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1、2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版Unit 5 The silver screen 银幕核心词汇1Reporters and the policemen were soon on the_(现场)after the accident.2I didnt make many_(评论)about the event,because I believed that different people had different ideas.3China has given birth to many national_(英雄)in history.4The police are driving to

2、the scene of the accident with great _(速度)5After working in different fields,I finally chose drama as my_(职业)6The director told Julia to make a _(选择)between the two roles in the film.7The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an_(奖品)8Each of us must take responsibility for our own_(行为)9He is a _yo

3、ung man.Once he has made up his mind,nothing can change his mind.He is famous for his_(determine)10用 peace 的适当形式填空:(1)The two countries used to be at war for many years,but now they were at _.(2)He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a _way.1.scene

4、ments 3.heroes 4.speed 5.career 6.choice 7.award 8.actions 9.determined determination 10.(1)peace (2)peaceful高频短语1_ 成功;成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞2_ 走错路,误入歧途;不对头;出毛病3_ 把归功于某人4_ 总共;总之5_ 将某人锁于某处不得进出;将某人监禁起来6_ 追赶7_ 在起作用;参与8_ 送回某人9_ 正在播出的10_ 对作出评价11_ 对高度评价12_ 决心做某事;坚决做某事1.take off 2.go wrong 3.owe sth.to sb. 4.all

5、 in all 5.lock sb. up 6.run after 7.play a role/part in 8.bring sb.back 9.on the air 10.make comments on 11.think highly of 12.be determined to do sth./determine to do sth.重点句式1_he could not go there _his grades were too low.他不能去那儿的原因是分数太低。2_the secret of his success,Steven Spielberg said that he_mu

6、ch of his success and happiness _his wife and children.当被问到他成功的秘密时,史蒂文斯匹尔伯格说他的成功和快乐很大程度上要归功于他的妻子与孩子们。3Many people like this film_because the story itself is moving,_because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.许多人喜欢这部电影并非仅仅因为故事感人,而且也是因为这部电影中的大部分人都是用他们真实的姓名演他们自己。4Wh

7、ile watching Titanic,most people_when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.在观看泰坦尼克号的时候,在看到杰克救了那个女孩的生命而自己却死在冰水里的场景时,大多数人都禁不住哭了。1.The reason why;was that 2.When asked about;owes;to 3.not just;but also 4.couldnt help crying知识详解1scene n 现场;景色,风景;背景,

8、场景【教材原句】 (P29)What do you think happens before this scene?你认为在这场景之前会发生什么事?They rushed to the scene of the traffic accident.他们火速赶到车祸现场。The scene of children playing happily in the garden disappeared after sunset.日落之后,孩子们在花园高兴玩耍的景象消失了。The scene of that movie is set in Paris in the 1920s.那部电影以 20 世纪 20

9、 年代的巴黎为背景的。比较网站scene,scenery,view,sight(1)scene 表示“景色 ,风景”时,指所见之物,亦可表示动态或静止的室内或室外的场景,常被当作一个整体而看的景色。(2)scenery 不可数名词,指天然景色、景致、景物。(3)view 可数名词,意为“景色,风景,风景照,风景画” 。(4)sight 指某一地区值得观看游览的、具有特色的建筑物、风景、名胜。即境活用1用 scene;scenery;sight;view 填空。(1)长城是世上最为惊人的景观之一。The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking _ i

10、n the world.答案:sights(2)爬山时,我们享受着温暖的阳光,欣赏着漂亮的风景。While climbing the mountain,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful_.答案:view(3)我们在穿越英国湖泊区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。We passed through somebeautiful_on our journey through the Lake District.答案:scenery(4)你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面?Do you remember the_in the play wh

11、ere Susan meets Alan for the first time?答案:scene2award n 奖;奖品vt. 颁奖;授奖;判给;裁定【教材原句】(P30)After graduating,she went to New York,where she started working as an actress and won the Theater World Award for her role in a play.毕业后,她去了纽约,在那里当了一名女演员,后来因为她在一个戏剧中所扮演的角色而获得了“戏剧世界”奖。(1)C奖,奖品,奖金;判决win an award 获奖p

12、resent an award 颁奖She won the “Best Actress” award.她获得了“最佳女演员”奖。(2)vt.颁奖,授奖;判给,裁定award sb.sth./award sth.to sb.授予某人某物be awarded for.因而受奖It is reported that Mr.Wang was awarded a medal for bravery.据报道王先生被授予表彰其英勇行为的奖章。(牛津 P116)Prizes will be awarded to the top three runners.跑前 3 名者将获奖。比较网站award,reward

13、(1)award 指对于优异的成绩或卓越的贡献经评定后正式授予某种奖励,可以是精神方面的,也可以是物质方面的。作动词用时其后可接双宾语。A medal was awarded to the best speller in the class.给班里拼写最好的学生颁发了一枚奖章。(2)reward 意为“奖赏;报答” ,重点在于对好的行为或者功绩的奖励。作动词时只能以人或人的行为作宾语,如果接表示奖赏、报答的具体事物,常用 reward sb.with sth.结构。Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had mad

14、e.赢得比赛的胜利是全队付出努力应得的回报。Parents usually dont expect anything in reward from their children.父母一般不指望从他们的孩子那里得到什么回报。即境活用2It is said that the police have offered a large_for information leading to the robbers arrest.Aaward BprizeCreward Dwelfare解析:选 C。reward 在此作“报酬,酬谢”解,而 welfare 表示“福利” ;award 表示因成绩优异而获奖;prize 表示在比赛中因获胜而得奖。由此可知,最佳答案为 C。3owe vt.& vi. 欠(债等);应该向(某人)付出;把归功于(to);感激;负有(义务)【教材原句】(P32)Steve Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格说,他的成功和幸福归功于他的妻子和孩子。W



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