人教版九年级英语unit7 period2

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1、 beautiful relaxing tiring dangerous educational peaceful fascinating interesting fun boring thrilling excitingRevisionseaside relaxing peacefulthe moon dangerous but thrillingBeijing UniversityeducationalNiagara FallsfascinatingThe Great Wallgreat and tells the Chinese historythe searelaxing and pe

2、acefulEiffel Tower great and exciting The Summer Palace beautifulFrance Read and answer the questions.1.Whats Paris like?2.Whats expensive in Paris?3.What isnt expensive in Paris?4.If you want to go to Paris who youd better go with?For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? Paris is th

3、e capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. It doesnt have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.Travel

4、ing around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places. In general,though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the wine! 动词-ing形式作主语乘坐地铁通常,大体上, 一般而言Most people in France ha

5、ve learned English. But many people dont like to speak English, especially in Paris. So unless you speak French yourself, its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 定语从句修饰someone 3b Practice the conversation to talk about a place. Then make new conversations with the informati

6、on given. A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: Id like to visit Kunming. A:Isnt it supposed to be very hot? be supposed to B: Yes, it is. Im only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights. Hong Kong / very crowded / interesting / great entert

7、ainmentMexico City / relaxing / exciting / lots to do4 Pair work Things you likeThings you dont likeLanguage points1.Why not do(动词原形 )?=Why dont you do.? 为什么不? 用来征求对方的意见或建议。 Why not go shopping with me tonight? Why dont you go trekking with us this weekend? Why not do your homework carefully? Why do

8、nt you hand in the homework on time?2、consider+名词 /doing考虑 We must consider the feelings of other people. I am considering going abroad. You might consider moving to a smaller house. They considered where to hide the money. Have you considered how to get there?3. there be+人/物+地点/时间范围 “某地有某物 /人” 主语+h

9、ave(has)+东西 “拥有”4. plan on doing打算做某事 5. get around 观光,到处走动 6. all year around 全年/整年 7. be supposed to do 应该做suppose that +句子 “认定/猜想” We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.What do you suppose you will do after school?8. It is easy to get around the city by subway.坐地铁观光这个城市更容易些。“ Its+形容词+to

10、 do”是动词不等式作主语 。例如:To learn English well is easy.=It is easy to learn English well.9、lots to do 有很多事情可做one of +形容词最高级+ 可数名词的复数The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world.He is one of the most popular singers in our school.English is one of the most difficult subjects.Surfing is one of

11、 the most popular water sports in the world.include v. included, including包括;包含The United kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士 。The price includes postage charges.价格包括邮费在内。I include eggs on the list of things to buy.我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。The university includes ten colleges.该大学有10个学院。c

12、ost v. cost, costing 估价;估计的成本;要 价;价值(若干);费;需How much did that bag cost?那个书包要多少钱? That suit costs me over6.那件上衣花掉我6英镑。注意:cost, spend, pay, take I spent two hours finishing the drawing. I spent two hours on the drawing.I paid 1,000 yuan for that Mp3.It cost me 1,000 yuan to buy that Mp4.It took that o

13、ld man two years to draw a horse.unless conj. If.not如果不, 除非; Youll fail in French unless you work harder. Unless England improve their game theyre going to lose the game.She hasnt got any hobbies-unless you call watching TV a hobby.Have a cup of tea-unless youd prefer a cold drink.Fill in the blanks

14、 with cost, pay for, spend, take1.How much does the new car _?2.How much should I _ the ticket?3.How much did you _ traveling in Japan?4.How long does it _ to go to America by plane?5. My mother _ two hundred yuan _ the dress.Review of 3a1.为什么不考虑参观巴黎?2. 他有一些很棒的风景,包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎 圣母院, 世界上最著名的教堂之一。3。坐地铁在巴黎旅行是很方便的。4。 通常巴黎是一个很昂贵的地方。5.你最好不要去巴黎除非你懂法语或找一个可以给 你翻译的人一起去。当堂检测 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. You look tired, why not _ (have) a short rest? 2. His brother is considering _ ( study)abroad. 3. Either he or I _ (be) right. 4. Im sorry _ (say) that the


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