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1、 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1._ sklpt n. 雕塑 2. _ glri n. 画廊 3. _ simbl n. 象征;符号 4. _ rilidn n. 宗教;宗教信仰 5. _ dimitri n. 几何学 6. _ .sivilaizein n.文明 7. _ distrikt n. 区域 8. _ .eksibin n.展览会 9. _ du n. 阴影;影子 10. _ vnju: n. 林阴道;大街 avenue sculpture gallery symbol religion geometry civilization district exhib

2、ition shadow11. _ tip n. 提示;小费;顶 12. _ knvins vt.使信服 13. _ pridikt vt. 预言;预测 14. _ bstrkt adj.抽象的 15. _ gresiv adj.侵略的;好斗的 16. _ .kntrv:l adj.荒谬的 17._ p:mnnt adj. 永久的;持久的 18. _ .kntrv:l adj.争议的 19. _ naudeiz adv. 现今 20. _ knsikwntli adv.所以consequentlytip convince predict abstract aggressive ridiculo

3、us permanent controversial nowadays二、单词运用 根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式,完成句子。 1.N_, more and more families own cars. 2.There is a general b_ that things will be soon get better. 3.She didnt study at all, and c_, he failed all his exams.4.In the evening you s_ is longer than you are. 5.He lost all his p_

4、 in the tsunami and he is poor and homeless now.possession nowadays beliefconsequently shadow6.He didnt want to be a temporary staff in the company. He just wanted to work p_ there. 7.Scientist can now p_ when and where a hurricane will take place. 8.What you said really sounds a_ . Could you explai

5、n it in details? 9.I had some difficulty c_ the boss that I was the right man for the position. 10.The a_ of the project is to help the people who suffer aids.aim permanent predictabstractconvincing三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The government predicted that the economy will improve. However, not many pe

6、ople agree with the _ . 2. His paintings were exhibited in the local art gallery last week and the _ is a great success. 3. Her necklace was valued at $30,000, which is quite _. 4. My granny possesses an ancient vase and it is one of her _ . 5. Jim has nothing to do today and he is walking on the st

7、reet _ (aim).aimlessly predictionexhibitionvaluablepossessions6. I need some information of getting a _ (scholar) in your university. 7. After they got married, they decided to settle _ (permanent) in France. 8. With the teachers _ (convince) words, the students are determined to win the game. 9. Th

8、ere is a general _ (believe) that things will soon get better. 10. Environmental damage threatens the whole of _ (civil).civilizationscholarshippermanently convincingbelief四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. _ 以为目标 2. _ 取代 3. _ 把集中 4. _ 大量 5. _ 试图做某事 6. _ 现代艺术 7. _ 值得 8. _ 拥有 in possession of aim at take the

9、 place of focus on a great deal of attempt to do modern art be worth9. a bunch of _10. in the flesh _11. in the late 19th century _12. scores of _13. the Renaissance _14. would rather _15. a professional artist _16. convince sb. of sth. _使某人信服某事一串现实生活中的; 本人 十九世纪末许多;大量文艺复兴(时期) 宁愿一位职业艺术家五、词组运用 从上述短语中选

10、择恰当的短语翻译下列 句子。 1.电脑是不可以取代人类的,因为电脑是由人类控制 的。 _ because computer is controlled by human. 2.在文艺复兴时期,画家在作品中焦点是人而不是宗 教。 During the renaissance, the paintings of the artists _ 3.西湖很漂亮,很值得一游。 The West Lake is very beautiful, _Computer can not take the place of humandidnt focus on religion but peoplewhich is

11、 worth a visit.4.那个囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。 The prisoner _ 5.这家化工排除大量的污水。 This chemical factory _ _ 6.有许多人等着比赛的结果。 _, waiting for the result of the match. 7.是谁拥有这些财产? _Who is in possession of the property?attempted to escape, but failed.drained out a great deal of waste water.There were scores of people8.这个小男孩尽力使他的父亲信服他的诚实。The little boy tried to _9.他如此紧张以致到他不能集中精神考试。He was so nervous that _10.他的目标是考上一所重点大学。_He aimed at entering a key university.convince his father of his honesty.he couldnt focus on his test.Language points1.abstract adj.抽象的; 深奥的 n.摘要an abstract concept 抽象概念abstract philosophical



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