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1、八年级英语教案Unit 5relationships 章节(或单元)教学设计章节(或单元)教学设计学校学 科年 级班级任课 教师总课 时教 学目 标知识 目 标1.学生会表达对某人,某事进行评论时对其原因,目的,结果的描述; 学会使用恰当的形容词描述人的性格,行为以及事物的性质,状况 等 2.学生掌握下面的表达方式: 1)he is too busy to spend time with us 2)eric is handworking,but danny is lazy。I like pets because they are fun to play with。 3)Pets dont te

2、ll secrets so children trust them. 4)Youre not responsible enough to travel on your own.技 能 目 标1.能够口头描述会表达对某人,某事进行评论时对其原因,目的,结 果的描述;学会使用恰当的形容词描述人的性格,行为以及事物的 性质,状况等 2.能够读懂表达对某人,某事进行评论时对其原因,目的,结果的描 述; 3.能够用写出恰当的形容词描述人的性格,行为以及事物的性质,状 况等情感态 度价值 观目标通过阅读 17 课家长和孩子之间的相互抱怨,让学生学会理解家 长,互相关心。 学情分析大部分的学生经历了初中一年

3、的学习对基本的语法知识有了一定的了解,在学习 了前 4 个单元的基础上,学生能够积极主动地在课上回答问题,敢于积极实践, 表现自己。但在前几个单元的学习中,教师有针对性地留了家庭作业,课上鼓励不爱表 现自己的同学,所取得一定的成效,但仍然有一些学生的学习主动性欠缺,因此 就势必影响学生以后的学习,所以,为了帮助学生更有效的学好英语,就应该温 故知新,在不断复习的基础上,巩固已有的能力并在此基础上不断的提高。教材分析本单元的主要学习内容包括:陈述做某事的理由及目的;描述人物的性格,行为, 事物的性质,状况;用 be too。 。 。to ,enoughto 两个句型表达抱怨某事,某人 的方法;用

4、 so, but,because 表达原因,结果的并列句及状语从句;用 be 动 词及连词形容一个人或物教学 重点 难点重点:1. 掌握 be too。 。 。to ,enoughto 两个句型表达抱怨某事,某人的方法; 2. 掌握本单元的重点句型。 3. 掌握用 so, but,because 表达原因,结果的并列句及状语从句;用 be 动词及连词形容一个人或物 难点:1. 写出恰当的形容词描述人的性格,行为以及事物的性质,状况等章 节 教 学 目 标 监 测 试题课时教学设计课时教学设计学校:十一校年(班)级:八年级( ) ( ) 班人数:日期:学科:英语课题:Unit 5 lesson

5、17课型:新授教师:张 淑芳 教学目标(三维融通表述):They are too strict. 通过与学生进行口语交流,学生对本节课话题感兴趣,便于下节课的学习。 与学生交流自身的事实,学生学习抱怨的语句;通过学生读课文,了解大意, 学生能更准确地学习本节课的内容掌握基本句型 too。 。 。to 和 not。 。 。enough to 的用法,并能够用基本句型对事物进行描述教学重难点:重点:阅读课文,了解大意,学习有关抱怨的内容。学会使用句型 too。 。 。to 和 not。 。 。enough to 难点:课文大意能够用基本句型对事物进行描述教 学 过 程 教学环节问题与任 务时 间教

6、师活动学生活动环节一 Pre-reading环节二 reading环节三 After-Greeting 导入环节, 让学生明 白本节课 要讲的环 节通过讨论 理解课文通过讨论 运用课文131510Good morning, class.Show the students some pictures about my daughter and say I am not Satisfied with my daughter,do you know, why? And my daughter often complains about me,why? Maybe you are like her,

7、often complain about your parents,they are too strict。Now please open your books,andTurn to page 58,look at 1.2 1 Read and find out which are from parents ,which are from teenagers? 2 Check the answers 3 read the text again, do true or false 4 read after the tape. 5 read loudly and find out which se

8、ntences they dont understandDivide the students Answer the questionsHow are you doing today? Did you have a good time last Sunday? Did your parents spend time with you last Sunday?Listen understand and rememberListen understand,and find out which one from parents, and which one are from teenagers Re

9、ad out the sentences Two groups ( one for parents , one for teenagers) 1 Read it again , find some difficults 2 prepare some questions, ask them ask and answer with other group to understand the reading环节四环节五环节六中抱怨的 句型通过对学 生正确引 导,让学 生知道怎 样做一个 好孩子, 对学生进 行情感教 育通过写作 让学生运 用本课句 型复习旧知 识为本节 课的学习 作好铺垫 Do a

10、lot of exercises to practice too。 。to Enough to510into two Groups .one is for parents, the other is for teenagers talk about the complaints between the parents and the teenagers One students only say one sentence, the more is the winnerIn fact, every parents love their children, they hope their chil

11、dren are the best children in the world,we should understand them,and how to be a good childrenWrite a short passage 我们学校最近成立了 心理咨询室,请你 给心理老师写一封 信,诉说你在学习, 生活中的不满 1Show some sentences to Ss, ask them to read and understand the meaning 2 ask Ss to have a summery to know how to use the basic structure。

12、 3ask Ss to do some exercises to practice it. Check them Then ask Ss to do more exercises to meaning. 1 Read the text 2 have a discussion 1 which complaints do you think are reasonable?Which ones do you agree with Look read and understand the meaning 1 have a summary to know how to use the basic str

13、ucture Tooto Not enough to Do exercises to practiceAccording to the practicegiven works Make sentences作 业 训 练 (自己组 编)一、根据句意选择方框中恰当的词语填空,注意用其正确的形式。 young understand apartment tired own enough patient agree with busy important 1.My father says he is too _ to spend more time with us. 2.His sister is on

14、ly 5. She is too _ to go to school. 3.The boy is one metre tall. He is not tall _ to touch the TV set. 4.Teenagers always complain that their parents dont _ how things are today. 5.I dont _ you. Your suggestions are not reasonable. 6.Bill wants to leave home and find an _ on his own. 7.Melissa is too _ to study. Please ask her to go to bed. 8.Mr. Smith is not _ enough to be a teacher. 9.The most _thing in my mothers mind is her work. 10. Youre not old enough to travel on your _.


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