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1、 collect shellmarathonpairskatesinceHilltop schoolraiseseveralskater收集;搜集贝壳;壳马拉松赛跑;马拉式活动一对;一双溜冰鞋自从;自以来山顶学校筹集;筹募几个的;数个的溜冰者have / has是助动词 been是be的过去分词表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作, 并有可能持续下去时态现在完成进行时(一) 构成形式: have / has been + Vingfor +一段时间have / has been + doing sth + since +过去的时间点since + 从句 (一般过去时)与过去时的比较:1.I wa

2、tched TV for three hours.我看了三小时的电视(我现在没有看电视了)2.I have been watching TV for three hours.我看了三小时的电视(我现在仍然在看电视)例句 1我已经学了年的英语了 I have been learning English for 5 years. 例句 2他已经集邮10年了 He has been collecting stamps for 10 years. He has been collecting stamps since 10 years ago. He has been collecting stamp

3、s since 2002.画线部分提问:How long has he been collecting stamps?引导时间的介词for与since的区别forsince表示时间的持续for + 时间段表示“自从过去某一时 间点以来”since + 过去的时间点强调一段时间强调动作或状态 一直延续到现在( for与since引导的短语用how long提问 )从句forfive minutesten days five yearssinceMay 1, 20038:00he was seven years oldseven years agoI started teaching Englis

4、h in 2010.I am still teaching English now.How long have you been teaching English?I have been teaching English for 2 years.Teach English2010Have been teaching Englishnow2 yearsTeach English24 years old(Since I was 24.)sam started skating at 9 am.He is still skating now.How long has he been skating?H

5、e has been skating for 4 hours.skate9 a.mHave been skatingnow 1 p.m 4 hoursskate(since 9 oclock.)Mary started cleaning at 7a.m.She is still cleaning now.How long has she been cleaning?She has been cleaning for 30 minutes.clean7a.mHave been cleaning7:30 a.m30 minutescleanrun30 minutes 4 hours3 hours

6、2 hours1 hourA:How long has he/she been ? B: He /she has been . for Lindaplay soccer45 minutes Harry Tom Play piano Alice Play computer Alan Watch TV Jim ridewhoFor whatHow longAlison 5 hours.Sam Lu Ning Li Chen To raise money for charity 4 hours4 hours1 hourRead 3a and then fill in the blanks.Im ta

7、lking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one t

8、o start, and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.1b.Listen. A reporter is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below. Alison S

9、amVictorCeliaHow long?AlisonIve been skating for five hours.SamI skated for four hours.VictorCeliaIve been skating for five hours.I skated for two hours.How long hasbeen skating? He/She has been skating for How long did skate? He/She skated for2a Listen to the interview with the skating marathon win

10、ner and check the questions you hear.Questions Answers1. How long did you skate today?a. No, I skated in a marathon last year.2. How long have you been skating today? b. Yes, I do.3. Was this your first skating marathon?c. For six hours.4. Do you skate every day?5. When did you get your first pair o

11、f skates?d. Since I was seven years old. 6. How long have you been skating?I. Write the questions: 1_ He has been standing there for four hours. 2_ I have been riding a bike since I was ten years old. 3_ She has been walking for five hours. 4._ Ive been watching TV since 7:00. 5._ Hes been waiting for the train for an hour.


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