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1、写作培养、检验 学生多种能力的课 程 北京外国语大学吴冰I. 写作教学的重要性 II. 要教好写作课,师生都应有明确的目的和要 求,对评分标准应有共同的认识 III. 写作教师不仅是讲解范文、改作业,还应在 学生写作过程中给他们以帮助,提高他们的 兴趣,使他们感到有东西可写,并能不断增强信心。 VI. 要教好写作课,老师要多想些办法 V. 批改作业,课堂讲解,个别辅导 VI.注意写作课和其他课程的配合 VII.学期末请学生不记名填写调查表,总结经验教训。I. 写作教学的重要性1. 写作是应该具备的基本功之一2. 从教育是培养国家建设人才角度看,写 作课有其特殊目的和任务a.有助于学生了解自己对

2、知识和事物掌握的情况和程度; b.能培养学生多方面的能力:独立思考能力,综合、分析、批判的能力,表达自己思想的能力,使用工具书的能力,释义、改错的能力等 c. 能促进学生关心中国的过去、现在和将来。 A. 对学生I. 写作教学的重要性1.写作也是教师应该具备的基本能力之一。2.对具有献身精神、把教书当作事业而不 是谋生手段的人来说,写作课是一门能 实现我们教学理想的课程。3.写作课是最能了解学生的思想和思想方法的一门课,因此更便于教师因材施教、教书育人。4.写作课不仅要求教师有较高的语言水平、还要求有更多的奉献精神,更多的耐心、关心和爱心。 B. 对教师两类教育工作者Educational r

3、omantics advocate freedom, creativity, spontaneity, individuality and imaginativeness. Educational classicists advocate discipline, correctness, orderliness, and convention. II. 要教好写作课,师生都应 有 明确的目的和要求,对评 分 标准应有共同的认识能通过写作达到顺利地和外 国读者交际的目的1.在校的近期目的2.长远目的分思想内容、组织结构和语 言表达 A.目的要求:B.评分标准:. Content: Look at

4、 the essay/ composition as a whole. Organization: Look at the arrangement of the material. Sentences:. Diction:V. Mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics.ChecklistChecklist. Content: Look at the essay/composition as a whole.A. What is the topic of the essay/composition? Does

5、the draft fulfill the assignment (e.g. mode of development or type of composition)?B. Is the thesis clear? Is it supported by enough facts (details, examples, reasons, etc.)?C. Is there irrelevant material that should be removed?D. Is the logic sound? Are there gaps in the logic?Checklist. Organizat

6、ion: Look at the arrangement of the material.A. Does the introductory paragraph lead to the main point of the paper?B. Does each paragraph have a separate central idea? Does it relate to the essays main idea or to the previous paragraph? Are there proper transitions between sections? Are the paragra

7、phs arranged in climactic order?C. Does the concluding paragraph give the reader a clear impression of what the paper intends to say?Checklist. Sentences:A. Is each sentence clearly related to the sentence that precedes it and to the sentence that follows?B. Are there unnecessary sentences that may

8、be removed?C. Are there structural mistakes?D. Are there wordy and redundant sentences?E. Is there variety in sentence type?Checklist. Diction:A. Are there words that are not appropriate for the topic or the style of the whole essay (e.g. too colloquial or too formal)?B. Are there words or phrases w

9、hich are directly translated from Chinese but which may mean something different in English?C. Are there collocations which may be incorrect because they are taken from Chinese (e.g. a big rain)? Mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics.The following is a letter from a reader

10、published in China Daily. Write a letter in reply, explaining Chinas single- child policy. The letter is to be written in your own name and meant to be published in China Daily.Editor:Im a womans liberationist. I read in a newspaper that women in China are not allowed to decide how may children they

11、 want to have. There is a law forbidding all women to have more than one child, and any woman who gets into a second pregnancy is forced by law to undergo induced abortion followed by surgical sterilization. I dont see how a country calling itself a socialist state could trample on this first and mo

12、st sacred of womens rightsthe right to motherhoodin such a flagrant way.Boston, U.S.A. Ruth HancockIII写作教师应在学生写作全 过程 中给他们以帮助,提高他 们的 兴趣,使他们感到有东西 可写,并能不断增强信心。A. 选择好的范文B. 讲解清楚作业目的、要求,出一些能引起学生兴趣的题目C. 允许学生自由命题,要求学生写自己的真实思想D. 注意中国学生写作的特殊问题与难点III写作教师不仅是讲解范文、改作业,还应在学 生写作全过程中给他们以帮助,提高他们的兴趣, 使他们感到有东西可写,并能不断增强

13、信心。D. 注意中国学生写作的特殊问题与难点1. 要注意由于文化的差别,同样的文章,中英文写作的风 格不尽相同。a. 同样内容的记叙文、描写文,中文用词要比英文用词 花哨。b. 中国人好用四字成语,而英文的写作书总是教学生少 用 cliches。 c. 以英语为母语的人在写新闻、社论或者政论这类文章时,用语不像我们中国人的用语那样富有战斗性。d. 我们中国人和以英语为母语的人的思维方式、看问题 的出发点不尽相同,他们比较更加重视具体的个体、 细节,而我们比较注重整体、综合、概括。2. 中国人容易犯的错误:frag., inc comp, ll, ref, run-on, t;词的搭配;同义词、

14、近义词的区别与使用a.同样内容的记叙文、描写文,中文用词 要比英文用词花哨。I walked joyfully along the park that was lit up by the golden rays of the morning sun. Beautiful flowers of any colors were blooming. How fragrant they smell! Little birds were singing in the trees as if they are greeting me, “Good morning! Good morning!“ My he

15、art was bursting with happiness.VI要教好写作课,老师 要多想些办法 写作课完全可以教得让学生感到 很有趣; B. Brainstorming, 打开学生思路, 发挥学生的集体智慧; C. 集体讨论后要求学生整理思想, 写提纲.VI要教好写作课,老师要多想些 办法THE ROAD NOT TAKENRobert FrostTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down o

16、ne as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrown. Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same. A. 写作课完全可以教得让学生感到很有趣And both that morning equally lay In leaves


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