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1、Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures 环性与线性 中西文化比较 (Part I)This lecture is based on an article of mine Lines and Circles, West and East published successively in English Today (Cambridge University Press), Asian Studies (Oxford University Press), The Quest (An Americ

2、an philosophical journal) and Social Sciences (A Chinese journal).Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese CulturesThis lecture is based on an article of mine Lines and Circles, West and East published successively in English Today (Cambridge University Press), Asian Studies (Ox

3、ford University Press), The Quest (An American philosophical journal) and Social Sciences (A Chinese journal).Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures该讲座以本人的一篇同名论文为基准。这篇论 文的英文版及中文版曾先后发表或转载于英国剑桥 大学出版社的今日英语、英国牛津大学出版社 的亚洲研究、美国哲学刊物求索及中国刊 物社会科学。环性与线性 中西文化比较 左 飚A Risky and Co

4、ntroversial Topic. 这是一个容易引起争议的话题 Culture is a pervasive concept. 文化是一个极为宽泛的概念。 Culture is a dynamic process. 文化是一个动态的过程。Cultural difference is relative. 文化差异是相对的。wWhat is culture? 文化的定义What is culture? nCulture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any

5、 other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Edward Tylor (1871)(a British anthropologist)文化是一个错综复杂的整体,它包括知识 、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、习俗以及作为社 会成员的人所获得的其他一切能力和习惯。 爱德华泰勒 (1871) 英国人类学家nCulture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symb

6、ols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values. Culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as product

7、s of action, on the other hand, as conditioning elements of future action. Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn (two American anthropologists, 1961)What is culture?n文化是由通过符号所获得并传播的显性及隐 性行为模式所构成,这种行为模式形成人类 群体的特征,包括它们在人工制品中的体现 ;文化的核心部分是传统的(源于历史并经 历史选择的)观念,尤其是价值观。文化系 统,一方面可被视为人们行为的产品,另一 方面又可被看作是规约未来行为的条件

8、。克洛依伯、克勒克荷恩 美国人类学家文化的定义What is Culture?nCulture is the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and to generate behavior. J. P. Spradley (Psychologist)文化是后天获得的知识,人们用这种知 识来解释以往的经验,生成未来的行为 。 斯普拉德莱(心理学家)What is Culture?nCulture refers to the total pattern of human learned behavior tra

9、nsmitted from generation to generation. Salzmann (Sociologist)文化是指人们学得的行为的总体模式, 这种行为模式代代相传 。 萨尔斯曼(社会学家)What is culture?nCulture is the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group. CED文化是具有共同传统的群体的活动和观念的总

10、 和,这些传统为这一群体的成员加以传播并加 强。 剑桥英语词典nCulture is the total pattern of human behavior and its products embodied in thought, speech, action and artifacts.nCulture is a complex of typical behavior or standardized social characteristics peculiar to a specific group. WNID文化是人类行为及其产品的总和,表现为思想 、言论、行动及制成物品。文化是某一群

11、体所特有的典型行为或规范化的 社会特征的综合。韦氏新国际词典Characteristics of Culture 文化的特征Characteristics of CulturenNon-natural (非自然性)nNon-individual (非个人性)nNon-innate (非先天性)nRegional and trans-regional(地域性与超地域性)nEpochal and trans-epochal (时代性与超时代性)Essentials of CulturenExternal (外在文化 / 有形文化)*behavior language, gestures, cust

12、oms 行为 语言、手势、习俗等*products literature, art, music, artifacts 产品 文学、艺术、音乐、人工制品、建筑 等nInternal (内核文化 / 无形文化)*ideas beliefs, values, morals 观念 信仰、价值观、道德观等Essentials of Culture 文化的要素Essentials of CulturenDead (死文化 )*products (achievements) literature, art, music, artifacts, architecture 产品 文学、艺术、音乐、人工制品、建

13、筑 等nLiving (活文化 )*ideas beliefs, values, morals 观念 信仰、价值观、道德观等*behavior language, gestures, customs 行为 语言、手势、习俗等Layers of Culture 文化的层次产品/符号 Products/Symbols Behaviors 行为Values 价值观念Assumptions 对宇宙、 人性的基本看法Layers of CultureCultures: Universality and Individuality文化的共性与个性Commonality of human nature 人性

14、趋同 Penetrativeness and fusibility 渗透性及可融性 Accumulation and tradition 积淀与传统 Linearity and Circularity 线性与环性钱钟书:东海西海,心理攸同;南学北学,道术未裂。My idea about the contrastive study is based on a western diagram and a Chinese picture.Plato 柏拉图The development of western philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato.

15、- Whitehead西方哲学的发展是对柏拉图的一系列注脚。 怀特海 gnosis / knowledgenoesis / reasondianoia / ideapistis / faitheikasia / imaginationPlatos divided line of knowledgeA line of abstraction中华第一图太极图 环性中国文化的象征Contrast in respect of :nWorldview (宇宙观)nCore values (核心价值观)nOutlook on time (时间观)nModes of thinking (思维模式)nLinguistic expression (语言表达)nOutlook on Arts (艺术观)How is the world observed and viewed in both cultures? 在中西两种文化中 人们是怎样看待世界的?Man and Nature人 与 自 然1. Worldview 宇宙观Linear division and


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