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1、 Lesson 99 Ow!1. ow int 哎呦 2. slip v 滑倒,溜走 slipped slipping slip away/off 不告而别n. 疏忽 A slip of the pen(笔误)A slip of the tongue(口误) 3. fall v 落下,滑倒 ;下降fall-fell fall asleep 入睡 fall across 偶然碰到,与邂逅 fall in love with 爱上4. downstairs adv 下楼 反义 upstairs 我了一跤,从楼梯上摔了下来。翻译I slipped and fell downstairs.go dow

2、n stairs 下楼去 5. hurt v 伤,伤害;疼痛 hurt hurt oneself/sb/身体的某部位你伤到自己了吗?Have you hurt yourself?6. back n 背我认为我伤了我的后背。翻译 I think Ive hurt my back. 7. stand up 起立 sit down 坐下8. help v/n 帮助help sb. (to) do sth.help sb. with sth 帮助某人做某事让我来帮帮你吧。翻译Let me help you. Help oneself to请自用9. at once 立即(right away;imme

3、diately )10. sure adj 确信的 be sure and千万要,一定要 make sure 弄清楚 11. X-ray n X光透视 an X-ray 我确信你需要做一次X光 透视。Im sure that you need an X-ray.1 Whats the matter? 怎么了?Whats wrong?Whats the trouble?Whats the problem? Whats up?2 I slipped and fell downstairs.否定句一般 疑问句I didnt slip and fall downstairs.Did you slip

4、and fall downstairs.3 Have you hurt yourself?1) 现在完成时 have hurt2) hurt oneself 4 I think Ive hurt my back.1)宾语从句 I think (that)2)现在完成时 have hurt 3)hurt ones back / arm / leg 4)Ive hurt my back.否定句和一般疑问句5 Try and stand up.1)try v. try to do 设法努力做try doing 试着做n. have a try 试一试2)and 前后连接的两个动词时态要一 致3)st

5、and up 反义 sit down 6 Here. 来, 喂 (引起注意) 7 Let me help you.1) let / make / have sb do 2) help sb do / to do / with sth 8 Im afraid that I cant get up.1)宾语从句 be afraid (that)2)be afraid of sb=worry about sb3)get up起床 get on上车 get off下车9 I think that the doctor had better see you .1)宾语从句 I think that 2)

6、 had better do 最好做某事3) had batter not do 最好不做某事10 The doctor says that he will come at once.1)宾语从句 the doctor says (that)2)Hell come at once.一般疑问句否定 句Will he come at once?He wont come at once.11 Im sure that you need an X-ray, Andy1)宾语从句 Im sure (that )2)need 情态动词(疑问句和否定句中)need do实意动词 人+need + sth /

7、 to do物+need + doing3)an X-ray 概念:宾语从句在复合句中做主句的宾语 。复合句的结构:主句+连词(引导词)+ 宾语从句。1. I believe you . (简单句)2. I know that I can fly .主语谓语宾语he is a good studentthe house is for sale.they will move in the day after tomorrowhe cantI dont know He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk.1. She has found her pen. 2. They must remain here. 3. He remembers you. 4. She doesnt speak English. 5. Theyre washing the dishes.



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