人教版八年级下册Unit 1--Unit 4复习

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1、Unit 11. 一百年后in a hundred years 2.活到200岁 live to be 200 years old 3.更少的污染 less pollution 4.更少的人 fewer people 5.在太空站on a space station 6.爱上 fall in love with 7.作为一名记者as a reporter 8.能做某事be able to do sth. 将能做某事will be able to do sth. 1. 一百年后in a hundred years 2.活到200岁 live to be 200 years old 3.更少的污染

2、 less pollution 4.更少的人 fewer people 5.在太空站on a space station 6.爱上 fall in love with 7.作为一名记者as a reporter 8.能做某事be able to do sth. 将能做某事will be able to do sth. 9.世界杯 the world cup 10.获奖win awards 11.养一只宠物狗 keep a pet dog 12.实现 come true 13.这样的机器人 such robots 14.几百的 hundreds of 两百two hundred 15.一些另一些

3、 someothers 16.在未来 in the future 9.世界杯 the world cup 10.获奖win awards 11.养一只宠物狗 keep a pet dog 12.实现 come true 13.这样的机器人 such robots 14.几百的 hundreds of 两百two hundred 15.一些另一些 someothers 16.在未来 in the future Unit 2 1. 不让进入 keep out 2. 有足够的钱 have enough money 足够富裕rich enough 3. 过时的out of style 4. 打电话给

4、call sb up 5.通过电话交谈 talk on the phone 6.一张球赛的票a ticket to/for a ball game 7. 付账 pay for 8.时髦的 in style 9. 相处,进展get along/on well with 10.查出 find out 1. 不让进入 keep out 2. 有足够的钱 have enough money 足够富裕rich enough 3. 过时的out of style 4. 打电话给 call sb up 5.通过电话交谈 talk on the phone 6.一张球赛的票a ticket to/for a

5、ball game 7. 付账 pay for 8.时髦的 in style 9. 相处,进展get along/on well with 10.查出 find out 11.找到时间做某事 fit into 12. 尽可能的 as 原级as possible/sb. Can 13.抱怨 complain about 14.各种各样的 all kinds of 15.一方面,另一方面on the one hand, on the other hand 17. 把落在家leave sth .at home 18.把与进行比较 comparewith 19.生的气 be angry with 20

6、. 独立思考think for oneself 11.找到时间做某事 fit into 12. 尽可能的 as 原级as possible/sb. Can 13.抱怨 complain about 14.各种各样的 all kinds of 15.一方面,另一方面on the one hand, on the other hand 17. 把落在家leave sth .at home 18.把与进行比较 comparewith 19.生的气 be angry with 20. 独立思考think for oneself Unit 3 1.在图书馆前 in front of the librar

7、y 2.从出来 get out of 3.报警 call the police 4.起飞 take off 5.一次不同寻常的经历 an unusual experience 6.跳下来 jump down 7.在火车站 at the train station 8.跑掉 run away 1.在图书馆前 in front of the library 2.从出来 get out of 3.报警 call the police 4.起飞 take off 5.一次不同寻常的经历 an unusual experience 6.跳下来 jump down 7.在火车站 at the train

8、station 8.跑掉 run away 9.考虑 think about 10.一次车祸 a car accident 11.在上星期天的10点钟 at 10:00 last Sunday morning 12.在诊所 at the doctors 13.听说 hear about 14.历史上的重大事件 important events in history 15.日常活动 everyday activities 16.一整天 for the day 9.考虑 think about 10.一次车祸 a car accident 11.在上星期天的10点钟 at 10:00 last S

9、unday morning 12.在诊所 at the doctors 13.听说 hear about 14.历史上的重大事件 important events in history 15.日常活动 everyday activities 16.一整天 for the day 17.沉默地in silence 保持沉默keep silent 18.发生 take place 19.在更近段时期in more recent times 20.对有意义 have meaning to . 21.并非都 not all 22.进入太空go into space 23一个民族英雄 a nationa

10、l hero 24.第一次做 do sth. for the first time17.沉默地in silence 保持沉默keep silent 18.发生 take place 19.在更近段时期in more recent times 20.对有意义 have meaning to . 21.并非都 not all 22.进入太空go into space 23一个民族英雄 a national hero 24.第一次做 do sth. for the first timeUnit 4 1.在周五的晚上 on Friday night 2.对生气 be mad at 3.把带到 brin

11、g sth. to 4.应该做某事be supposed to do 5.擅长be good at /do well in 6.患感冒 have a cold 7.身体健康 be in good health 8.在某方面帮助 help with 9.在度过艰难时期 have a hard time with 10.做某事感到惊讶be surprised to do sth. 11.发现做.是 find it+形容词 to do sth 12.传递信息 pass on messages 13.大吵一架 have a big fight 14.养成一种习惯 start a habit of 15

12、.克服get over 16.听起来像sound like 17. 派遣做某事 send to do sth. 18. 起初 at first/ first of all 19.海拔2000米 2000 meters above the sea level 20.回到某地return to sp. 21.给的生活一个好的开端 give sb. a good start in life 22.从事(工作)work as 23.病人 sick people 24.关爱濒临灭绝的动物 care for wild animals in danger 1.一切都将是免费的。Everything will be free . 2.将会有更少的空闲时间吗? Will there be less free time? 3.孩子们将会通过电脑在家学习。Kids will study at home on computers. 4.他将玩什么运动?What sport will he play? 5.明天的天气将会是怎样? What will the weather be like tomorrow? 1.一切都将是免费的。Everything will b



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