英语必修4备课课件:Unit 3 《A taste of English humour》Section Ⅳ Grammar(人教版)

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《英语必修4备课课件:Unit 3 《A taste of English humour》Section Ⅳ Grammar(人教版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语必修4备课课件:Unit 3 《A taste of English humour》Section Ⅳ Grammar(人教版)(46页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Grammar & Writing动词 ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语一、动词 ing形式作表语1表示抽象的一般性的行为,用来说明主语的内容,与主语通常是同一概念,表语和主语常可互换位置。My hobby is collecting stamps.我的爱好是集邮。(Collecting stamps is my hobby.集邮是我的爱好。)Her duty is taking care of the babies.(Taking care of the babies is her duty.)照看婴儿是她的职责。2表示主语的某种性质和特征,这时通常可以看做形容词。The

2、story she told us was very interesting.她给我们讲的这个故事很有趣。The film we saw last night was very moving.我们昨晚看的那部电影非常感人。注意:作表语用的动词 ing形式,许多是由能够表示人们某种感情或情绪的动词变化而来的。常见的有:moving,interesting,encouraging,exciting,inspiring,boring,surprising,puzzling,amusing,astonishing(这类分词表示“令人的”的含义)。二、动词 ing形式作定语1表示名词的属性或作用及用途。

3、We are not allowed to speak aloud in the reading room.阅览室里不准我们大声说话。Is there a reading room in your school?你们学校有个阅览室吗?2表示所修饰的名词的动作或状态,相当于一个定语从句。注意:当分词单独作定语时,放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语作定语,则放在该名词后。The boy studying in the classroom is our monitor.在教室学习的男孩是我们的班长。Well have an exam in the coming week.下周我们将进行一次考试。三、

4、动词 ing形式作宾语补足语动词 ing形式作宾语补 足语时,与宾语之间是主谓关系,即宾语是其逻辑上的主语。它主要用于以下两 类动词 后作宾语补足语。1感官动词,如see,hear,feel,smell,watch,find,listen to,look at,notice,observe等。Suddenly we heard someone knocking gently on the window.忽然我们听见有人在轻轻敲窗户。I noticed a stranger sliding into the managers office.我注意到一个陌生人正溜进经理办公室。注意:在see,he

5、ar,feel,watch等感官动词后,既可用动词 ing形式作宾语补足语,也可用省略to的不定式作宾语补足语。用动词 ing形式时,表示动作正在进行,用省略to的不定式时,表示动作从开始到结束的全过程。I saw a boy getting on the bus.(表示动作正在进行)我看见一个男孩在上公共汽车。I saw a boy get on the bus.(表示动作完成了)我看见一个男孩上了公共汽车。2使役动词,如have,set,keep,leave,get等。Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。The joke set her

6、crying.这个玩笑使她哭起来。Can you get my watch going again?你能使我的表再运转起来吗?.完成句子 1Its really _ _ _(有说服力的演 讲)(convince) 答案:a convincing speech 2He left _ _ _ _ _ _ _(留下小儿子在家哭)(cry) 答案:with his little son crying at home 3I _ _ _(感到难以置信)that you didnt like it.(astonish) 答案:find it astonishing4I wont have you _ _ _

7、 _(在房间里跑来跑去)(run)答案:running around the room5We heard the children _ _(在楼上叫喊)(shout)答案:shouting upstairs6My job is _ _ _(教你们英语)(teach)答案:teaching you English7The man _ _ _ _(正与老师谈话 的)is our monitors father.(speak)答案:speaking to the teacher8There is _ _ _(一个游泳池)in our school.(swim)答案:a swimming pool9_

8、 _ _(正在睡觉的女孩)is his daughter.(sleep)答案:The sleeping girl10The man _ _ _ _(给我们作演讲的)last week left for Shenzhen this morning.(give)答案:giving us a lecture.单项填空1(2012江西高考)John has really got the job because he showed me the official letter _ him it.Aoffered BofferingCto offer Dto be offered解析:考查非谓语动词 作定

9、语。句意:约翰的确得到了这份工作,因为他给我看了提供他工作的正式信函。the official letter与offer为逻辑 上的主动关系,故排除A、D两项;不定式作定语表示将要发生的动作,不符合句意,故排除。答案:B2(2012辽宁高考)The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog _ them.Ato follow BfollowingCfollowed Dfollows解析:考查非谓语动词 作宾补。句意:这对老夫妇经常晚饭后在公园散步,他们的宠物狗跟着他们。首先排除D项。在wit

10、h复合结构中,非谓语动词 的逻辑主语their pet dog与follow是主动关系,排除C项。A项不定式常表示将要发生的事情,不符合题意。答案:B3(2012四川高考)I looked up and noticed a snake _ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.Ato wind BwindCwinding Dwound解析:考查非谓语动词 作宾语补 足语。句意:我抬起头,看到一条蛇为了捕食早餐,正在蜿蜒着向树上爬行。notice后接不带to的不定式结构作宾语补 足语,故排除A项;D项为动词的过去分词形式,不符合题意,可排除;省去t

11、o的不定式结构作notice的宾补,表示动作的全过程;现在分词结构作notice的宾补表示动作正在发生。根据语境可知选C项。答案:C4Im really tired _Jim.I wont have him always _ a trick on others.Aof;made Bof;playingCwith;play Dwith;playing解析:考查介词和非谓语动词 。句意:我真的很厌烦吉姆。我不能容忍他总是取笑别人。be tired of“感到厌烦”;have sb.doing此处意为“容忍某人做某事”。答案:B【 规律总结】 have sb.doing有两层意思:让某人一直做某事I

12、 have him waiting outside.我一直让他在外边等着。容忍某人做某事I cant have him saying like that.我不能容忍他那样说。5(2012长沙高一检测)Before becoming a pilot,he spent quite a long time _.Ato be trained Bbeing trainedCtraining Dto train解析:spend time(in)doing sth.“花费时间 干某事”,根据 句意,“他”是被培训,故用being trained。答案:B6The book _ on the desk _ t

13、o her.Alying;belonging Blay;belongClying;belongs Dbeing lie;is belong解析:lying on the desk为现在分词短语作定语,与所修饰名词the book存在逻辑上的主谓关系;belong to用作谓语动词,无进行时态。答案:C7Why did you go back to the shop?I left my friend _ there.Awaiting Bto waitCwait Dwaits解析:leave sb.doing sth.“使/让某人做某事”。waiting作宾语补足语,与宾语my friend存在逻

14、辑上的主谓关系。答案:A8Many rules in English are _,and large numbers of students feel _ them.Aconfused;puzzled withBconfusing;puzzled aboutCconfused;puzzling withDconfusing;puzzling about解析:考查形容词。句意:很多英语的规则令人迷惑,很多学生感到很困惑。confusing作表语,意为“令人 迷惑的”;puzzle about意为“对感到困惑”。答案:B9The General Manager suggests those fou

15、nd _ in the office would be fired immediately.Asmoke Bto smokeCsmoking Dsmoked解析:考查现在分词作宾语补 足语。句意:总经理建议那些被发现在办公室吸烟的人将被立即解雇。find sb.doing“发现某人正做某事”。smoking作宾语补 足语。答案:C10Who did you see _ in the middle of the front row make that much noise?Aseating BsittingCsit Dseat解析:sitting in the middle of the front row为现在分词短语作宾语补足语,与宾语who存在逻辑上的主谓关系,seat与宾



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