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1、12011 年提高答案 阅读理解提高练习 1 Passage 1 BCDDC 1) The authors also found that the death rates for teenage drivers increased dramatically after 10 p.m., and especially after midnight, with passengers in the car, the driver was even more likely to die in a late-night accident. 参考译文:这篇文章的作者还发现,在晚上 10 点以后尤其是物业以

2、后青少年驾 车者的死亡率急剧上升。如果车里有乘客,则驾车者死于深夜交通事故的可能性 更大。 2) “The basic issue.” He says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is.” 参考译文:“根本的问题, ”他说, “是负责发放驾驶执照的成年人没有认识到驾 驶汽车是一项多么复杂和需要技术的任务。 ” 3) About half of the states now have some s

3、ort of graduated licensing system in place, but only 10 of those states have restrictions on passengers. 参考译文:现在约有半数的州已经实施了某种渐进式驾驶执照发放制度,但是只 有其中的 10 个州规定了乘员限制。 Passage 2 BAADC 例如在 18 世纪一种产生于各种来源的趋势把语言固定在一个不常使用和不利于 语言发展的模式中,而到了当今,主流是要反复研究、评价人们说话、写作中的 语言实践。 Passage 3 DDDBA 标准化的教育或心理测试,目前广泛应用与对学生、员工和军事

4、人员的筛选、分 配或晋升工作。不过它近来成了各种图书、杂志、日报甚至议会的抨击对象。 Passage 4 ADDCA 【译文】函授教育就是在晚间或者一个月的每个周末去学校上课,这种教育倾向 于把时间拖得很长,并且很多人难于完成这种学位。 【译文】教师的辅导可以通过定期的航空邮件、电话、传真和电话会议以及因特 网等方式进行。 Cloze 提高练习 1 Cloze 1 答案 120 CABBA CDCDC DDBBA DCBAC Cloze 2 答案 120 DCBAC DDDBC DCDDC BCADB Cloze 3 答案 120 DACBB AACCD DBABC DDBCA Cloze 4

5、 答案 120 DCBBA CACBC DABAC BDADA 汉英翻译提高练习 1 1. 琼不想马上就工作,因为她觉得要是工作了,可能就不能经常见到朋友们了。 Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she were to a job she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often 2. 要不是有你的帮助,我们是永远都无法克服这些困难的。 Had it not been for your help,wed never have been

6、able to get over the difficulties 3. 万一有一天绿色植物消失了,地球上几乎就不会有生命了。 Should green plants disappear some day,there would hardly be any life on the earth24. 哎,真恼人!我本来可以轻而易举地把要给你们看的那些照片带来,可我却 把它们忘在家里的桌子上了。 Oh,what a nuisance!It would have been 餸 so easy for me to bring those photographs I wanted to show you

7、,but I have left them on the table at home 5. 没有你的帮助,我是不会做成这件事的。 Without your help,I couldnt have done it (If you hadnt helped,I couldnt have done it ) 6. 我本来早就会写好这篇论文的,但我一直生病棊 I would have written the paper before,but I have been ill (If I werent ill, I would have written the paper before ) 7. 要是你跟

8、他结婚那将是不明智的。 (It would be unwise if you were to marry him )It would be unwise for you to marry him 8. 同样的事,要是发生在战争年代,就会酿成大祸。 The same thing,happening in wartime, would amount to disaster (The same thing,if it happened in wartime,would amount to disaster ) 9. 一个国家要是停止工作,不出两周就会灭亡。 A nation which stoppe

9、d working would be dead in a fortnight 10. 如果我们更细心的话,现在就可以取得更好的结果。 (If a nation stopped working,it would be dead in a fortnight ) If we had been more careful,we would be getting much better results now 11. 假如他已知道此事,那一定是偶然得知的。 (从句指现在,主句指过去时间) If he knew this,it would have had to be by accident 12. 他建

10、议我们一起去参观明天的展览。 He suggested we go to tomorrows exhibition together 13. 有人建议在一切准备工作就绪后再开始这一项目。 It is recommended that the project not be starteduntil all the preparations have been made 14.他必须马上归还这本词典。 Its necessary that he return 餸 the dictionary immediately 15. 我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。 It is important that

11、 we(should)speak politely 16.你要按时到这里,这一点非常重要。 It is of the utmost importance that/It is very important that you be 餸 here on time 17.我真希望今天早上能多睡一会儿,但我不得不起床来上课。 I wish I could have slept longer this morning,but I had to get up and come to class 18. 我总是慢慢说话,以免被别人误解。 I always speak slowly lest I should

12、 be misunderstood 19. 看上去好像她又坠入情网了。 It looks as if she is in love again 20. 我记得整件事情仿佛就像昨天发生的一样。 I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday 21. 我宁愿你目前对此事按兵不动。 Id rather you didnt doanything about it for the time being 22. 要是保罗现在在这儿就好了。3If only Paul were was here now 23. 我要是在专转本考试之前多努力点该多好

13、啊! If only I had worked hard before the ND-D exams. 24 我如果能有来生,就要做一名医生。 If I were to be reborn, I would be a doctor. 25. 如果有来生,我愿化身石桥,为你受五百年风吹,日晒,雨打 自己翻译:) 汉英翻译提高练习 2 【参考答案】 1. As for the influence of computerization, nowhere have we seen the results more clearly than in the bank. 2. Had it not been

14、 for the timely investment from the government, our company would not be thriving as it is. 3. Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work. 4. The organization had broken no rules, but neither had it acted responsibly. 5. Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealin

15、g new depths of scientific illiteracy among Chinese citizens. 6. Parents planning to divorce do not sufficiently prepare their children for the coming crisis, nor do they provide them with the necessary assurances that they will be cared for in the aftermath. 7. Clever and resourceful though he was,

16、 he found more than a little difficulty solving the problem. 8. Not only was she a hard worker, but she was also very polite. 9. Under a tree was sitting one of the biggest men I had ever seen. 10. Only when the researchers have obtained sufficient data can they come to a sound conclusion. 汉英翻译提高练习 3 1. 直到上课开始了他才进来。 2. It was not until the class began that he came in 3. 直到上个星期五他才看完盗梦空间那本小说。 4. It was not until last Friday that he finished read



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