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1、内蒙古科技大学本科生毕业论文题目:理念视角下基于文化资本理论的政 策形成以铁道部改革为例学生姓名: 学号:1065140107专业:公共事业管理班级:公共 2010指导教师: 内蒙古科技大学毕业论文摘摘 要要政策形成在中国民主化进程快速发展的今天受到了广泛的关注,但是有关中国政策形成的研究多以政策输出端为研究重点,多考察政策形成中权力、利益因素,而对政策形成中更深层次的影响因素研究较少。由学者薛澜教授提出的政策形成的理念视角作为一个全新的视角,从意识形态、政策形成理念与范式等方面对政策形成进行了整合分析。而理念的形成与理念主体的文化资本占有量有着紧密的联系,文化资本状况的变化是不同理念形成的主

2、要因素,本文将基于布迪厄的文化资本理论,以“文化资本影响理念形成,进而从理念视角出发研究在理念层面的深层因素对政策形成的影响”为主要思路,以铁道部大部制改革政策的形成为案例,论证从理念视角出发研究政策形成的重要性,以及将理念视角应用到政策形成实践中的优越性。关键词:关键词:文化资本 理念视角 政策形成内蒙古科技大学毕业论文IPolicy formulations of Railways Ministry reformation with the idea perspectiveBased on the cultural capital theoryAbstractNowadays, with

3、the process of democratization in China being rapidly developed, policy formulations have been concerned by an increasing number of people. However, most of the researches are about the outputs of policy formulations, with a focus on the power and interest factors, and there are few of them are conc

4、erned about the deep reasons in policy formulation. XueLan, who is a celebrated scholar recently proposed that the formulation of public policy can be studied in three perspectives, which are interests and power perspective, rational learning perspective and idea perspective. The idea perspective, a

5、s an absolutely new concept, From ideology, other aspects of idea and paradigms, he conducted deep analysis in policy formulation. Idea formulation and the social-cultural capital are closely linked. Changing in social-cultural capital is a major factor in the formulation of different ideas. Based o

6、n Bourdieus theory of social-cultural capital, and the thought which is that the social-cultural capital influences the formulation of ideas, and then from the perspective of idea, that influence of policy formulation at the conceptual level of the underlying factors is researched. The formulation o

7、f reform policies about Railways Ministry is the instance. The importance and the superiority of forming policy from the perspective of idea will be proved in this essay.Keywords:Keywords: Cultural capital; Perspective of idea; Policy formulation内蒙古科技大学毕业论文II目录目录摘 要.IAbstract.II1 绪论.11.1 研究背景.11.2 研

8、究意义.11.3 研究方法与研究框架.22 相关概念界定及研究现状.32.1 相关概念界定.32.1.1 公共政策形成的理念视角.32.2.1 文化资本理论.52.2 国内外研究现状.82.2.1 文化资本理论.82.2.2 政策形成理论.93 文化资本变化对政策形成因素的理念影响.113.1 文化资本变化带来铁路运营改革必要性及其表现.113.1.1 负债严重影响下的文化资本存量减少.113.1.2 行业垄断下的符号扭曲.123.1.3 贪腐严重的场域扭曲.133.2 文化资本予利益相关者的改革推动力.143.2.1 铁路建设参与者的推动.143.2.2 铁路服务提供者及其推动.153.2.3 铁路服务享受者的需求推动.173.3 铁道部改革政策效果探析.183.3.1 铁道部改革政策的影响.


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