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1、Unit 1 Text Translation:One of the good things for men in womens liberation is that men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies. 对男士们而言,妇女解放运动的好处之 一是他们可以省去那些在女士们面前的旧 式礼节。Translation:According to an article on the changes in manners, a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helple

2、ssly in public as if she were a model. 有一篇反映礼仪演变的文章说道,一个很能干的女人在公共场合不必再表现得个模特似的不能自己照顾自己。Translation:For example, she doesnt need help getting in and out of cars. 比如说,她上下汽车并不需要帮忙。Translation:“Women get in and out of cars twenty times a day with babies and dogs. Surely they can get out by themselves at

3、 night just as easily,” says the author.文章的作者说“女人抱着婴儿或是狗,每天上下汽车二十次,即使在夜晚她们也可以轻松自如地自己走出汽车Translation:The author of the article also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk.该文作者还说, 在人行道上,男士不一定 要走在女士的外侧。Translation:“Historically, the man walked on the ins

4、ide so he caught the garbage thrown out of a window. Today a man is supposed to walk on the outside. A man should walk where he wants to. So should a woman. “过去,男人总是走在内侧,从窗户里扔出来垃圾,就由他来接。而今天,人们认为男人应该走在外侧。男人应该想走哪边就走哪边,女人也是一样。Translation:If, out of love and respect, he actually wants to take the blows,

5、 he should walk on the inside - because thats where attackers are all hiding these days.”如果他出于对女士的尊重和关爱真正敢冒风 险,应该走在内侧 因为那才是现在袭击者 们通常藏匿的地方。Translation:As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of womens liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine,

6、I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies. 从礼仪的角度来说,我认为自己一直是妇女解放的支持者。多年来,我猜想自己是出于尊重吧,对女士们一直不肯用过时的礼节去麻烦她们。Translation:It is usually easier to follow rules of social behavior than to depend on ones own taste.在通常情况下,遵从社会行为规则要比坚持个人的喜好容易些。Translation:But rules may be safely broken, of cour

7、se, by those of us now. For example, a woman is usually expected to sit down before a man does. Yet I have always done it the other但是,今天我们可以平安无事地打破这些规则。比如,人们认为男人要在女人入座之后自己才能入座,而我总是恰恰相反。Translation:This came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair o

8、ut I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.前天晚上我就是这么做的。我跟着服务员来到餐桌旁,她拉出了椅子,我很自然地一屁股就坐上去了,因为那正是我想坐的位置。Translation: “Well,” my wife said, when the hostess had gone, “you did it again.” “Did what?” I asked, very much confused. “Took the chair.”服务员走了后,我妻子说:“你看,你

9、又这样了。”“我又哪样了?”我不解的问。“你先坐下了。”Translation:Actually, since I had walked through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it would have been awkward, I should think, not to have taken the chair. I had got there first, after all. 说实在的,既然在饭店里我走在妻子前面,我 认为自己当然该先坐下来,否则岂不尴尬。毕 竟是我先走到餐桌旁的呀Translation:Also, it has alway

10、s been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect.还有,我一贯的做法是先上车,然后让女士自己上车。出于爱心与尊重,作为男性的我一直坚持这一习惯。Translation:In times like these, there might be tough attackers hidden about. It would not be suitab

11、le at all to put a woman in a car and then shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some bad guy who might be hiding in the back seat.在如今这种年代,车里面可能就躲藏着凶悍的袭击者。要是让女士先上车,关上车门,使她陷于躲藏在汽车后座的坏蛋之手,那是根本不合适的。Writing Sep.2 Dear Aunt, Im so grateful to you for the new bike you gave me as a gift for my

12、first day of school. It will help me a lot because I can now ride to school in five minutes instead of walking for fifteen minutes. Ill use the time saved to work at my lessons. Also, Ill be very careful when Im riding in the street. So you dont need to worry about me. Ill come and see you one of th

13、ese days. Take care. Yours, Xiao MingUnit 3 Text Translation:在我 (上班的)第一天,我到得很早。有人把我的工作帽和围裙递给我,一位热心的麦当劳员工向我解释如何操作收银机。译译 文文在我 (上班的)第一天,我到得很早。有人把我的工作帽和围裙递给我,一位热心的麦当劳员工向我解释如何操作收银机。译译 文文Para. 1I arrived early on my first day. My uniform hat and apron were handed to me and a helpful McDonalds assistant ex

14、plained the operation of the cash register.ChineseChinese对于那些不熟悉(收银机上)所有不同色彩和名称(按钮)的人来说,收银机上有点像是飞机的控制面板。每个按钮都代表了一种不同类型的食物,如巨无霸、水果派、麦香鱼,等等。接下来,还有(各式)套餐和其他特价品种。如果有人点了一份套餐但(同时还)需要一份特价食品,那么你就按另一个按钮。译译 文文Para. 2To those unused to all the different colors and names, the cash register looked a little bit l

15、ike the control panel of an aircraft. Each button was for a different type of food - Big Mac, fruit pie, Filet-O-Fish, and so on. Then there were the “combo” (combination) meals and other specials. Then, if someone asked for the combo but wanted a special, you pressed this other buttonChineseChinese =To people who were not familiar with all the different colors and names on a cash register, the machine seemed as hard to work at as the control panel of an airplane. Stru


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