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1、初中英语语法难点 及教学策略贵阳十中 余 嬿一、引 言 英语作为语言的一种,其学习也要遵 循它的基本规律。 英语语法能力的掌握是掌握其它诸多能力的基础。 有了一定的语法基础,对于学生能准确的表达、正确的理解, 有着至关重要的作用。我在初中英语语法教学中的一些方法 演绎归纳穿插教学法 比较教学法 图表教学法 表格教学法 口诀教学法1.演绎,归纳穿插教学法:案例一: 语法:一般将来时 一、概念: 即将发生的动作或存在的状态。 二、构成: 主语+will /be going to +V原+其它 三、标志词: tomorrow next in +将来的段时间等例如: 1. 我们明天要去看电影。We w

2、ill go to see a movie tomorrow. 2. 我和我的父母下个星期天要去看我的 爷爷奶奶。My parents and I will/are going to see my grandparents next Sunday.案例二: I like music that I can dance to.先行词 指物 关系代词 作宾语 可省 I like musicians who write their own songs.先行词 指人 关系代词 作主语 不可省 She likes singers who sing the words clearly.先行词 指人 关系代词

3、 作主语 不可省 He doesnt like songs that are too loud.先行词 指物 关系代词 作主语 不可省2. 比较教学法: 案例三:1. tomorrow, at home. 2. free this night, you.3. you, English well. 4. a doctor, the sick boy.+ + , + +If If Ifit I 主语rains am V原/现三单we I主语 will canWill/canstay help V原If If IfI he 主语 + + , + +were wereV过去式I he主语 would

4、could would/couldstudy helpV原nearbehindunderoninIn front of3. 图表教学法beside第一人称第二人称第三人称主格IWeYouHeSheItThey宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词4. 表格教学法:meusyouHerHimitthem5. 口诀教学法:1)名词由单数变为复数,以o结尾的词有: Negro, hero, tomato, potato.我们可以这样 说:黑人,英雄吃土豆和西红柿。 2)名词由单数变为复数,以f (fe)结尾的词有 :leaf, half, wife, knife, self, wolf, thi

5、ef.我 们可以这样说:树叶,半数自己数,妻子拿 刀去割粮,然后窜出一只狼,就像强盗逃命 忙。 3)基数词变序数词的口诀: 一,二,三要全变,八去t, 九去e, ve要用f替 ,y变成ie,th最后加上去,若是碰到几十几, 只变个位就可以。区别:sometimes, some times, sometime, some time口诀: 有“s” 是“有时”,无“s” 是“某时”,有“s” 分开“好几次” ,无“s” 分开“一段时”二、英语句子结构 和英语句子成分讲解及练习1.She came主 + 不及物动词 2.She likes English。主 + 及物动词 + 宾语 3.She is

6、 hungry.主 + 系 + 表 4.She gave Tom a gift主 +及物动词+ 间接宾语+直接宾语 5.She bought a book for me. 主 + 动词 +直接宾语 +间接宾语 6.She makes her mother angry主 + 动词 + 宾语 +宾语补足语 7.The teacher asked me to read the book.主 + 动词 +宾语 +宾语补足语英语简单句的五种基本句型1.S+V+O 主+谓+宾2.S+V 主+谓(不及物动词)3.S+V+P 主+系+表4.S+V+O+O 主+谓+双宾语5.S+V+O+C 主+谓+宾语+宾语补

7、足语 We saw you. 否:We didnt see you. We did our homework. You are beautiful 否:You arent beautiful. You seem worried. You are a student. 都有三部分,主语也一样时态一致 动词不同 (实义动词 , 系动词), 否定式不同: +助动词, 不用 表语可以是形容词,宾语不行 只有宾语有补 足语 相同点: 不同点:句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语 补足语。1、Im Miss Yu. 2、Tom cleans his bedroom eve

8、ry day.3、My name is Yu Yan .4、He can speak English .He gave me a gift .5. He gave a gift to me.(主语)(谓语)(表语) (宾语)(间宾)(直宾)(直宾)(间宾)5、Wuhan is a big city . 6、He works hard . 7 They usually keep their classroom clean. 8. He often helps me do my homework. 9.The teacher wanted me to learn English all by my

9、self. Where is your classmate Tom ?(定语)(状语)(宾语补足语)(宾语补足语)(宾语补足语)1. Subject(主语)The sun rises in the east He likes swimming. Twenty years is a short time in history. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe.What he needs is a book.It is very hard that we study English well.(名词) (代词)(数词) (动名词)(不定式) (主

10、语从句)(It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语)(一)指出下列句中主语的中心词 The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. There is an old man coming here. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. To do todays homework without the teachers help is very difficult.Verb:(谓语) We study English. He is aslee

11、p. (二). 选出句中谓语的中心词 I dont like the picture on the wall. A. dont B. like C. picture D. wall The days get longer and longer when summer comes. A. get B. longer C. days D. summer Do you usually go to school by bus? A. Do B. usually C. go D. bus There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon.A. b

12、e B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon(B)(A)(C)(A)3. Predicative:(表语) She is a nurse. Five and five is ten. He is asleep. Our teacher is in. A bag is on the desk. My key is lost. The question is whether they will come. (名词) (数词)(形容词)(副词) (介词短语)(形容词化的分词)常见连系动词 状态系动词,用来表示主语的状态,只有be动 词一词。 持续系动词,用来表示主

13、语继续或保持一种状 况和态度。主要有keep , stay, remain 等。 感官系动词,也叫半系动词,主要有look, feel, smell, sound, taste. 变化系动词,用来表示主语怎么样,主要有 become,grow, turn, fall, get等。归纳 :一个“是”(is, am, are);一个“感觉”(feel); 一个“保持”(keep); 一个“似乎”(seem); 四个“起来”(taste;smell;look;sound) 口诀 :一“是”;一“感”;一“保持”; 起来四个;“好像”一下“变了”三Eg: He is a teacher. We mus

14、t keep our classroom clear. Everyone should stay healthy. That sounds interesting. The orange tastes good. The day gets longer in summer. He became mad after that.比较: The dinner smells good. (晚餐闻起来很香。) The girl is smelling the flower.(那女孩正在闻着花。) I can smell something burning.(我能闻到有一股烧焦的味道。)(三) 挑出下列句中的表语 The old man was feeling very tired. Why is he worried about Jim? The leaves have turned yellow. Soon they all became interested in the subject. He is the first man to know about it. tired worried y



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