英语专业听力课件 (5)

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1、English Listening and Video Watching2009-12-22Table of ContentsListen to This 1: Lesson 14,15Extra MaterialL14: Vocabulary 1economy n. 节约;经济体制/状况; a. 便宜的,经济的; (economy class 经济舱,普通座位; first class 头等舱)coach n. 长途汽车,大型游览车; (体育运动)教练,(辅 导准备考试的)私人教师;四轮大马车 (coach terminal 长途汽车站) v. (尤指不在学校里)训练;辅导tempt v.

2、诱使 into sth./doing sth. temptation n. 诱惑(物)do with (一般用于could 之后)需要,想要milky a. of or like milk; (of a jewel or liquid) not clearcatch ones eye: catch ones attentionportion n. 部分; (食物的)一份,一客 e.g. a generous portion of roast duck; cut the pie into 6 portionsstrawberry n. 草莓; berry n. 浆果 (blueberry 蓝莓;

3、 blackberry 黑莓)tart n. 果酱点心;果陷饼steak 肉排,鱼排,(尤指)牛排; steak-house 肉排餐馆,(尤指)牛排餐馆brasserie n. type of restaurant serving esp. beer with foodnormally adv. 正常地,通常地 (antonym: abnormally)departure a. 起程,出发 (antonym: arrival)L14: Vocabulary 2deliver v. 递送 (pay on delivery 货到付款; Your order is ready for deliver

4、y. 你订购的 货物可随时交付);发表a speech;接生a babybean n. 豆 (bean curd 豆腐; bean sprout 豆芽)contain v. 包含,容纳 (container 容器)spaghetti n. 意大利式细面条; pasta 意大利 面制品(包括通心粉macaroni及面条等)sauce n. 酱汁,调味汁; soy sauce 酱油(saucer n. 茶托,浅碟; sausage n. 香肠)stock n. 库存 (things in );股票; 牲口; 高汤diet n. 日常饮食(食物); 特种饮食,饮食限制 (be on a diet 吃

5、规定的饮食; v. 忌口,节食)tinned a. 罐头的; canned a. 罐装的Useful Expressionsbe supposed to 应该,被期望slim v. 减肥take your order 点餐on the ground floor 在一楼make it 达到预定目标, 及时抵达, 走完 路程, (病痛等)好转take a message for sb. 为某人捎个信in case 万一(because of the possibility of)be in/out 在/不在家order some food 点餐sendstraight round to 把径直送到

6、baked beans(加番茄酱等制的)烘豆take chances 冒险,碰运气get stuck in sth. 全神贯注吃饭或工作,使劲干tomato sauce 番茄酱汁in stock 有库存,有现货You never can tell. 你无法预知。touch and go 快速的行动,一触即发的形势set sb. thinking 让某人思考get/have a sweet tooth 有吃甜食的嗜好L15: Vocabulary 1tempting a. 诱惑人的curry n. 咖喱粉;咖喱饭菜; v. 用咖喱粉调味cut down 削减, 删节laundry n. 洗衣店;

7、 (家庭,旅馆等的)洗衣房;洗熨好 的或需要洗熨的衣服cancellation n. 取消 (v. cancel)fix sb. up (with sth.): (informal) arrange for sb. to have sth.; provide sb. with sth. -I will fix you up with a place to stay. 我来给你安排住处。reference n. (在本练习中) 证明文书,介绍信,推荐书L14: Vocabulary 2mushroom n. 蘑菇,蘑菇云; v. 采蘑菇 (go mushrooming); 迅速扩散或增加-New

8、 blocks of flats and offices are mushrooming all over the city. plaice n. 欧蝶(一种可食用海鱼)rack of lamb 羊排house wine 饭店特色酒carafe n. 玻璃水瓶lager n. 酿造后再贮藏成熟的啤酒sherry n. 雪利酒, 葡萄酒conductress n. (公车,电车)女售票员(male: conductor)misery n. 痛苦, 苦恼, 悲惨, 不幸, 穷困 (miserable a. )make sb.s life a misery: cause sb. to be unha

9、ppy or suffer pain in daily lifeinterrupt v. 打断(说话),插嘴make-up n. 化妆品Useful Expressionsowe sb. one 报答, 酬报某人get a vacancy 有空缺be right in the middle of 正在中be fully booked 预定已满fix sb. up with 为某人安排/提供appeal to 对有吸引力the set lunch 午餐套餐How would you like your steak done? 牛排 可以按生熟程度分成一分熟(rare)、三分熟 (medium r

10、are)、五分熟(medium)、七分熟 (medium well)、全熟(well done)work over time 加班Good for you! 真不错! (用以赞美某人的成 功或好运)interfere with 干预,干涉BonusHow do you like your egg cooked? 你的蛋要几分熟 ? 鸡蛋的熟度和肉又不一样。对于要下油锅的鸡蛋, 回答方法是 1. Scramble 炒蛋(就是全熟),2. Sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋 (因为荷包蛋像太 阳,所以老美用 sunny side 来形容),3. Sunny side down / ease over两面都煎。 另外还有白煮蛋。这个分两种。汉语中是“嫩”、“老” 之分,英语中是 soft boil 和hard boil。所谓的 soft boil 是指让蛋黄的部份还有点液体状,而 hard boil 则是指整个的蛋黄都煮成固体状的。Other Points Worth NoticingWestern dinner and table mannersSlang and colloquial expression: owe sb. one 报答, 酬报某人fix sb. up with 为某人安排/提供Good for you! 真不错!


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