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1、Week Five_多物称_重意合。句子的中心是“_前_后”。_的修饰语后置,如孔雀开屏。_多被动。_多动词英语多物称汉语重意合。句子的中心是“英前汉后”。英语的修饰语后置,如孔雀开屏。英语多被动。汉语多动词By “diction” we mean the _ _of words and phrases in the target language on the basis of _ _ of the source language text. By “diction” we mean the proper choice of words and phrases in the target l

2、anguage on the basis of accurate comprehension of the source language text. Full correspondenceNo equivalents One word with multiple equivalents Of the same meaningOf different meanings微型汽车(面包车)minibus联合国the United Nations 太平洋the Pacific OceanNew sci-tech words特工plumber引起轰动的事物hit爱人老婆媳妇夫人老伴堂客内人拙荆wife

3、我的表不准,每天快十多分钟。My watch doesnt keep good time. It gains more than ten minutes a day.时间过得真快!How time does fly!情人节快到了.Valentines Day is drawing near.这把刀很快.The knife is really sharp.速度很快的车 迅速发展节奏快的音乐行程紧凑的一次旅行不易褪掉的颜色快速感光胶卷熟睡的开斋牢牢地陷在泥巴里a fast carthe fast growthfast musica fast journeyfast colora fast film

4、fast asleepbreak ones fast stick fast in the mud他常在外面吃饭。He often dines out.这药一天吃三次。The medicine is to be taken three times a day.他吃得很快。He swallowed his food.他只吃素的。He takes only vegetarian food.这孩子还不会自己吃饭。The baby cant feed itself yet.这碗饭不容易吃。This is a hard way to earn a living.我特别爱吃生蒜。I am especiall

5、y fond of raw garlic.他们现在不愁吃,不愁穿。They dont have to worry about food and clothing now.跟我们一起吃午饭吧!Join us for lunch!她挑挑拣拣的吃了一点。She picked at food.谢谢,我实在吃饱了 Thanks, Ive really had enough.吃闲饭to lead an idle life 吃香to be very popular吃得开to be a favorite of吃不准to be not sure吃不了兜着走land oneself in serious trou

6、ble吃不消more than one can stand吃透to have a thorough grasp词性词义轻重语体级别人物身份语境句法词语搭配他看见一个人正用锯子锯树。He saw a man sawing trees with a saw那个贼轻手轻脚的穿过房间,点亮了那盏有 浅绿色灯罩的灯,以便照亮。Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade.能吃的吃掉,吃不掉的就做成罐头。Ea

7、t what you can and can what you cannot.“大名鼎鼎”这就是大名鼎鼎的历史学家范先生。This is Mr. Fan, the historian.表示“闪光”的词。shine 照耀;指光的稳定发射。glitter 闪光;指光的不稳定发射。glare 耀眼;表示光的最强度。sparkle 闪烁;指发射微细的光度。表示“打破”的词break 最一般/通用的词语,意思是经打击 或施压而破碎。crack 出现了裂缝,但还没有变成碎片。crush 从外面用力往内或从上往下压而致碎 。demolish 破坏或铲平(如土堆、建筑物、 城堡等)。destroy 完全摧毁,

8、使之无法复原。shatter 突然使一物体粉碎。smash 由于突如其来的一阵暴力带一声响 而彻底粉碎。 三类语体色彩:1. 正式formal2. 中性neutral3. 非正式informalExamples?忽见东府几个人慌慌张张跑来,说:“老爷宾 天了!”Then some servants from the Eastern Mansion came rushing up frantically, “The old masters ascended to heaven!” they announced.A group of servants from the Ningpo mansion

9、 came rushing up in a state of great agitation. “Sir Jing is dead.”她有喜了Shes in the family way. (Br. E)Shes in a family way. (Am. E)你这套衣服看上去很朴素This dress of yours looks homely. (Br. E)This dress of yours is quite simple and natural in style. (Am. E) homely: 朴素的(Br. E) 不好看的 (Am. E)He served me with a

10、kind of coffee.He served me with coffee of a kind.(象是咖啡的东西)He is not a fool.He is no fool.(很聪明)I know him.I know of him.(听说过他) She is a woman with a child.She is a woman with child.(怀孕)He has words with me.(争吵)He has a word with me.(说句话)They are of age.(成人)They are of an age.(同龄)May we meet again!(愿

11、我们再见)We may meet again.Give me a glass for wine.(酒杯)Give me a glass of wine.(一杯酒)He escaped prison.(没进监狱)He escaped from prison.(越狱)He opened the door to me.(给我开门)He opened the door for me.(替我开门)It is very useful to him.(他觉得)It is very useful for him.(对他来说)汉译英最大的问题之一是对词语的理解。由于 汉语词义的多义性、笼统性、含糊性和对上下 文

12、的依赖性,以及汉语句子结构的不严谨性, 成分缺省的倾向性等等,对词语准确的理解并 不是一件容易的事。要根据上下文才能做出正 确的判断.要把原文翻译好,对原文的正确 理解很重要,但知道原文的意思 ,在英语中选择什么词来表达又 是一个复杂的问题。这主要有文 化问题和搭配问题。文化差异-Red-eyed or green- eyed?他买的新车,真让我眼红啊。The new car he bought makes me so green-eyed .沉浮汤药老少 新旧前后 左上 右下 晴雨 迟早 跳高田径 钢铁Ups and downs herb water/tea young and old ol

13、d and new back and forth the upper/top left the lower/bottom right rain or shine sooner or later high jump track and field iron and steel 水陆水火血肉强弱贫富视听 温饱 中小学九月初美籍华人青一块紫一块新郎新娘land and water fire and water flesh and blood weak and strong rich and poor audio-visuals food and clothing elementary and sec

14、ondary school early September Chinese Americans black and blue bride and bridegroom缺省就是一个语言中的某个词,在另一种语言中没有相 应的表达。笔 山 杯子(上义词- hyponym) pen ball pen pencil a writing instrumentmountain hillglass cup tumbler(平底大玻璃杯) mug (有 柄的大杯)汉英称谓 cousin / uncle colleague 同事 /同行,同仁饮食烹饪 rice - 米饭,大米,稻子,谷子,稻种 fry - 炸,炒

15、,煎,煸,炝orange - 柑,桔,橙 背,扛, 挑,运- carry carry sth. on ones back carry sth. on ones shouldercarry sth. with a pole carry sth. with a ship/ a truck接电话answer the telephone啊,好票!Ah, good seats!打电话 make a telephone call打仗fight a battle打电子游戏play a video game打毛衣knit a sweater打文件type a document打响指snap ones finger打喷嚏sneeze打瞌睡nod off打开电视tu



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