【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit15 Destinations(必修2)

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《【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit15 Destinations(必修2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit15 Destinations(必修2)(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、目录Unit 15 Destinations 名 胜胜本讲目录基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动强化训练知能闯关目录基础盘点自测自评1Im always _(烦烦心的)when I dont get any time to log online.2On his way _(城市商业业区),Jim dropped in on his aunt.3An _(大街)is usually a wide street of houses,often in the suburbs and lined with trees.4. We cannot _(保证证)the punctual arrival of

2、trains in fogy weather.5Theyll very likely ask for an increase in the _(预预算)upset核心核心单词单词单词单词downtownavenueguaranteebudget目录6The police released him but they didnt give him back his _(护护照)7The president proclaimed that a new _(货币货币 ) would be issued.8_(安排)have been made to give the foreign guests a

3、warm welcome.9Would you like to pay by _(支票)or in cash?10用analyse的适当形式填空:(1)People do not _ every problem they meet.(2)We should make a careful _ of the problem.passportcurrencyArrangementschequeanalyseanalysis目录1_ 调查调查 ;观观察2_ 渴望做某事3_ 瞥见见;看一眼4_ 对对感到厌厌倦;对对失去兴兴趣5_ 变变凉;冷却;冷静6_ 进进行锻炼锻炼 、训练训练 ;计计算出;制定出;结

4、结果7_ 抚抚养;提出;吐出8_ 找出;查查明;发现发现9_ 安排10_ 列的清单单高高频频频频短短语语语语look into get the itch to do sth. give a glimpse ofget/be tired ofcool off work outbring upfind outmake arrangementsmake a list of目录1_ the urge to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer,you _ consider one of the destinations below

5、.如果你有迫切的愿望去打点行李,探索世界,你可能想考虑虑下列目的地中的一个。2Visitors who _ the sand and the sun can _ in one of the many cafs,shops and restaurants on Copacabanas main avenue.厌厌倦了沙滩滩和阳光的游客可以到科帕卡巴纳纳大街上的咖啡馆馆、商店或饭馆饭馆 里休息。典型句式典型句式Should you feelmight want toget tired ofcool off目录3But _ if you have never skied before.如果你以前从来

6、没有滑过过雪,那就没有必要担心了。4Most hotels have websites _ you can _ and find answers to your questions.大多数的旅馆馆都有自己的网站,在网站上,你可以看到房间间类类型和房费费,并且可以找到你的问题问题 的答案。there is no need to worrywhereview rooms and rates目录考点串讲讲练互动1.upset (教材P34)You are upset about the poor service.劣质质的服务让务让 你感到心烦烦。(1)vt.(upset,upset,upsettin

7、g)使苦恼恼,心烦烦;弄翻;打乱,扰扰乱(牛津P2221)Dont upset yourself about itlets just forget it ever happened.你别为这别为这 事烦恼烦恼 了咱们们就只当它没发发生过过。(牛津P2221)It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.让让他不高兴兴的是,谁谁也没把这这件事告诉诉他。单词单词单词单词 精研精研目录目录【高效记忆记忆 】目录即境活用1Whats wrong with him?Hes so sad.He was _ at not being i

8、nvited to the party.Anervous BanxiousCupset Dembarrassed解析:选选C。答句句意:他因没被要求参加晚会而不高兴兴呢。be upset at/about sth.为为某事难过难过 ,不高兴兴。目录2. guarantee(教材P36)Even though the altitude of the city and its surrounding Alps is not enough to guarantee snow,the good weather and breathtaking scenery make Kitzbuhel a worl

9、dclass ski resort.即使这这个城市的海拔和它周围围的阿尔卑斯山不足以保证证雪量,好的天气和令人惊叹叹的景色使基茨比厄尔成为为一个世界级级的滑雪胜胜地目录目录(牛津P906)We cant guarantee(that)our flights will never be delayed.我们们不能保证证我们们的所有航班均不误误点。(牛津P906)We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.我们们保证证一周内交货货。(牛津P906)These days getting a degree doesnt guarantee you

10、a job.如今获获得学位并不能保证证你有工作。目录目录即境活用2Can you_me a job when I get there?You know,I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.Aprovide BguaranteeCsupply Dmake sure解析:选选B。guarantee sb.向某人保证证目录3.gather vt.& vi. 聚集;集合;收集;推断,推测测;搜集,采集(教材P36)The worlds best and fastest skiers gather here once a year to com

11、pete in the downhill race that every one wants to win.世界上最好的和最快的滑雪运动员动员 每年在这这里聚集一次以参加人人都想赢赢的快速滑雪比赛赛。(牛津P842)People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall.人们们慢慢收起他们们的行李离开大厅厅。(牛津P842)Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.侦侦探们们花了数月的时间时间 收集证证据。目录归纳拓展gather in收获gather round围拢,聚拢gath

12、er together集合,聚集gather oneself up/together鼓起勇气,打起精神,集中全力(牛津P842)The whole family gathered together at Rays home.全家人聚集在雷的家中。(牛津P842)It was late August and the harvest had been safely gathered in.已是八月下旬,庄稼都妥善收割完毕毕。目录即境活用3完成句子许许多人围拢过围拢过 来,很想知道发发生了什么事情。Many people _,curious to know what was happening.ga

13、ther round目录目录(朗文P1689)We were both travelling at the same rate of speed.我们俩们俩 在以相同的速度行进进。(朗文P1689)Well,at any rate,the next meeting will be on Wednesday.哎,不管怎样样,下一次会议议将在星期三召开。(朗文P1689)At this rate,I will lose $30 million by the end of the season.照这样这样 下去,到本季末我会亏损损掉3,000 万美元。(2)vt.评评估;评评价Li Kashing

14、is rated the Chinese richest man.李嘉诚诚被视为华视为华 人首富。目录即境活用4完成句子这辆这辆 汽车车正以每小时时80英里的速度行驶驶。The car was going _ 80 miles an hour.at the rate of目录5.look into 调查调查 ;观观察(教材P34)I will look into it immediately.我会立即调查调查 此事。(牛津P1195)A working party has been set up to look into the problem.已成立一个工作小组组来调查这调查这 个问题问题 。She looked into my eyes for a long time without finding anything wrong.她直视视了我许许久,并没有发现发现 什么不对对的。目录归纳拓展look after照料,照看look around/about/round往四周看,边边走



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