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1、 (1) 一般现在时 经常性动作等。常与everyday, often, always, once a week, seldom, usually等连用。She always goes to school by bus. 真理和事实。Light travels faster than sound. 在由when, if, before, as soon as, unless等引导的时间状语从句和条件状 语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。When I grow up, I will be a soldier.(主将从现) 动作正在发生,用在由here, there等开首的句子中,表示现在正在

2、发生。There goes the bell. 表示主语的习惯特征,性格,能力等。He studies very hard. 一般的说明文字等。The book says that women can live longer than men.(2)一般过去时1.表示过去的某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和明确的时间状语连用。 (或有上下文语境暗示)She went out just now.I saw him yesterday. 2.表示过去经常发生的动作。Last month she worked eleven hours every day.He used to get up ear

3、ly. 3.表示两个紧接着发生的动作,常由以下词语连接,用一般过去时。如:but, and, when, as soon as, immediately, the moment, the minute。 The moment she came in, she told me what had happened to her.He bought a watch but lost it.(3)一般将来时表示未来的动作或状态常用will / shall + 动词(常与表示将来的时间状语边用如tomorrow、next week等)。He will visit shanghai next week.表

4、示一种趋向或习惯动作。Well die without air or water.表示趋向行为的动词如come、go、start、begin、leave等词常用进行时的形式表示将来时。My uncle is coming form America.be going to与will / shall, be to do, be about to do用法及区别:be going to 表示现在打算在最近或将来要做某事,这种打算往往经过事先考虑,甚至已做了某种准备;shall / will do表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时作出的决定。* be going to 表将来,不能用在条件状语从句的主 句

5、中;而will则能,表意愿。如: If it is fine, well go fishing.(正确) If it is fine, we are going to go fishing.(错误)* be to do sth.表按计划、安排即将发生的动作,还可表示吩咐、命令、禁止,可能性等。 A meeting is to be held at 3:00 oclock this afternoon.* be about to do sth.表示“即可,就要”,后面不能接时间状语或状语从句。 Autumn harvest is about to start.(4) 过去将来时 参照一般将来时对

6、比: would do、was / were going to do sth.表过去将来; come、go、leave等过去进行时表过去将来时; was / were to do sth.和was / were about to do sth.表过去将来。(5) 现在进行时 表示正在进行的动作。What are you doing now? 表示即将发生的动作.She is leaving tomorrow. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作.More and more people are giving up smoking. 表示反复发生的或习惯性的动作,常表示不满,抱怨,赞 赏等.She is

7、always finding fault with others.(6) 过去进行时 1. 过去某一时刻在进行的动作经常需要表示 过去的时间状语This time yesterday, they were having lunch. 2.过去进行时常与一般现在时配合,互为时间 背景I was writing a letter when he came. The telephone rang while she was washing. 3.过去反复的动作,常同always, frequently, continually等连用They were frequently going there.(

8、7) 现在完成时 表示动作刚刚完成.I have finished that work. 表示过去做的动作对现在仍有影响.Who has opened the door? 表示过去某时开始的动作一直延续到现 在并且可能会延续下去.He has worked in the company since he came to the city.(8) 过去完成时 表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完 成的动作By the end of 2002,the factory had produces 200000cars. 表示在过去某一时间开始一直延续到另 一个过去的时间的动作The old man ha

9、d been ill for a long time before he died in 2002.1. Where _you _ (put) the book? I cant see it anywhere. I _(put) it right here. But now its gone.A. did ; put; put B. have; put; put C. did; put; have put D. have; put; have put 2. We havent heard from Jane for a long time. What do you suppose _ to h

10、er?A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened 3. Hello, I _ you were in London. How long _ here?A. dont know; were you B. hadnt known; are youC. havent known; are D. didnt know; have you been 4. Im glad to tell you that we _ the work in less time than we _ expected to.A. finished; were

11、B. have finished; are C. have finished; were D. had finished; were 5. When I was at college I _ three foreign language but I _ all except a few words of each.A. spoke; had forgotten B. spoke; have forgottenC. had spoken; had forgotten C. had spoken; have forgotten2. 现在完成时与现在完成进行时1. Hi, Tracy, you lo

12、ok tired. “ I am tired. I _ the living room all day.A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted 2. Have you had any letters from him? No, I havent, but my wife _ him regularly .A. has heard from B. has been hearing from C. had heard from D. hears3. 现在进行时和过去进行时1. I dont really wor

13、k here. I _ until the new secretary _. A. just help out; comes B. have just helped out; will come C. am just helping out; comes D. will just help out; has come 2. When shall we leave? As soon as I _ what I _. A. will finish; do B. have finished, am doing C. finish, will do D. finish, do 3. At that t

14、ime he _ in the library. A. worked B. had worked C. was working D. would work 4. The students _ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she_in the office. A. were working; had left B. worked; left C. had worked; left D. were working; would leave 5. Hey, look where you are going! Oh, Im terribly so

15、rry. _. A. Im not noticing. B. I wasnt noticing. C. I havent noticed. D. I dont notice. E. I didnt notice. F. I wont notice4. 一般过去时和过去进行时 1. He _ a book about China last year, but I dont know if he _ it. A. wrote; has finished B. was writing; has finished C. was writing; had finished D. wrote; will finish 2. Tom _ into the house when no one _. A. slipped; was noticing


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