萨克斯管的历史课件 1、萨克斯管的简介(阿道夫-萨克斯的头像挂图)(萨克斯管是由比利时乐器制造家阿道夫-萨克斯于 1842 年发明的,1846 年取得了专利,比利时人一直依此为自豪,


4、开来。在 20 世纪的美国,萨克斯管又称为早期爵士乐的重要乐器,并逐渐成为爵士乐得主角。)2、萨克斯管的种类及音域(五种萨克斯管的挂图)(下面我为大家介绍萨克斯管家族中的主要成员。萨克斯管家族主要包括:bB 调高音萨克斯管也就是直管萨克斯、bE 调中音萨克斯管、 bB 调次中音萨克斯管、bE 调次低音萨克斯管、bB 调低音萨克斯管。而萨克斯管这些成员中,不管音调的高低,统一用高音谱表记谱;由于在吹奏方法方面基本相同,因此从一个调转入另一个调的乐器时,在技术上不需要做很大的改进,只需要相应的调整一下笛头与哨片的大小就可以;萨克斯管的音域是从五线谱的低音下加两间的 bB;高音到上加四间的#F;它的

5、最佳音域是五线谱第一线的 E 到高音上加三线的 E。目前在我国的军乐团队中常用的有 bE 中音萨克斯和 bB 次中音萨克斯。)3、萨克斯管的构造(bE 萨克斯管示范)(萨克斯管主要有:上段管体、下段管体、喇叭口、连动杆、弯勃、笛头、挂带。笛头又分为哨片、卡子、笛帽。)(三三)再引入再引入 来源来源: :学学. .科科. .网网 综合以上所述,我们便总结出了萨克斯管的基本演奏方法。1、 长音:是萨克斯管练习中最基本也是最重要的方法。2、 吐音特点:“准”音准“巧”灵巧“快”速度3、 连音特点:流畅、连贯4、 颤音特点:柔和、丰满、圆润、流畅(四)下课(四)下课UnitUnit 5 5 OurOu

6、r schoolschool 教学目标:教学目标:1、技能目标:(1)能够向别人介绍自己的学校和老师。(2)能够讲述本单元的故事。(3)通过本课故事的学习,培养在日常生活中用英语的交际能力。(4)能够说唱本单元的歌曲童谣。2、知识目标:(1)语音:能够准确朗读字母 u 在不同单词中的发音。(2)词汇:学习学校教室和教师的相关单词。(3)句型:学习 Are these our books?及答语等(4)语法:区别 our,your,their 及相关知识。3、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标:(1)通过故事学习,培养学生要热爱学校,热爱老师。(2)通过故事学习,要学生注意运动时的安全意识。(3)

7、培养学生的爱护及建设学校的意识。(4)教育学生要关爱老师。 Lesson1Lesson1 教学目标教学目标1 能听懂会说会认单词:math/English/their/our/teacher/ playgroud/office/school.2 能跟录音说故事.3 爱学校,爱老师。 重点重点: : 理解故事 难点难点: : classroom, playground 认读 教具教具: : 计算机,单词卡片 学具学具: : 单词卡片 教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Revision1 Ss say a chant2 T holds up any students book, Ask, “Whos

8、e math book is this?” “Whose English book is this?”Ss: Its (WangMings math/English book).T holds up some pictures. “Which room is this?”Ss: Its the living room/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom.Step2 Presentation1 classroom, office, schoolT shows the pictures, “Whats this?” Ss try to say. (Its a classroom/ o

9、ffice.) T: This is our school. Ss read the words one by one.Step3 Talk about the story1 T: Today, were going to visit Anns school.T asks these questions about the pictures:Picture 1:Where are Ann ,Ken and Mocky?Picture 2:Where are they now?Picture 3:What do you think Mocky and Wang Ling are saying?

10、Picture 4:What is Mocky looking at?What do you think WangLing is saying?Picture 5:Where are they? Whos that woman?Picture 6: What does WangLing say to the English teacher?Picture 7: What is Mocky doing? What are Ann and Ken saying to him?Picture 8/9: Where are they now? Whose ball is this?Picture 10

11、:What is Mocky doing? Picture11: Whose window is broken? How does Mocky feel?Ss answer the questions individually.2 T plays the tape. Ss listen to the tape and point to the picture.3 T plays the tape again. Ss listen and repeat.4 Ss read the story in groups. (P1-P6, P7-P11)Ss perform. 板书设计板书设计Unit 5

12、 Our School!This is our school. This is our math teacher.This is our English teacher.These are our teachers.Thats their ball Lesson2Lesson2 教学目标教学目标1 能听说认读单词:Chinese /math /music /art /P.E. / playground /office /classroom /their /our.2 能介绍自己的老师和学校。3 能唱歌曲,爱老师,爱学校。 重点重点: : 新单词的认读 难点难点: : 正确运用 their, o

13、ur, your。 教具教具: : 计算机,单词卡片 学具学具: : 单词卡片 教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Revision1 Ask the Ss to read the story.2 Ss look at the screen and answer Qs:P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P9, P11.Step2Words to learn1 PresentationT show some Ts photos one by one, “ Whos this?” (Covered parts)Ss try to guess: She/ He is our Chinese

14、 / math/ music/ art/ P.E. teacher.T say the words, Ss repeat.2 Listen and repeatSs look at the books, T plays the tape, Ss repeat. (3 times)3 Ss read the words in groups.4 Ss perform.5 Practise1)T show some pictures of their Ts and our school.“Who wants to be a guaid to introduce our school and the

15、Ts?Ss introduce one by one.2) Ss do a group work. 3) Ss perform.Step3 Listen to this1 Have the Ss open their books at pages52 .T explain to the Ss that the pictures are some teachers in WangLings school. Give them 15 to think who are they.2 T plays the tape.Ss listen to the tape and point to the pic

16、ture.T plays the tape again.Ss listen and write the number.3 T have the Ss read out the sentences in a class drill.Ss read the sentences.Step4 Lets sing!Have the Ss open their books.T: What can you see?Ss: I can see some toys.T: Whose toys are they? Are they your toys?Ss: They are Boobbys and LuLus.2 T plays the tape.Ss listen to the tape and point to the words.T plays the tape again.Ss sing the song and clap in time.Ss sing together.


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