【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit12 Education(必修3)

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《【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit12 Education(必修3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit12 Education(必修3)(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、目录Unit 12 Education 教 育本讲目录基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动强化训练知能闯关目录基础盘点自测自评1Professor Li is_(不在的),so I have to take the place of him.2The government calls on the youth to_(捐献)their blood voluntarily.3His ability carried him to the top of his_(职业职业 )4Do you_(提倡)keeping all children atschool till the age of sixteen

2、?核心核心单词单词单词单词absentdonateprofessionadvocate目录5She_(选择选择 )a diamond ring from the collection.6He could have finished it on_(计计划表),but somehow he fell behind.7Our countrys foreign trade has_(扩扩大)during recent years.8用distribute的适当形式填空:(1)But its wealth was_unfairly among the population.(2)The Red Cros

3、s is in charge of the_of food and clothing to the flood victims.distribution selectedscheduleexpandeddistributed目录1result _ 产产生某种作用或结结果2_ importance to 重视视3be _ of 对对表示怀怀疑4_ a result 结结果5to begin _ 首先;第一;起初6drop _ (of) (从活动动、竞赛竞赛 等中)退出;辍辍学7spread _ 展开8take _ 吸收9_ other aspects 在其他方面高高频频频频短短语语语语inatt

4、achscepticalaswithoutoutinin目录典型句式典型句式1_99% of schoolage children in China attended primary school by 2004.据报报道,在2004年,中国99%的学龄龄儿童都可以上小学.2In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys_girls.在受某些文化影响的地方,家长长尤其不愿意送他们们的女儿去上学,因

5、为传统习为传统习 俗是让让男孩接受教育而不是女孩。It is reported thatrather than目录3_,it is important to create a positive attitude.首先,重要的是要抱一种积积极的态态度。4They do not like to sit still for long periods of time and sometimes find_hard to concentrate when reading or listening.他们们不喜欢长时间欢长时间 地静坐,在阅读阅读 或听课时课时 ,他们发现们发现 有时时会很难难集中精力。it

6、To begin with目录考点串讲讲练互动单词单词单词单词 精研精研目录目录【高效记忆记忆 】目录即境活用1The workers are loading the goods_a car,that is,theyre loading the car_goods.Awith;with Binto;intoCinto;with Dwith;into解析:选选C。考查查load的用法。load sth.into.把装入;load sth.with sth.用装载载,故选选C。目录2.obtain vt. 取得;获获得(教材P107)Learning style theory suggests t

7、hat different people have different ways of obtaining information.学习习方式理论论指出不同的人们们有着不同的获获取信息的方法 (牛津P1376)I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我终终于设设法弄到了这这份报报告的一个副本。Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism.有些国家靠旅游业赚业赚 取大量外汇汇。We can obtain information through a var

8、iety of ways.我们们可以通过过多种渠道获获取信息。目录即境活用2Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills,of_new knowledge.Aattaining BachievingCobtaining Dacquiring解析:选选D。acquire指经过经过 一点点积积累而获获得,如知识识、技能等的获获得;attain常用于一般人不易达到的目的;achieve指达到既定目标标或实现实现 某种意愿;obtain通常指经过经过努力而得到,强调调达到目的。目录3.expand vi. 扩扩大;增加

9、;增强vt. 使变变大;使增强(教材P103)Chinas large population meant that the schools had to expand to take in many more students.中国众多的人口意味着学校要扩扩招更多的学生。(牛津P698)Student numbers are expanding rapidly.学生人数在迅速增加。(牛津P698)A childs vocabulary expands through reading.孩子的词汇词汇 量通过阅读过阅读 得到扩扩大。(牛津P698)Weve expanded the busines

10、s by opening two more stores.我们们增开了两个商店以扩扩展业务业务 。目录归纳拓展expand on/upon详细说详细说 明expand in.在方面膨胀胀expand into.扩扩展成为为,膨胀胀成目录即境活用3The company has_its business in Thailand by building a new factory there.Aobtained BexpandedCdeclined DimprovedB目录4.suit vt. 适合于(教材P107)They select a variety of activities to su

11、it their students different learning styles.他们选择们选择 了多种多样样的活动动来适合于他们们学生不同的学习习方式。(朗文P2064)It takes time to find a college that will suit your childs needs.找到一个能满满足你孩子需要的大学得花时间时间 .目录归纳归纳 拓展suit sb.fine很适合某人suit.to.使适合be well suited to do sth.非常适合做某事Eight oclock?That suits me fine.八点钟钟行吗吗?行,我没问题问题 。(朗文

12、P2064)She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience.她能使自己的演出适合不同的观观众。目录易混辨析 fit,suit,matchfit表示服装等大小、尺寸合适;后常接人作宾宾 语语,表示“合身”。suit强调调款式、颜颜色等合适;还还可用于表示某时时 间间、安排、状况、条件、需要口味等对对某人 适合。mat ch与匹配,强调调一物与另一物相配,多指 颜颜色、款式、风风格、材料等方面相协调协调 或相 匹配。目录When and where will it suit your convenience for our

13、next meeting?我们们下次见见面何时时何地对对你方便?The suit fits Karen Mok nicely on the close night of the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival.莫文蔚在第12届上海国际电际电 影节闭节闭 幕式穿的衣服非常合适。The color of the curtains doesnt match that of the sofa.窗帘颜颜色和沙发颜发颜 色不相配。目录即境活用4How about seven oclock outside the park?That_me fine.Asa

14、tisfies BsuitsCmeets Dfits解析:选选B。考查动词词义查动词词义 辨析。satisfy使满满足,使满满意;suit sb.适合某人;meet sb.遇见见某人;fit sb.指大小、尺寸适合某人。目录5.donate vt. 捐赠赠,赠赠送(教材P104)Corporations and private citizens also donate money through the Hope Project.公司和个人也通过过希望工程捐钱钱。(朗文P602)There is no risk of getting AIDS when donating blood.献血不会染上艾滋病。目录目录即境活用5完成句子如果大多数能赚钱赚钱 自立的人把一天的工资资捐给给希望工程的话话,事情就很有希望了。If most breadwinners_the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.donate a days pay to目录6.result in 产产生某种作用或结结果(教材P103)In China most citizens live in the eastern ar



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