七年级英语Is this your pencil说课稿53208

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1、Unit 2 Is this your pencil?教学目标:知识与技能语言结构:学习指示代词this,thatWhat 引导的特殊疑问句用法Yes/No问句及其简单回答句型How do you spell pencil?的用法语言功能:学会辨认物品的所有者询问物品的所属,对物品的所属进行提问和回答能够使用目标语言写失物招领和寻物启事学习策略目标:使学生明确自己学习的需要,自觉完成课前 任务。通过Contest Guessing 和Role playing,使他 们能主动积极地参与课堂活动。通过完成任务, 培养一种群体意识, 自主 学习及合作学习的意识. 情感态度目标:培养学生乐于助人,团结

2、,友善的精神。通过学习“Lost and Found”,培养学生拾金不 昧的精神。通过一系列的任务,鼓舞了学生积极参与活动 和积极学习英语的兴趣,增加了学生用英语表达 的自信。教学重难点:要求掌握的词汇: pencil,pen,book,eraser,ruler,pencil case,dictionary,backpack,baseball,watch,key,comp uter game,notebook,ring掌握好重点句型:Is this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Whats this in English?Its a pen.How d

3、o you spell it?P-E-N.难点:一般疑问句、Lost and Found.Things in the classroomTask One Task Two Game : Find the owner Game: Read the notices and find the things from 教学过程设计Period 1eraserpencilpencil sharpenerpencil case backpackbookdictionarypenrulerConversations:Yes,it is.Its my backpackIs this your backpack

4、?Is this his book?No,it isnt . Its her book.Is that your pen?Yes ,it is. It is my pen.Is that her pencil case?No,it isnt.Its his pencil case.eraser pencil ruler pencil case bookTim: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your pencil? Sonia: Yes, thank you. And that is my _. Tim: And Jane, is this your _? Jane: N

5、o, it isnt. its her ruler. Tim: OK, and this is my _. And this is your _, Jane.pencil caserulerbookeraserListening task-Is this/that your book? -No, it isnt. Its his/her book? -Yes, it is. Its my book.pairworkA guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an?A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an?Its her erase

6、r.A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an?A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an?Its his backpack.Period 2-Whats this in English? -Its a/an -How do you spell it? - -Is this your -No, it isnt. -Is this his/her -No, it isnt. Its his/her .Make conversations:baseball/eI /watch/tF /computer game/kEmpju:tE

7、/ / eI /ring /rIN/notebook /EJ /a set of keys /e/, /Ev/A: Whats this ?B: Its a watch.A: How do you spell it ?B: W-A-T-C-H.中国首家新课标免费资源网(不必注册,免费下载)请记住我们的网址:pencil sharpener.dictionaryadcfhe1.baseball2. puter game4.ID card5.key6.notebook7.ring8. p e nWhats this in English?Its a_.How do you spell it?A-B

8、-C-D-E.gb1a. Match the words with the things in the pictures.1.baseball2. puter game4. ID card5.key6.notebook7.ring8. pen2a Listen. Look at the words in activity1a. Circle the things that you hear.circle2.watch4.ID card8.pen1.baseball2bKelseyMikewatchListen again. Write the things in the chart.2bpen

9、ID cardbaseballPeriod 3Is this your watch? Call Alan at 495- 3539.Read the bulletin board notices and circle the words from activity 1a.at 529-6403.call David A set of keys. pleaseFound: Put these pieces in order to make a message:1243Alan67333123FoundFound: WatchIs this your watch?Please call Alan.

10、 Phone # 67333123.Found: _Is this your _?Please call _.Phone # _.PencilpencilTom67223456Found: BookIs this your book?Please call Bobat 67223588.4132Found: BookIs this your book?Please call Bob at 67223588.Computer gameFound: _Is this your _?Please call _.Phone # _.baseballFound: _Is this your _?Plea

11、se call _.Phone # _.ring中国首家新课标免费资源网(不必注册,免费下载)请记住我们的网址:Found: _Is this your _?Please call _.Phone # _.Lost:My school ID card.My name is Li Yao.Please call 6213480 .Lost: My penMy name is Alan.Please call 67333123.Lost:_My name is _.Please call _.Period 4李静丢失了她的 英语书,请你帮 她写一则寻物启 事,她的电话是 622113。孟伟丢失了一把钥 匙,请帮他写一则 寻物启事,电话是 611668.Found: School ID cardIs this your school ID card?Please call Li Yan .Phone # 6223434.王川拾到一个红 色的书包,请帮 他写一则招领启 事,电话是 655789。李超拾到一块 手表,请帮他写 一则招领启事, 电话是688997。NameFound LostJim Pen(钢笔) Ruler(尺子) Alice Bag (书包) ball (球) Li Lei Book(书) Pencil(铅笔) Tom Eraser(橡皮) Key (钥匙)


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