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1、关于高考英语完形填空和阅读理 解的几点应试策略- 南京外国语学校 尚媛媛“Who questions much, shall learn much, and remember much.” Francis Bacon (1561-1626)高考英语完形填空趋势v从近几年全国高考的完形填空来看,已经不 再单纯考核学生语法方面的知识了,而是从 语义搭配、结构搭配、惯用搭配及逻辑知识 等方面来测试学生词汇的掌握及运用。而且 有些词的选择,必须在理解整篇文章的基础 上,才能作出正确的判断。高考英语完形填空命题特点1. 完形填空是一篇情景独立或相对完整的短文,词 数在250-400词之内。 2. 在题材

2、和体裁上,近几年大多选择夹叙夹议的议 论文或故事相对完整的记叙文。大多富有积极的 教育意义,给人以人生的启迪,或是充满了生活 情趣。对应解题策略,应多从正面、积极的方面 考虑。 3. 选项多为一词,偶尔会是词组。四选项为同一类词或属同一范畴,或近义或同形异义,或与前后搭配构成词组。故干扰性、迷惑性较大。高考英语完形填空命题特点4.考查单词以实词(v.,n.,adj.,adv.)为主,虚词 (conj.,prep.)为辅。实词一般占80%-90%,其中 又以动、名、形为主。通过语境、上下文内容, 考查词汇在具体语境中的意义;一词多义的考点 增多。5. 以考查学生对文章的整体理解和词汇的意义把握

3、为主。有些要结合常识才能正确选项;有些甚至 要求在通篇理解的基础上,正确把握上下文的逻 辑关系,才能做出正确判断和选择。2009、2010年江苏省高考英语 完形词汇分布2009年江苏高考完 形v名词:6v动词(词组):5v形容词、副词:4v介词:3v连词:22010年江苏高考完 形v名词:5v动词(词组):8v形容词、副词:6v连词:1英语完形填空解题步骤通读全文,统揽全局。逐句分析,确定选项。通盘理解,上下一致。复读全文,核对答案。完形填空解题策略1. 充分重视上下文,发现并利用词汇复现信 息,如:原词复现,或同义词、近义词的复 现。 2. 结合前后语境,进行逻辑推理。 3. 利用生活常识。

4、 4. 理解句子含义,从词汇的意义、用法和搭 配考虑。高考完形失分的主要原因1. 没有严格遵循答题步骤。 2.不注意积累答题技巧:忽视文章中上下文之 间的逻辑关系;不注意分析句子结构,在语 义模糊时随主观想象选择答案。 3.受到三类错误的影响:惯性思维的影响;汉 语思维的影响;思维随意跳跃,逻辑关系混 乱。完形填空实例分析vLife hasnt been too _1_ at times, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit _2_ for a rainy day. 1. A. easyB. busyC. har

5、dD. simple 2. A. left behindB. used upC. put awayD. sorted outvShe saw me with my new friends and _1_ that we no longer shared the same experiences. She saw all the fun I was having _2_ her and wished she could be a part of it. She wished she could be in their position. 1.A. regrettedB. wondered C.

6、promisedD. proved 2.A. forB. from C. withoutD. acrossvAfter initial _, King got his first break as a DJ on a Miami station. In 1960, he began his first program on Miami television. His Miami radio show really _ and he became a local star. 1.A. failuresB. victories C. weaknessesD. rewards 2. A. showe

7、d offB. took off C. turned upD. lined upvWhen I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other _1_ in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out. He _2_ it. “Hold your head up high” has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its _3_. The gift my

8、mama gave me lives on in another _4_. 1. A. straightB. direct C. oppositeD. outside 2. A. changedB. repeated C. meantD. realized 3. A. impressionB. difference C. invitationD. appreciation 4.A. generationB. organization C. populationD. revolution2010年江苏省高三百校大联考C卷v No one really knows how the ancient

9、Egyptians build the pyramids. But Maureen Clemmons has a(n) _36_. She thinks the Egyptians _37_ have used kites.v “If you look at the top center of every monument, you see wings,” Clemmons said. “I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us _38_ pictures for 3,000 years that this is how they bu

10、ilt the pyramids.”v She thinks that _39_ Egyptian workers might make use of kites to _40_ the stones with the help of the _41_ wind. She got a team of aeronautic engineers to _42_ her test the theory.v Yesterday, in the Mojave Desert, they _43_ their theory to the test using a nylon kite, three pull

11、eys(滑轮) and an obelisk (stone tower) that weighs nearly four _44_. The wind speed had to be just right. And amazingly, it _45_.vBut the fact that it can be done doesnt necessarily mean thats _46_ the ancient Egyptians did it.v “Theres _47_ no evidence for kites in ancient Egypt,” said Professor Caro

12、l Redmount of the University of California. “Theres _48_ evidence of pulleys as we know them today.”v Redmount says the historical evidence _49_ the “Charlton Heston method,” which basically relies on the _50_ of slaves pushing and pulling huge stone blocks to create the pyramids.v _51_ the kite-lif

13、ting group will have _52_ of that.v “All I can remember from history is that Egyptians drank beer for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and _53_ someone who has done _54_ research on drinking beer, I know after Ive had two beers and its really hot. Im not pushing or pulling anything,” Clemmons said. “So,

14、 I _55_ Id try to think another way.”36. A. ideaB. wayC. aimD. theory37. A. might B. wouldC. mayD. must38. A. onB. inC. byD. about39. A. bestB. latestC. earliest D. youngest40. A. liftB. raiseC. rise D. hold41. A. seaB. desert C. westD. north42. A. helpB. makeC. letD. offer43. A. prove B. baseC. get

15、D. put44. A. poundsB. tons C. kilograms D. gallons45. A. did B. resulted C. workedD. affected46. A. howB. why C. where D. what 47. A. relativelyB. absolutely C. exactly D. nearly 48. A. anyB. some C. few D. no 49. A. refers toB. arrives at C. points to D. aims at 50. A. bodyB. shoulder C. hand D. shoulder 51. A. ButB. And C. So D. Though 52. A. nothingB. none C. anything D. something 53. A. as wellB. as ifC. as D. yet 54. A. fieldB. physicsC. chemi


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