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1、As the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holidays, I went into the corridor to _36_ my legs. I stayed there a short while, breathing in the fresh sea air and _37_ a few words with one of the passengers, whom I had met earlier on the _38_. When I turned to go back to _39

2、_, I happened to glance into the compartment (车厢) next to mine. Sitting there was a man who many years before had been my neighbor. He was a great _40_, I remembered; it used to take hours to _41_ him once he began a conversation. I was not at all _42_ when he went to live in another part of London.

3、 We had not met since then, _43_ did I wish to meet him now, when _44_ was about to begin. Luckily at that moment he was _45_ busy talking to the man opposite him to catch sight of me. I slipped back into my compartment, took down my two suitcases and carried them to the far end of the corridor so a

4、s to be ready to _46_ the train as soon as it stopped The moment the train came to a halt (停止), I called a porter, who in no time at all had carried my luggage out of the station and _47_ me a taxi. As I drove towards my small hotel on the outskirts of the town, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at m

5、y_48_. There was little chance that I should _49_ my boring ex-neighbor again. When I reached the hotel, I went _50_ to my room and rested there until it was time for dinner. Then I went down to the dining room and _51_ a drink. I had barely raised the glass to my lips _52_ an all too familiar voice

6、 greeted me. I had not escaped from the tiresome neighbor _53_! He grasped me warmly by the hand and insisted that we _54_ a table in the dinning- room. “This is a pleasant _55_,” he said “I never expected to see you again after all these years.” 36Areach Bextend Cstretch Dloosen 37Aexchanging Bchan

7、ging Ctalking through Dtalking about 38Afruit stand Bdepartment store Cbus stopDstation platform 39Athe station Bmy seat Cthe waiting room Dthe office 40Atalker Bpoet Cspeaker Dhero 41Aget rid of Btake care of Cget away from Dpay attention to 42Ahappy Bafraid Csorry Dcontent 43Aso Bno Cnot Dnor 44Ah

8、oliday Bschool day Cwork day Dconversation 45AveryBtooCsoDmuch 46Aget on Bstay onCcatch Dget off 47Afound Bgave CofferedDstopped 48Agood luck Bnice choice Cnarrow escape Dbad fortune 49Akeep in touch with B run into Cknock down D catch up with 50Acarelessly Baimlessly CidlyDstraight 51Aordered Brequ

9、estedCfetched Dasked 52Awhile Bbefore Cwhen Dafter 53Aabove all Bafter all Cfirst of all Din all 54Aspare Brent Creserve Dshare 55Asurprise Binterview CappointmentDparty 这是一篇记叙文。作者不喜欢爱唠叨的前邻居,他已搬家,这是一件大好事。作者外 出度假在火车上与他不期而遇,幸好作者还是侥幸逃脱了他的唠叨。令他没有想到的是, 在他住宿的旅馆里又碰面了,真可谓“冤家路窄”。 36C 我走到过道里去伸伸腿。stretch ones

10、legs:伸伸腿 ,引申为放松一下。 37A 与一个原来在站台上遇到的乘客聊了几句。exchange a few words with:与 说了几句话。change 改变;talk sth. through 畅叙衷肠;talk about sth. 谈论某事。 38D 由上文得知:火车站站台。 39B 由上文“走到过道里”,很显然此处指“回到座位上去”。 40A 从下文可知:我原来的邻居是个爱唠叨的人。 41C 他一开始和你讲话,你就要花上几个小时才能把他甩开。get away from:走开, 躲开。 42C 他搬走,我根本不觉得遗憾。 43D 从上文 We had not met sinc

11、e then 可知,此处是倒装句,所以将否定词置于句首。44A 由上文可知,这时我的假期就要开始了。 45B 此处是 tooto 句型,表示“忙于谈话没有看见我”。 46D 我很快走回到车厢,把它们搬到走道的另一端,以做好准备,火车一停就下去。 the far end of the corridor 走廓的远端。get off 下车。 47A 搬运工立刻给我找来了出租车。find sb. sth 给某人找来某物。 48C 我乘车去我在郊区的小旅馆的路上,为我能侥幸逃走而宽慰在舒了一口长气。a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱。 49B run into 碰到,不期而遇。句意为:我不大可能再

12、碰到我那令人厌恶烦的邻居了。50D 我直接往自己的房间走去。 51A (在旅馆娱乐室或饭店)点菜或其它东西,常用 order。此处意为:要了一杯饮 料。 52C 我刚举到嘴边,就听到一个再熟悉不过的声音向我打招呼,用 when 表示“突然”。53B 从上文可知:我终究没有逃出这位烦人的邻居手掌。 54D 并主张我们在一起用餐。 55A 由下文 I never expected to see you again after all these years 可知:这的确是件惊奇 的事。(10 北京)I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-des

13、ign team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an Unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking, 36 she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 37 . She wanted to know how I thou

14、ght we should 38 things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew 39 about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her 40 . It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to 41 them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how 4

15、2 I was, so I began to show up to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.Mrs. Neidls 43 that year was, “Try it. We can always paint over it 44 !“I began to take 45 . I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing-only things to be 46 upon. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and 47 create something.The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was 48 in the programas “Student Art Assistant“ because of the time and effort I


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