《实用大学英语 4》Unit8

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1、实用大学英语Unit EightSection A Listening and Speaking 学习句子的语调以及意群和停顿 掌握Computer的相关表达Section B Reading 阅读两篇有关Person的文章 Section C Trying Your Hand 了解介词的用法 学习英语短文写作的基本程序A . 元音辅音小结 英语共有48个音标,分元音和辅音两种。元音有20个,分双 元音和单元音两大类。辅音有28个,按声带振动与否可分为清辅 音和浊辅音两大类;按不同的发音方式可分为爆破音、摩擦音、 破擦音、鼻音、舌边音、半元音。 B. 语调语调 调高 句子的英语有四级能区别意义

2、的调高: 1. 特高调 2. 高调 3. 中调 4. 低调 语调种类 英语有五种基本语调:升调()、降调( )、升降调()、降升调()以及平 调()。 语调的作用: 1. 通过不同的语调可以知道这个句子是陈 述句、疑问句,还是感叹句。 2. 语调在相当大程度上影响着句子意思的 表达。 3. 语调可以反映说话人的情绪和态度。 语调和语义: 一句话除了词汇意义(lexical meaning)外还有语 调意义(intonation meaning)。所谓词汇意义就是 话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所 表达的态度或语气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义 才算是完全的意义。同样的句子,语调不

3、同,意思就 会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。 C. 意群和停顿 意群定义:连贯的语句往往可以按照意思和语法关系 分为若干段,每一段就称为一个意群。 停顿定义:在说话或朗读时,哪个部分意思相对独立 ,就把它当成一个意群,然后根据意群来确定停顿。 意群之间可用竖线“”隔开,Exercises. Read the following words according to the pronunciation rules. Write down the phonetic alphabets of the following words according to the pronunciation rules

4、. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the different tones. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the pause. skill技能,技巧 operation操作,运行 pretty相当,非常 make it做到,办到 semester学期 optional course选修课 Can I help you?您要点什么? sell out卖完,卖光 all the best万事顺利 appreciate感激 Dialogue 1 . Listen

5、 to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). . Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the information youve heard. . Role Play Dialogue 2 . Listen to the dialogue between Li Ming and Wang Gang and complete the following statements with the

6、 information youve heard. . Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. Passage 1 Now youll hear a passage. Listen to it and complete the following sentences according to the information youve heard with the words provided in the box. Then listen to it again and check your answe

7、rs. Passage 2 . Now youll hear a passage, which is followed by four questions. Listen to it and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Then listen to it again and check your answers. . Introduce the computer and Internet by answering the following questions. 网络礼仪 一、记住别人的存在(Rememb

8、er the existence of others) 二、网上网下行为一致(Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life) 三、让自己在网上留个好印象(Make yourself look good online) 四、平心静气地争论(Help keep flame wars under control) 五、尊重他人的隐私(Respect other peoples privacy)Pre-class Work: Two-minute Presentationread the tex

9、t by yourself before class try to answer the questions below with the given expressions organize your ideas into a short passage give a two-minute presentation in class Questions: 1. What do you know about Abraham Lincoln?2. What do you know about American Civil War? 3. What is the relation between

10、Lincoln and the Civil War? 4. Do you think Lincoln is a great man? Why? 5. What can you learn from Lincoln? Useful Expressions: consider 认为, human 人类的, synonym 同义词, abolish 取消,废 除, contribution 贡献, stimulate激励,刺激, justice正义, make a living谋生, devote to 献身/致力于, set up an example for为树立 榜样, not only bu

11、t also不但而且 Abraham Lincoln Background Tips 美国内战 战争的起因 ( Cause of the War) 战争的经过(the Process of the War) 战争的结果(Result of the War) 战争的影响(Influence of the War)Structure Para. 1-2: It talks about Lincolns early life. Para. 3-4: Its about Lincoln and the Civil War. Para. 5: The Civil War ended, but Linco

12、ln was assassinated. New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper NounsNotes: Abraham Lincoln (18091865) 亚伯拉罕林肯,美国第十六任总统(18611865),共和党的创始 人之一。在美国奴隶制猖獗时期,他明确地宣布了他要“为争取自由 和废除奴隶制而斗争”的政治主张。1862年9月22日,林肯宣布了他 亲自起草的具有伟大历史意义的文献解放奴隶宣言草案( 即后来的解放宣言),从此战争形势开始发生了明显的变化, 北部军队很快地由防御转入了进攻,1865年终于获得了彻底的胜利 。1864年,林肯再度当选为总

13、统。但不幸的是,1865年4月14日晚 ,他在华盛顿福特剧院观剧时突然遭到枪击,次日清晨与世长辞。 the Great West 指美国西部, 位于密西西比河西边。 Emancipation Proclamation 解放宣言,1863年1月1日,林肯总统发布了解放宣言。宣言 宣称:“在反叛的南部各州,所有奴隶从此将获得自由。” Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说,葛底斯堡位于美国宾夕法尼亚州南部,1863年 7月1日至3日,北方军队在此重创南方军队。为纪念这次战役在此修 建了国家公园。这篇演说是林肯总统在烈士公墓落成典礼上所做。Exercises Task 1 Trying

14、to Remember It Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory.Task 2 Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. Explain the foll

15、owing sentences.Task 3 Vocabulary & Structure . Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given below. . All the following sentences are about the usages of “as”. Finish the sentences and remember the usages. . Spell the words with the help of their meanings and first letters. Task 4 Translation . Complete the following sentences. . Translate the following sentences into Chinese. William Empson Taught English in China About the Theme 威廉恩普森在中国最困难的时候来华,帮助和支持中国 的教育事



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