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1、英语必修4(人教版)第二学时 Learning about L课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接.单词默写课 前 热 身(A)根据所给的词性和汉语意思写出下列单词。1_n陈述;说明_vt.陈述;说明2_vt.迎接;问候_n敬礼;问候3_vt.代表;象征_n代表;代理_n代表;代理人4_vt.&vi.保护;保卫_n防御;保卫5_n社团;联系;联想_vt.连接;联合结交;联合statementstategreetgreetingrepresentrepresentation representativedefenddefenceassociationassociate课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接课 前 热

2、身 6_adj.好奇的_n好奇心;奇物_adv.好奇地7_adj.主要的_n大多数8_vt.误解;误会_n误解;误会9_vt./n.尊敬_adj.恭敬的10_adj.生气的_n生气_adv.生气地curiouscuriositycuriouslymajormajoritymisunderstandmisunderstandingsrespectrespectfulangryangerangrily课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接课 前 热 身(B)根据所给英文解释写出下列单词。1_:room for several people to sleep in,especially in a school.

3、2_:to come near to.3_:to run or travel somewhere in a great hurry.4_:fully grown person who is legally responsible for their action.5_:probable or expected.dormitoryapproachdashadultlikely课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接课 前 热 身6_:to say hello to someone or welcome them.7_:to do sth.in order to protect someone or somet

4、hing from being attacked.8_:want to know about sth.strange or unusual.9_:fail to understand someone or something correctly.10_:to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people.greetdefendcuriousmisunderstandrepresent课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接.短语熟记课 前 热 身1_ 在防守;在保卫2_ 相反地3_很可能;有希望4_总的来说;通常5

5、_保卫以免受6_对感到好奇7_吻某人的脸颊8_与握手in defenceon the contrarybe likely toin generaldefend againstbe curious aboutkiss sb.on the cheekshake hands with课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接课 前 热 身.佳句欣赏1_(第一个到达的人)was Tony Garcia from Colombia,_(紧跟着)Julia Smith from Britain.2She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,_(好像在

6、自卫)3_(并非所有的) cultures greet each other the same way,_(他们也不会感到舒服)in the same way with touching or distance between people.The first to arriveclosely followed byas if in defenceNot all nor are they comfortable课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接要 点 讲与练1Yesterday,another student and I,representing our university

7、s student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students.(p.26)昨天,我和另一个同学代表我们大学的学生会去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。represent vt.代表;象征;描述;作为的官方或授权代表或代理课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接词语链接要 点 讲与练representative n代表;众议员adj.典型的;有代表性的n表现;陈述;代理represent sth./sb.as sth./sb.把/描绘成represent sb.a

8、s/to be 宣称某人为represent oneself as. 自称(1)The bald eagle represents the United States.秃鹰象征了美国。课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接要 点 讲与练(2) He was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school.他被挑选出来作为全班同学的代表,到另一所学校去。课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接即学即练要 点 讲与练选词填空。represent/representation/representative(1)Each colour

9、on the chart_a different department.(2)The _were all amazed by what had happened in the factory.(3)Our company has no_in Africa.representsrepresentativesrepresentation课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接要 点 讲与练2After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive,I saw several young people enter the waiting area looki

10、ng around curiously.(p.26)在机场等了半个小时之后,我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四周张望。课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接词语链接要 点 讲与练curious adj.好奇的;爱探究的;奇怪的curiously adv.好奇地 curiosity n好奇心be curious about对好奇be curious to do急于做out of curiosity出于好奇in/with curiosity好奇地课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接要 点 讲与练(1)Curiously enough he had never seen the little girl.说也奇怪,他

11、竟从未见过那个小女孩。(2)I see his eyes curiously stare at me.我看见他的眼睛好奇地盯着我。课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接即学即练要 点 讲与练完成下列句子。(1)He looked _(好奇地) at the people.(2)The boy _(对所见的一切都感到好奇)(3)I_(极想知道)what has happened to him.(4)To tell the truth,I did it simply _(出于好奇)in/with curiosityis curious about everything he seesam curious to

12、 knowout of curiosity课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接要 点 讲与练3Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!(p.26)托尼走近朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩,并亲了她的脸!课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接词语链接要 点 讲与练(A)approach vt.接近,走进;着手处理n接近,临近;方法,途径an approach to(doing) sth.做某事的方法/途径make approaches to sb. 设法接近某人at the approach of 在快到的时候(1)He approached me with stealthy steps.他悄然走近我。(2)Our approach scared the butterfly and it flew away.我们走近时把那只蝴蝶吓跑了。课前热身要点讲与练栏目链接即学即练 要 点 讲与练完成下列句子。(1)_(时机即将来临) when we must think about buying a new house.(2)I find him _(很难接近),that is not easy to talk to in a friendly way.(3)_(当冬天临近



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