2013年秋七年级英语上册 unit 2 Is this your pencil period 3课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Starter Unit 2Whats this in English ?Exercises-Hello, -Hello,Whats this in English?-Its a/an-Spell it, please.- -Thank you请用以下对话俩人问答-Hello, -Hello,Whats this in English?-Its a/an-Spell it, please.- -Thank you请用以下对话俩人问答ruler orangejacketmapCDbookkey quilt请带朋友参观房间,并请带朋友参观房间,并用用所学句型问答。所学句型问答。Groupwork:

2、penMake conversations: w Good morning/afternoon/evening! w Good morning/afternoon/evening! w How are you? w Im fine, thanks. How are you? w Im OK. w Whats this in English? w Its a pen/ an orange w Spell it, please. w P-E-N, pen./ ei / / bi: / si: / / di: / i: / / ef /di:/ /eit/Ii Jj Kk LI Mm NnOo Pp

3、 QqRr/a/ / /de / /ke/ /el/ /em/ /en/pi:/ /kjU:/ /:/ Listen and repeatA A J K Dale GraceFrank thanks jacket mapEB C D E G eveningF L M N Helen penII hi finequilt / O o OK / orange / /eI/ / /i:/ /e/ /a/ 一.火眼金睛改错.good morning. How are you. Hello, alice. Thanks you. I fine. Whats this english? Its a rul

4、er. It is a orange. Its jacket. What this?Good morning. How are you ? Hello, Alice. Thank you . Im fine.Whats this in English? Its a ruler. It is an orange. Its a jacket. Whats this?二.搬家并写出中文.ih 2. odog 3. gmniron 4. iefn 5. gnienev 6. ohlel 7. onfotarne 7. snkhat 9.grneao 10.hist 11.nlgeihs 12.ktac

5、ej 13.atwh 14.iqlut 15.urrel 16.speela 17.eplls 18.mnea(嗨)good(好的 )morning(上午)hi fine(好的) eveninghello(喂)afternoon(下午 )(晚上) thanks(谢谢) orange(桔子)this(这个) English what ruler spelljacket quilt please name(英语) (什么) (尺子) (拼写)(夹克) (被子) (请)(姓名)三.找出不同类单词.A. quilt B. jacket C. orange D. T-shirtA. Alice B. C

6、indy C. Eric D.EnglishA. key B. evening C.afternoon D.morningA. map B. apple C.orange D. eggA. hello B. pen C. ruler D. pencilA. what B. how C. who D. spellA. bag B. pen C. bed D. orangeCDAAADD1. _ it , please.2. _ _ this _ English? 3._(它是) _ apple.4. It _ _English book.5. I _ fine .6.You _ a girl.7

7、.This _ a map.四.Exercises:填空SpellWhatisinItsanisanamareis1. Whats this , Kay?2. Good morning.3. Spell it , please.4. Hello, Frank.5. Hi, Helen!6. How are you?A.Hello, Bob!B.Im OK.C.B-O-B.D.Morning.E.Its a pen.F.Hi ! John.找朋友五.连词成句. 1.Read, morning,Ms good2.Am, I, fine _ 3.you, Dale, thank _ 4.is, my

8、, Diana,name _ 5.you, are, how _Good morning, Ms Read.Im fine. Thank you, Dale.My name is Diana. How are you?Jenny:_ Bob:_Jenny: _ Bob:_Jenny: _ Bob:_Jenny:_ Bob:_Jenny: _ Bob: _Good morning, Bob.Good morning,Jenny.How are you?Fine,thank you.How are you?Im OK. Bob,whats this in English?Spell it, ple

9、ase.Its an orange.O-R-A-N-G-E.Thank you.Youre welcome.七.书面表达.假如你是Jenny, 早上你遇见了同学Bob, 你向他问好, 并 问他橙子用英语怎么说.来吧, 试着编一个对话吧!八. 重新排列顺序1. Fine,thanks, And you?2. OK,M-A-P,map.3. Whats this ,Alan?4. Good morning,May.5. Spell it , please.6. Thank you.7. Good morning, Alan. How are you ?8. Im fine, too.9. Oh,

10、its a map.4 7 1 8 3 9 5 2 6Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English 2.Do you know what these letters mean? 分析:记住这些字母组合所代替的意思是非常重要的,希望你能不断总结,记忆。全美蓝球协会公斤厘米联合国教科文组织开关肯德基Check Homework 作业本 (1) (2) 课时训练 Starter Unit 2Homework 书面作业 (Writing work)1. 作业本 (1) Starter Unit 2 4)2. 课时训练 Starter Unit 2 Section B3. Notebook: 字母IiRr及音标一遍口头作业 (Oral work)1. 读Section B 4和 Self Check 42. 预习Starter Unit 3听磁带词汇3. 找partner到老师处自编对话


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