人教新课标考点辅导课件-选修6 Unit2

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1、Unit 2 Poems 考纲知识预览熟记单词1. (v.) 背诵 2. (v.& n) 调换,交换;交 流,互换 3. (vt.) 传达,运送 4. (n.) 情绪,情感,感情 5. (n.) 托儿所 6. (v.& n) 押韵;韵,押韵 的词 7. (n.) 重复,反复,循环recite exchangeconvey emotion nursery rhyme repetition 考纲知识预览8. (n.) 钻石,菱形 9. (n.) 村舍,小屋 10. (n.) 气球 11. (v.) 取笑,招惹,戏弄 12. (adj.) 无穷的,无止境的 13. (v.) 翻译 14. (n.)

2、枝条,支流,部门diamond cottage balloon tease endless translate branch 考纲知识预览15. (v.) 改造,转化 16. (n.) 悲痛,悲伤,懊悔 17. (adj.) 适当的,正当的 18. (n.) 指南针,罗盘,(复数)圆规 19. (n.) 模式,式样,图案 20. (v.) 在下面划线 21. (n.) 负担,负荷物(尤指沉重的)transform sorrow appropriate compass patternunderline load 考纲知识预览翻译词组1有道理,讲得通 2给留下深刻印象3传达情感 4表达自己的观点、

3、情感5熬夜make sensegive/put/leave a deep impression on sb. convey emotionsexpress oneself stay up late考纲知识预览6放松,不在意 7用完 8由组成 9受欢迎 10把译成 11听取建议 12发出一声喊叫take it easy run out of be made up of be popular with translate sth.into take ones advice let out a cry考纲知识预览背诵句型Some poems tell a story or describe some

4、thing in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.Others try to convey certain emotions. 有的诗歌以一种令读者印象深刻的 方式讲述故事或描述事件,有的就试图 传达某些感情。考纲知识预览例句仿写 Some think money is everything.Others think it useless to have too much money.Still others think money is the source of all kinds of evil. 有的人认为金钱是万

5、能的,有的人则认为 钱多了没用,还有的人认为钱是万恶之源。巧学活用点击进入名师一线讲坛1. convey vt. 传达,运送;传导,传播 convey sth.to sb.向某人表达/传递某物 convey sb./sth.from A to B把某人或某物从A 地运送到B地 convey ones feelings/meaning表达某人的感 情/意思名师一线讲坛1完成句子 (1)Please _(转达 我美好的祝愿)to your mother. (2)The pipe _( 将热水从锅炉输往浴室) (3)The baby is now able to _(表达自己的意思)名师一线讲坛(4

6、)All the information can _(传达)in a simple diagram. (5)Your luggage _(将 由机场运送到旅馆)by helicopter. 答案:(1)convey my good wishes (2)conveys the hot water from the boiler to the bath (3)convey his meaning (4)be conveyed (5)will be conveyed from the airport to the hotel名师一线讲坛2. transform vi.& vt. 转化;转换;改 造;

7、变换 (1)transform A into B使A变成B be transformed from A to B从A变到B transform into转化成,改造为 (2)transformation n(外观或性质的) 改变、变革名师一线讲坛2完成句子 (1)Ten years of hard work _ _(把Mathilde彻底变成了一位普 通的家庭妇女) (2)Their efforts _ _(使这光秃秃的山头变得绿树葱葱)名师一线讲坛(3)Lets _ ( 改革旧的教育制度) (4)成功和财富改变了他的性格。(汉译 英)_ 答案:(1)transformed Mathilde

8、completely into an ordinary housewife (2)have transformed the bald hill into one covered with green trees all over (3)transform the old educational system (4)Success and wealth transformed his character.名师一线讲坛3. appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的 (1)be appropriate to/for适于;合乎 It is appropriate that sb.(should

9、) do.某 人做是恰当的 (2)appropriately adv.适当地 (3)inappropriate adj.不适当的,不合适的名师一线讲坛3选用上述词语填空 (1)Obviously,it is _ for you to wear shorts on such an occasion youd better go home for a suit. (2)Sports clothes _ a formal wedding.名师一线讲坛(3)Is it _ that we start out early? (4)_ ask such personal questions in an i

10、nterview. 答案:(1)inappropriate (2)are not appropriate for(3)appropriate (4)It is not appropriate to名师一线讲坛4. exchange n 交换;交流;互换vt.& vi. 调换;交换(1)make an exchange交换 in exchange(for.)作为交换() (2)exchange sth.for sth.以交换 exchange sth.with sb.与某人交换某物名师一线讲坛4完成句子 (1)They have offered to release the reporters,

11、but what do they want _(作为交换)? (2)He _( 用一个苹果换了一个桔子)名师一线讲坛(3)Shall I _( 换一下座位)you? (4)We _(互 留了地址)and promised to write to one another.名师一线讲坛(5)Where can I _(用 美元兑换英镑)? 答案:(1)in exchange (2)exchanged an apple for an orange(3)exchange seats with (4)exchanged our addresses(5)exchange my dollars for po

12、unds名师一线讲坛5. load n 负担,负荷物(尤指沉重的)v 装载,加重,把弹药装入(枪炮) (1)take a load off ones mind打消某人的顾虑 loads of很多 (2)load sth./sb.with sth.用装载/使负担 load sth.into/onto sb./sth.把装入(到)/使 负担 load up装载货物于 (3)unload v卸货名师一线讲坛5完成句子 (1)His family _(的确是 他肩上的一个重担) (2)The boat _(仍在装货) (3)How long will it take to _(把煤装在车上)?名师一线

13、讲坛(4)As a boy,he liked watching the workers _( 装卸各种货物),admiring their unusual strength. 答案:(1)is really a heavy load on his shoulder (2)is still loading (3)load the coal onto the truck (4)loading and unloading all kinds of goods名师一线讲坛6. run out of 用完,耗尽 (1)run out of意为“用完了”,是及物动 词短语,表示主动意义,主语一般是人。 (2)run outbecome used up意为“用完 了”,是不及物动词短语



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