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1、Part Two American History The division of American History1.The colonial period (1492-1775)2.The Independent War (1775-1783)3.The Civil War (1881-1885)4.The Imperialism Period1) U.S. and World War I (1914-1918)2) U.S. And World War II (1935-1945)5. The Civil Rights Movement (1950-1968)6. America dur

2、ing and around the Cold War(1947-1992)7. The Postwar AmericaKey to American History (1) 1.The discovery of the New World2.Causes for the colonization of the New World3.The original 13 colonies4.The American War of Independence and its significance5.The establishment of a federal form of government6.

3、The War of 1812 and its impact on the development of the U.S. 7.The consequences of territorial expansion and thewestward movement8.The American Civil War and its impact on the development of the U.S. 9.Rapid growth of capitalism after the Civil WarChapter I Colonization of North America1.When did A

4、merican history begin?1607-a year when the first group of the British colonists went to America and started to build their settlement there2.The period of colonization: 1607(the first settlement of English colonies)1776(the independence of America) I.Indians1.Are Indians native Americans?2.When, whe

5、re and how did they come to America?Some 25 000 years ago; from Asia; crossing the Bering land bridge, now the Bering strait.Bering=Danish navigator and explorer who in 1728 sailed through the Bering Strait, proving (though he did not realize it at the time)that Asia and North America are separate c

6、ontinents. Indians have been identified to be the descendents of Mongoloid. Mongoloid=a race of, relating to, or being a major human racial division(蒙古人种)traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as yellowish-brown skin pigmentation, straight black hair, dark eyes with pronounced

7、epicanthic folds, and prominent cheekbones and including peoples indigenous to central and eastern Asia. Mongoloid 是人类学中的学术性单词, 而黄色人种 (Yellow People)是通俗的称法。两者其实是一个意思, 没有区别。 3. Why were they given the name of Indians? When Columbia sailed to America, the first people he saw were Indians. The term Ind

8、ian has always been a misnomer(An error in naming a person or place误称)for the earliest inhabitants of the Americas. Many people now prefer Native American both as a corrective to Columbuss mistaken appellation and as a means of avoiding the romantic and generally offensive stereotypes associated wit

9、h phrases such as wild Indian or cowboys and Indians.4.The population of Indians: 1)When the first European settlers arrived in America: 1.5 million years ago 2)By 1800: around 600,000 3)by 1850: mere 250, 000. 4)today:a million (most of on or near the 300 reservations) 5. The distribution of Indian

10、s: most Indians: in Central and South America; over one million: in North America 6. Features of Indians:red-skinned; dark-haired 7. Social structure: live in tribes: clantribetribe confederacy 联盟 8. Indian Culture: splendid and make great contribution to the world as well as to the American history

11、9. Indian language:no letters 10. Indian art: decorative art, beautiful designs 11. Indian agriculture: major crops: maize, potato, cocoa, tobacco 12. Indian way of life: hunting or farming II. The Discovery of America 1.Who was the first one to discover America? a. Columbus in October 12, 1492 b. L

12、eif Ericson萊弗艾瑞克森nearly five hundred years before Columbus a Norwegian navigator landed at Vinland (Newfoundland) on October 9th, 1000 becoming the first known European to set foot on Canada.the Old World=the Eastern Hemisphere (Europe and Asia, Africa) often used to refer specifically to Europe. th

13、e New world=the Western Hemisphere (North, Central and South America). Amerigo Vespucci阿美利哥维斯普西: He was not the discoverer of the new continents, but it was he who first confirmed the fact that a new continent rather than Asia had been discovered and the New World was named after him.When was Americ

14、a regarded to be discovered? October 12, 1492 The significance of the discovery: 1. widened peoples horizon 2. opened fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie 3. promoted the development of commerce, sea navigation and industry 4. provided the way for the rapid development of early capitalism III. Co

15、lonization of North America 1. The Early explorations 2. The purpose of the explorations: to search wealth: gold to expand territory The result of the exploration: establish settlements on the territory.Many European countries sent explorers to America: Spain, England, France etc. They claimed large

16、 areas of land for their kings. Spainsouthern part of North America and the whole of South America except Brazil. Thats why there are many places in America which are named in Spanish. San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, etc. Spanish explorers: Balboa玻尔玻: Spanish explorer and colonial governor who discovered (15


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