国际商务英语Lesson two Incoe level and the world trade.

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《国际商务英语Lesson two Incoe level and the world trade.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际商务英语Lesson two Incoe level and the world trade.(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 2 Income level and the World Marketwarm-up questions1. If you are a seller of Benz, are you willing to sell your products to beggars? How about sell them to graduates of MBA?2. Can you explain your answer?Income level purchasing powerNational incomeIncome generated from the productsNational p

2、roductValue of the products themselvespotential: the inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.潜力,潜能成长、发展或形成的内在能力或才能 clue: something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery.线索助于引导或指示解决问题或迷惑的某物 sum total: 总数, 总计 turn out: to produce, as

3、by a manufacturing process; make:生产,产出 assess: to determine the value, significance,or extent of; appraise.评价,评估 dividend:a share of a surplus; a bonus.红利; 盈 余 distort: to give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.曲解,歪曲,误传给出假象或使人迷惑 的原因;误传comprise VS composeThe traditional rule states that

4、the whole comprises the parts; the parts compose the whole.Eg: 联邦包括50个州。 The Union comprises (consist of) 50 states.Fifty states compose (or constitute or make up) the Union. staple: adj. 1) principal; main:主要的基本的 ;主要的:Eg: 谈论的主要话题 a staple topic of conversation. 2) roduced or stocked in large quanti

5、ties to meet steady demand:经常需要的大量生产或 贮存以满足稳定的需求的:Eg:小麦是大量生产的粮食作物 Wheat is a staple crop.bear sth. in mind : 将记在心中,关注,挂念 spur: v. tr. to incite or stimulate:刺激,鞭策: trade surplus:贸易顺差, 贸易盈余, 出超 complementary: supplying mutual needs or offsetting mutual lacks. 互补的互相满足对方需求 或补足缺陷suffice v. 1) intr. to m

6、eet present needs or requirements; be sufficient: 满足满足目前的 需要或需求;充足:2)To be equal to a specified task; be capable:有能力胜任满足某项特定任务所需的 条件;有能力:Eg:没有言语能够表达我的悲伤No words will suffice to convey my grief.proximity: n. the state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next; closeness:接近,邻近临近 或相临的状态、性质、感觉或事实;接

7、近:Indicators of national incomeGNP: market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy GDP: market value of goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy Difference National who Domestic where GNP GDP: export of investmen

8、t is larger GDP GNP: import of investment is largertotal GDP vs per capita GDPtotal GDP 1. indicates:overall size of an economy 2. importance: market assessment for durable equipment or bulk goodsper capita GDPreveals: average income level of consumersimportance: marketing consumer durables3 categor

9、ies of countries by annual Per capita incomehigh-income =$9,386 Most members of OECD (originated in Europe, now with 30 members, research on world economic situations) North America: U.S., Canada, Europe: Britain, France (Headquarters), Germany, Italy, Benelux, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland,

10、 Iceland, Spain, Portugal Asia: Japan, Korea Oceania: Australia, New Zealand Rich oil producing countries of the Middle East Small-industrialized countries or regions2. $765 import of raw materialsThe largest creditor country in the worldQuad = Triad + CanadaSummary Relation between income level and

11、 potential of a marketIncome level purchasing power potential of marketMeanings of GDP (overall size), per capita GDP (average level of consumers), income distribution High, middle, low income countriesstandards for classificationRepresentative countriescharacters Triad and Quad Other markets important for China



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