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1、 How do you go there?Lets talkThe Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)bikeThe Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)busThe Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展) taxiThe Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)trainThe Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)subwayThe Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)Every weekend I climb mountains

2、. What do you do? What do you do? Every weekend I read some book. What do you do? What do you do? Every weekend I go shopping. What do you do? What do you do? Every weekend I go hiking. What do you do? What do you do?The Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)How do you go to mountains?I go to mountains by

3、 car.The Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)How do you go to fly kites?I go to fly kites by bike.The Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)How do you ?I go by .The Transportation Exhibition(交通工具展)How do you go to? I go to by.If youre Blue Cat, how do you go there?by busby taxiby bikeby carI go there .Every w

4、eekend I climb mountains. Go by car, go by car. Every weekend I fly kites. Go by bike, go by bike. Every weekend I go shopping. Go by bus, go by bus. Every weekend I go hiking. Go on foot, go on foot.Lets try录音A: How do you go to school, Mike? Mike: I usually go to school by bike. A: Is your home ne

5、ar our school ? Mike: Yes, it is. B; Thats fine. Good Little Guide (最佳小导游)Bei JingHai NanLhasaShang HaiHang ZhouHow do you/I go to?Whats the weather like in in fall??Liu: How do you go to school,Sarah? Sarah: My home is near. Usually I goto school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. What about you? Liu

6、: I usually go to school by bus.Love our motherland! Love our hometown! (热爱我们的祖国!热爱我们的家乡!)英汉对照 Zhang:萨娜,咱们今天下午去公园 吧. Sarah:太好了,但是我们怎样去公 园呢? Zhang:很简单,你先骑自行车到我 家,我们一起步行去车站,然后 我们可以乘公共汽车去那儿. Sarah:好的,你家在哪儿? Zhang:我家在邮局附近. Sarah:第几层. Zhang:五楼5A室 Sarah:好的,今下午两点见! Zhang:到时候见.traffic lightsred lightyellow

7、lightgreen lightRed light means stop.Green light means go .Yellow light means wait .Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.traffic light traffic rule stop wait remember China USEngland Australiaright sideleft sideIf you go by car , by bike or on

8、foot,you must know the traffic rules.The traffic lights are same in every country.They are In China and US , drivers drive on the right side.In England and Australia , drivers drive on the left side.听力材料 A: Excuse me, How can I get to Ping Fang Primary School? B: You can go by the No.14 bus. Its nex

9、t to the Nature Park. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.Lets talk译文: Jim:我怎样才能到达中 山公园? Chen:你可以坐15路公 共汽车去那. Jim:我可以步行去吗? Chen:当然可以,如果你 愿意.它离这儿不远.Lets read译文:看一看并找出不同点: 交通灯在每个国家都是一样的.都有 三种灯:红、黄和绿。红色意味着停, 黄灯等,绿灯行。在中国,司机靠右边 行驶。在美国,司机也是靠右边行驶 。而在英国和澳大利亚,司机却是靠 左边行驶。如果你开车,骑目行车或 走路,你一定要知道交通规则。阅读并判断对错:(1).每个国家都

10、有三种交通灯:红,黄, 绿。( ) (2).红灯意味着行。( ) (3).在中国,司机靠右边行驶。( ) (4).在美国,司机靠左边行驶。( ) (5).如果你步行,你不必懂交通规则。 ( )1.问6个同学问题? How do you go to school? I go to school by. 2.制表 步骤:找五名学生作为小组长, 给每人一张卡片,表明某一种 上学方式。pronunciation/ p / / b / / t / / d / / i: / peak顶峰 beat击打 team队 deal交易 / I / pig猜 big大的 tin罐头 dish菜 Read and m

11、atch读一读连一连 / pIn / / b i: t/ / t i: / / dI /dish洗蝶布 beach桃子 pin钉子 tea茶Lets check录音(1).A: How do you go to school, Amy?B: I usually go to school on foot, My home is not from school. (2).A: How can I go to the post office, please?B: You can go by bike. Its just in from of our school. (3).A:Where is th

12、e zoo, please?B: Its near my home. You can go by the No.4 bus.A: Can I go by subway ?B: Sure, if you like. (4).A: Is the park far from here?B: Yes, it is. You can go by the No.5 bus. A: Can I go by bike ? B: No, Thats too far.1.Crosswalk斑马线 2.Turn night向右转 3.One way单行道线 4.No entry禁止进入 5.No bikes禁止自行车 通行 6.No left turn禁止左 转弯英汉对照(1).Zoom:这儿有15美元.咱们去 快餐店吃午餐吧. Zip:怎样去那儿呢? (2). Zoom:打的去怎样? Zip:太贵了. (3). Zoom:你有什么想法呢? Zip:我们步行去吧,还可以好好 锻炼一下. (4). Zoom:你了解交通规则吗? Zip:当然. (5). Zip:快点,这儿现在没人. Zoom:不,现在是红灯. (6).Policeman:对不起,先生.你违 反了交通规则.罚款15美元. Zip:啊,但我们我们的午饭?! Zoom:的确很抱歉,先生.



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