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1、1Unit 1 Good Friends (Senior 1A)课前基础热身 I. 单词拼写 1. The problem was hard; its s_ required many hours. 2. The little girl was s_ by the sudden barking of a dog. 3. They all had a feeling of s_ for the death of their close friend. 4. As soon as she became rich she c_ aside all her old friends. 5. He wen

2、t over her composition and found only two or three e_. 6. He prefers _(古典的) music to pop music. 7. The explorer told the boys about his _(冒险经历) in the Arctic. 8. Its reported that about seventy-five percent of the children receive no _(正规 的) education in that area. 9. He didnt _(生存) long after the a

3、ccident. 10. He often had to spend the night in _(荒废的) temples. II英汉互译 1. 独自 2. 把当作 3. 飞机失事 4. 网上冲浪 5. 嘲笑,作弄 6. 与交朋友 7. 牢记 8. 同甘共苦 9. 给某人写一封短信 10. 与建立友谊 11. make apologies 12. care about 13. be into sth 14. hunt for 15. forever friends 16. feel down 17. keep an eye on 18. be curious about 19. fair-w

4、eather friend 20. overcome ones shyness III. 完成句子(用括号所给的词语或要求完成下列句子) 1. _(你认为从哪里) I can get some work to do? (think) 2. _(那一天是那么冷) the street was almost deserted. (so) 3. You cant imagine _(他们是多么激动) when they received these nice Christmas gifts. 4. I dont enjoy singing, _(也不喜欢玩电脑游戏). (nor) 5. He rea

5、lized that he hasnt been a very good friend, because he _(总是只想 着自己). (always)课内重点剖析 单词点睛 1. quality n. 词 义(人的)品质(可数);(物的)质量(不可数)(与 quantity(数量)相对应);(人或物)特 点,特性 必记搭配good quality 品德良好 human quality 人性2quality goods 精品 a man of quality 具有良好品质的人 例 Quality is more important than quantity.质量比数量更重要。He has

6、all the qualities of a successful businessman. 他具有一个成功商人所应具备的所有品质。 One quality of wood is that it can burn. 木材的特点之一就是会燃烧。 2. loyal adj. 词 义忠诚的,忠实的 派 生 词loyally adv. 忠实地,忠诚地 loyalty n. 忠实(不可数) loyalist n. 忠实分子 必记搭配be loyal to 对忠诚 同/近义词faithful, true 例 He was utterly loyal to his wife. 他对他的妻子绝对忠实。 The

7、se people feel a lot of loyality to the company. 这些人都对公司忠心耿耿。 They didnt loyally live up to the principles they professed. 他们未能忠实地履行他们所表明的原则。 3. fun n. 词 义乐趣,兴致(不可数名词) fun 是不可数名词,其前不可用冠词修饰。 派 生 词funny 滑稽的,荒谬的,逗人笑的 例 We had great fun swimming in the lake. 我们在湖里游泳,玩得很开心。What fun it is to play with my

8、little dog.逗我的小狗玩真是令人开心。 4. survive vi / vt 规则变化: -d; -d; 现在分词: surviving 词 义经历.后依然活着; 幸免于; 经受得住 派 生 词survivor n. 存留下来的人或东西,生存者survival n. 生存(不可数) 例 Few survived after the flood. 洪水过后,生还者极少。The man was very ill, but he survived.这个人病得很厉害,可是他活下来了。 He survived his wife for many years.他比妻子多活好多年。 The hou

9、se survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。 Crocodiles are survivals from the age of dinosaurs. 鳄鱼是从恐龙时代生存下来的物种。His survival is still uncertain; he has been very badly hurt and may die. 他能否活下去还是一个未知数,他伤得太重,随时都有生命危险。 5. imagine 规则变化: -d; -d; 现在分词: imagining 词 义想象, 以为;假想 派 生 词imagination 想象力 imaginative

10、 富于想象的;有想象力的 必记搭配imagine sth/doing sth./宾语从句 想象, 幻想/认为imagine sb.as 以为 例 You can imagine the situation there.3你可以想象那里的情况。 I cant imagine living in such a place. 我难以想像生活在这样一个地方。 I cant imagine what he looks like. 我想象不出他是什么长相。 Dont imagine yourself to be always correct. 不要以为自己总是对。 I imagine him as a b

11、ig tall man. 我以为他是个高大的人。 He imagines that people dont believe him. 他总是认为人们不信任他。 典题示例(2006 江苏卷 32) - There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.- My goodness! I cant imagine _ that old.A. to beB. to have beenC. beingD. having been 答案 C。(2006陕西) Its difficult to imagine his _ the deci

12、sion without any consideration. A. to acceptB. acceptC. acceptingD. accepted 答案:C 解析:imagine 表“想象”之意时,其后应用 doing,不可用 to do 形式作宾语。 (2007浙江卷) -Look! Hes running so fast! -Hard to _ his legs were once broken. A. knowB. imagineC. realizeD. find 答案:B 解析:考查词义辨析。即:很难想象出他的腿曾经骨折过。 6. argue vi 规则变化: -d; -d; 现

13、在分词: arguing 词 义争论;辩论 派 生 词argument (n). 理由;论据; 争论;争吵 必记搭配argue about/on/over sth 为争论 argue against sth 据理反对 argue for sth 为而辩论 argue with sb 与争论 例 He argued with Mary about/on/over the best place for a holiday.他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。 They argued against the use of this medicine. 他们据理反对使用这种药。 The workers arg

14、ued for the right to strike. 工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。 7. develop 词 义弄成,培养,形成;冲洗(胶卷),过去式,过去分词-ed, -ed; 现在分词-ing 派 生 词development n. 发展,进展;冲洗(胶卷) developed adv. 发达的 developing adv. 发展中的 必记搭配be under development 在发展中 develop the habit of 养成的习惯 develop ones skills 培养方面的技能 develop into 发展成为 例 He developed an inte

15、rest in science. 他培养出了对科学的兴趣。 He developed into a strong leader.4他已成为一个强有力的领导。 I think these photographs will look nice when they are developed. 我想等胶卷冲洗好之后,这些照片一定看起来很美。 She developed the habit of eating junk food. 她养成了吃零食的习惯。 Do you find it hard to keep up with the new developments of science? 你觉得与科学发展保持一致难吗? 典题示例 1. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _ healthy eating habits. (06湖北)



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