研究生英语阅读教程(提高级) Lesson 12

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1、Lesson 12 In Praise of the Humble Comma CATALOGUEAbout the Author Warm-up Activities Structure Language Points Keys Warm-up Activities 1. Could you speak these punctuation marks in English 2., . : ; ! ? “” () - ? 2. Among those commonly-used punctuation marks, which do you think is the most useful o

2、r most important one? Why do you think so? 3. Do you think comma worth praising? Structure Part I (para. 1): Although apparently small and humble, often getting no respect, commas are like gods in that they give breath to life or take it away. Part II (para. 2para. 5): Social functions of punctuatio

3、ns. Part III (para. 6para. 7): Punctuation is an important means of communication for feelings. Part IV (para. 8para. 9): Significance of commas. Part V (para. 10para. 11): Punctuation is a matter of care for what the words imply. Language Points 1. (all) of a sudden (或on a sudden, all on a sudden,

4、on the sudden) (line 2, para. 1) suddenly, unexpectedly 突然地;出乎意料地,冷不防 灯突然灭了。 All of a sudden the lights went out. 我们等了又等,然后,突然看到地平线上出现了一 艘帆船。 We waited and waited, then all of a sudden we saw a sail on the horizon. 他决定突然离开,这一点都不明智。 The way he decided to leave all of a sudden didnt make any sense. La

5、nguage Points 2. deprive (of) take away from; prevent from using or enjoying 夺去,剥夺; 使丧失 (line 4, para. 1) 一个学生假如没有了书籍,将怎么办? What would a student do if the were deprived of his books? 那次事故使他丧失了视力。 He was deprived of his sight by the accident. 担忧使他不能入睡。 Worrying deprived him of sleep. Language Points

6、* deprived not having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life; having fewer opportunities in life because of being poor (尤指儿童)被剥夺的, 贫困的 synonym: disadvantaged, underprivileged 贫困儿童往往学习比较差。 Deprived children tend to do less well at school. deprived areas/ neighbourhoods etc (=wh

7、ere a lot of deprived people live) 在贫民区长大的孩子转向犯罪和滥用毒品的可能性 大得多。 Children growing up in deprived areas are far more likely to turn to crime and drug abuse. Language Points 3. keep up (line 1, para. 2) a)to make something continue at its present level or amount, instead of letting it decrease; maintain

8、 in proper condition 维护;使保持良好状态 他按期付帐保持良好的信用。 He keeps his credit up by paying his bills regularly. 要保养这幢大厦所需费用太大了。 The mansion was too expensive to keep up. b) to continue doing something 保持;坚持 好极了!继续好好干! Splendid! Keep up the good work! (=continue to work hard and well) Language Points c) if a sit

9、uation keeps up, it continues without stopping or changing (使)继续下去,(使)不停止 雨下了整整一夜。 Rain kept up all night. 请为我续订那份杂志。 Please keep up my subscription to the magazine. synonym: continue Language Points d) to manage to do as much or as well as other people 不落后,并驾齐驱 年龄较小的男孩在比赛中跟不上。 The younger boys were

10、 not able to keep up in the race. 他请了位家庭教师,因为他的功课跟不上班上其他 同学。 He hired a tutor because he wasnt able to keep up with the rest of the class. opposite fall behind 我的工资跟不上通货膨胀。 My salary doesnt keep up with inflation. keep up with the Joneses (=try to have the same new, impressive possessions that other

11、 people have) 和琼斯 一家人比(在购买物品,如衣物、汽车等方面与邻人相比 以示社会地位) Language Points 4. (its) no/small/little wonder (that) especially spoken used to say that you are not surprised by something 并不奇怪;不足为奇;十分自然 (line 3, para. 4) 他病了,这并不奇怪,因为几年来他一直操劳过度。 He was taken ill, and little wonder, considering that he had been

12、overworking for years. 难怪你找不到这本书,它掉在椅子背后了。 No wonder you couldnt find the bookit had fallen behind the chair. 你吃得那么多当然睡不着了。 Its no wonder you cant sleep when you eat so much. Language Points 5. spill (out) to let (something secret) become known 告密;泄露,说出(秘密)(line 5, para. 4) 他会与任何人交谈,还会把他的一生经历告诉一个完 全

13、陌生的人。 He will talk to anyone and spill out his life story to a total stranger. 他威胁说要(把他所知道的)向警方告发。 He threatened to spill (what he knew) to the police. Language Points * spill the beans informal to tell something that someone else wanted you to keep a secret 泄露消息(尤指不欲人知的事); 泄露秘密 “菲力普知道我们的计划吗?” “知道,一

14、定是有人泄露了 秘密。” “Does Phillip know about our plan?” “Yes, someone must have spilled the beans.” Language Points 6. voice (line 5, para. 5) a)singular, uncountable the right or ability to express an opinion, to vote, or to influence decisions 表达,表露;发言权;投票权 学生应对决定学校发展方向一事有发言权。 Students should have a voic

15、e in determining the way in which universities should develop. 工人们要求对资方所作的决定有发言权。 The workers want a voice in management decisions. Language Points b) countable an opinion or wish that is expressed (表达出的)意见,愿望 政府需要倾听美国中产阶级的呼声。 The government needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans. 尽管

16、有许多反对意见,这项政策还是被采纳了。 This policy has been adopted despite many dissenting voices. Language Points to express your feelings or thoughts 说出,表达,吐露 她表示了自己的担心。 She gave voice to her misgivings. 参与者被鼓励说出自己的希望、担心和梦想。 Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams. *give voice to some



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