英语八年级上冀教版Unit 5 Lesson 33 Maybe You’ll Be a Teacher课件(冀教版八年级上)

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1、 Language notes:3. It isnt always easy to live in a new neighbourhood.2. get to know 强调“从不认识到认识的渐进过程”know “认识,了解,知道”How did you get to know her? “ 注重过程”How do you know her? “含有意外、惊奇的意味 ” Its easy/hard to do sth.1. Im doing very well. 用进行时态强调“一直,一向”4. keep - kept - kept keep sb./sth. + 地方5. I will be

2、 glad when you come to Canada, too.I will be glad/sad/ happy when 汉译英:1) 骑自行车很容易。2) 学好英语很难。3) 住在一个新社区不总是很容易。Its hard to learn English well.Its easy to ride a bike.It isnt always easy to live in a new neighbourhood.Its easy/hard to do sth.汉译英:1) 她来北海,我会很高兴。2) 他不给我写信,我会很伤心。3) 你忘记我,我不会不高兴。I will be ver

3、y sad when he doesnt write to me.I will be very glad when she comes to Beihai.I will not be sad when you forget me.I will be glad/sad/ happy when A task: Think and summarize(总结).Write down what happened to Brian in three sentences.1. What did Brian do this week?2. What happened to him yesterday?3. W

4、hat is Brian going to do tomorrow?Brain got to know his neighbourhood this week. But yesterday he lost his way on his way to the cinema. Tomorrow he is going to ask Uncle David to buy him a map of the city and he will keep it in his backpack.astronautBrainstorm some words that describe occupations.教

5、师 _ 司机 _医生 _ 护士 _职员 _ 厨师 _运动员 _ 工人_ 农民 _ 面包师傅 _ 清洁工_ 图书管理员 _ 出纳员/收银员 _ 警察 _ 商人 _ 总裁 _ 售货员 _ 航天员 _teacherdriverdoctornurseclerkcookplayerworkerfarmerbakercleanerlibrariancashierpolicemanbusinessmanCEOsellerastronautBrainstorm some other words that describe occupations.律师 _ 教授 _园丁 _ 程序设计员 _外交官 _ 记者 _带

6、头人/领导 _ 翻译_男演员 _ 女演员 _ 兽医 _ 明星 _ 工程师 _ 士兵 _男服务员 _ 女服务员 _宾馆工作人员 _ 校长 _侦探 _ 导游 _professorgardenerprogrammerdiplomatjournalistleadertranslatoractoractressvetstarengineersoldierlawyerwaiterwaitresshotel workerprincipaldetectiveguideBrainstorm some other words that describe occupations.政治家 _ 语言学家_ 数学家 _

7、历史学家 _物理学家 _ 生物学家 _ 地理学家 _ 化学家 _艺术家 _ 画家 _科学家 _ 舞蹈家 _ 作家 _ 思想家 _ 歌唱家 _ 企业家 _心理学家 _ 文学家 _scientistmathematicianphysicistchemistbiologistgeographerstatesmanlinguistartistpainterdancerwriterthinkersingerhistorianentrepreneurpsychologistliterary manPractise this dialogue in pairs:A: I dont know what Im

8、going to do when I am a man/woman. Can you tell me what Im going to be in the future?B: Yes. Maybe youll be a/an when youre older.Maybe youll be = You may/might be in the futurebe going to + 动原 will + 动原 1. What are you good at?2. What do you want to be in the future?3. What do Li Ming and Wang Mei

9、want to do in thefuture? Make a guess.Think about it!Read and fill in the table:What do Li Ming and Wang Mei want to do in thefuture? Why?PeopleAmbitions(理想)ReasonsLi MingWang Meia teacherHe is good at talking to people.a doctorShe is always helping people.Read the speech bubbles and answer the two

10、questions:1. Whats the future?2. What does “Dr.” mean?3. Is Wang Mei really a doctor?Language notes:3. So is next week and next year.Its + adj./n. to do sth.2. have a very good future“So + 系动词be /助动词/情态动词 + 主语”表示前边提到的事情也同样适合于后面的人或物。注意 :系动词be、助动词、情态动词的选用要前后一致,并 且符合后面主语的人称、单复数和时态。1. Its scary to talk

11、about the future.He is a student. So _ you.I have a computer. So _ she.I can skate. So _ my brother.aredoescanscared adj. 害怕的 惊恐的 scary adj. 吓人的 Language notes:3. be nice/good/kind to sb. 对某人好be good for 对有好处2. would like want1. give a talk to sb. = give sb. a talk4. make/let sb. do sth.5. Let me look at you carefully.careful adj. carefully adv.He is _. He is a _ boy.They work _ every day.carefulcarefulcarefullyLanguage notes:1. ill “有病的” 通常作表语 作定语时是“bad”的意思sick “有病的” 既可作表语又可作定语His father is ill/sick in bed. She feels ill/sick.


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